Chapter 48: Cream

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I watch Jace stand up from the sofa.

"I really need the toilet."

"Ok." I nod. "Its upstairs and its the first door to your left."

He smiles and walks out. Not long after he leaves the lounge Michael walks in holding two drinks. He looks at me and smiles.

"Jace left already?"

I give him a look as he places down the drinks.

"He's gone to the bathroom."

"Oh." Michael smirks.

I make a face.

"You should be careful."

"What?" He chuckles.

"You know what." I raise my eyebrows.

He stares at me.

"I heard you and Meg arguing just then."

"Yeah, I'm pissed off with her for inviting you over."

"I could tell that by how rude and sarcastic you're being." I scoff. "You're going the right way about it if you want Meghan to suspect something."

"Oh really?" Michael scoffs.

"Yeah, you don't like Jace for some reason, and you couldn't make it more obvious if you tried. Meghan is wondering why you're being like this."

"You think I'm happy about being in this situation right now? You coming over for dinner with your "friend", while we try and act normal in front of them."

"I'm not happy about it either." I shake my head.

"Then why did you come so we're in this situation? Do you enjoy it? Does you being here and knowing what we've done give you some kind of thrill?"

I raise my eyebrows.

"No. The only person who gets the cheap thrill is you. You're the one being unfaithful and sneaking around."

He rolls his eyes.

"And I'm glad I came now, because I enjoy seeing how uncomfortable you are. You should feel like that."

"Well I don't feel uncomfortable." He shakes his head.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you don't have a guilty conscience." I glare at him.

He gives me a look and then walks over to the big Christmas tree in the corner of the room. I watch him quietly as he starts to pick some ball balls out of a box and put some on the tree. I sigh and look away but then look over at him again. He looks so sweet decorating the tree.

I stand up and walk over to him. He puts a ball on the tree and looks at me. I look away from him and examine the tree.

"You need some more decorations on this side."

He looks where I'm looking and raises an eyebrow.

"I haven't got to that side yet."

I give him a look and he smiles slowly. He holds the box of decorations out to me and I show a little smile, looking in to the box. I pick some out and start hanging them on the tree. He glances at me and I look at him as the Christmas tree lights glow against our faces.

"Are you trying to make me jealous?" He asks quietly. "Is that why you're here with Jace?"

I lower my eyebrows.

"Why would I do that?"

He tilts his head to the side and smirks.

"I don't know? But you tried to with Nick."

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