Chapter 58: Nothing Can Ruin Tomorrow

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"You did what?!" Alicia widens her eyes and puts down her lemonade.

"I almost told Meg I've been fucking Michael." I frown and take a shot.

"Are you crazy?!"

"What?!" I make a face. "She was upset! And she can't marry him." I shake my head. "I want to tell her the truth. She already suspects he's seeing someone else." I sigh.

"Oh god." Alicia rubs her head. "Sam, they're getting married tomorrow-"

"Oh fuck! Really?! I had no fucking idea." I roll my eyes.

"Sam." She gives me a look. "You're drunk and you're not thinking straight. I don't want you to be the one telling Meghan everything. It should be Michael breaking things off with her."

"Well he isn't is he?! He's lying to her! I can't let him marry her after what we've done. I feel shit enough as it is, but then letting him marry her?" I scoff. "Meghan needs a man who loves her. Her life is gonna be a lie if she marries him."

"Yes, she does." Alicia nods. "But this isn't the right time Sam."

"Well when is?! For the rest of my life I'm gonna have this hanging over me." I start freaking out.

"Listen, you're going travelling remember? Just forget about them. Forget about Michael. I don't know what Michael is doing, but he's an asshole. Meghan deserves better, but so do you. I think you should stay quiet and let them do whatever they want. You said Meghan already thinks Michael is cheating, and that's all she needs to know. If she already suspects then you don't need to say anything. Let her go off at Michael, not you." She shakes her head and frowns.

I lower my eyebrows.

"You know I love him though Alicia. I can't just forget about it all like that, and I can't let Michael take all the blame for this because I've been a bitch! I deserve what I get too."

"You don't! What's happened is Michael's fault. He's played you and made you fall in love with him, and now look what he's doing. He's not going to leave Meghan! Has he even seen you or spoken to you since new years eve?"

I frown and shake my head. She sighs and gives me a look.

"You'll be away from him when you go travelling. You'll forget all about him. He's a mess! A head fuck. It will be good to get away Sam."

I make a face.

"Why the hell are you talking like you're not coming with me?"

"What?" She lowers her eyebrows. "I'm not."

"Yes you are! You keep saying when "i" go travelling, and that it will be good for me. Why aren't you saying we?"

She stares at me and I scoff.

"I fucking knew this was gonna happen." I shake my head feeling angry. "You're not coming with me are you?"

"Sam." She rolls her eyes and sighs.

"For ages we planned this Alicia! I've been working my ass off, saving everything I can and then you go jump on some dick and forget all about it! You're putting some man, who you've known for 5 minutes before me!"

"No I'm not! How can you say that? All I've ever done is put you first Sam! How many times how I been there for you recently when Michael uses your ass? And how many times have you been there for me huh? Every conversation is always about you! When have you ever asked about me, or been supportive of me and Jermaine?"

I scoff and shake my head.

"You and Jermaine?" I make a face. "That's what it's all about isn't it?" I raise my eyebrows. "That's why you want me to keep quiet about me and Michael. You don't want him knowing that you know I've been fucking his brother behind Meghan's back."

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