Chapter 10: Friendly

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I look at Alicia reading the leaflet Michael gave me.

"Reading this really makes you think." Alicia says looking up from the leaflet. "Humans need to change their shit."

"Yeah." I chuckle. "Well I'm already making a difference. I signed up to the charity."

She rolls her eyes and smiles.

"Yeah, because of Michael."

"No." I scoff and smile. "For the elephants."

"Ok." She gives me a look and giggles. "So you gave him your number?"

"No, it's for the charity."

"Yeah but, he now has your number right? He works for the charity..."

"Well... yeah... but that's his work Al. He couldn't take my number like that?"

She shrugs.

"He made you think he was single didn't he? I wouldn't be surprised if he text you." She smirks.

I roll my eyes.

"Ok, if he does that I wouldn't respond."


"Yes." I chuckle.

She raises an eyebrow and we go silent. I probably would respond... but I wouldn't be happy if he took my number like that.

"He must get a lot of people to sign up to the charity. He is an attractive guy, talking about saving animals. That alone will get a lot of female attention."

"I guess." I smirk. "He was very informative too."

"Mmm. Imagine how many girls hes charmed in to bed. How many times do you think he's cheated on his fiancee?"

I frown.

"He told me he hasn't cheated on her before."

"And you believe him? He lies to his fiancee, what makes you think he was telling you the truth?"

I nod.

"Yeah I guess so."

"And once a cheat always a cheat."

"Yeah." I nod and put the leaflet back in my bag.

Alicia presses the button to get off at her stop.

"So I'll see you tomorrow? I'll come over at 4."

"Yeah." I smile. "See you tomorrow girl."

"Bye." She smiles and makes her way off the bus.

I get off the bus at my stop and walk my way home. I get closer to my house and see Meg getting out of her car. I sigh to myself and start looking through my bag for my keys, trying to act like I dont see her. I almost reach my door, avoiding looking over in her direction.

"Hey." Meg calls over.

Damn. I stop and turn my head, looking over at her. She smiles.

"Oh hey." I show a little smile.

"Been shopping?" She asks.

I look down at my shopping bag and nod.

"Yeah, I'm exhausted though. Takes it out of you walking around."

"I know." She laughs. "But it's worth it."

"For sure." I chuckle.

"I was just going to ask if you're free next Saturday?"

I pause for a second, and widen my eyes. Why?

"Uh I think I'm working."

"Its just we are having a housewarming thing. You're welcome to come. Bring along some friends too if it will make you feel more comfortable."

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