Chapter 47: Get In To the Christmas Spirit

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"I think it would be nice to have dinner with them." Jace smiles. "As friends obviously."

I make a face.

"I don't know Jace."

"Why? What's the problem?" He chuckles.

"I just think it would be weird."

"Why? You're friends with them aren't you? What would be weird about it? The fact that I'd be there?"

"Well... maybe, yeah." I nod.

He gives me a look.

"I can go if you want? Meghan said she wanted to invite you for food."

"I know she did." I sigh. "She's been trying to get me to have food with them since they moved in... and no, I don't want you to go. You've just helped me put the Christmas decorations up."

"Ok so what's stopping you from wanting to go?"

"Nothing really." I lie.

The fact that me and Michael have been fucking each other. That might be it.

"I just think it might be awkward, and you know I don't like these situations."

Jace laughs.

"But I can go with you to make you feel better, and then at least you can say you had dinner with them."

I nod slowly.

"Yeah... maybe."

"We wouldn't have to stay long, and I guess it would be nice to take my mind off my dad for a bit longer."

I look at him and nod.

"Yeah, I guess that's true." I show a little smile.

"And it's Christmas! Get in to the spirit." He smiles.

I laugh and roll my eyes.

"I'm the Grinch according to Nick."

Jace raises his eyebrow.

"You certainly don't look like him." He smiles and looks me up and down.

I roll my eyes and smile.

"So you wanna go there for dinner?"

"Yeah." He nods. "But if you don't want to it's fine."

Half of me wants to and the other half doesn't. I guess it would be nice for Jace... even though he doesn't really know them... which kind of makes me think why he wants to go over there. I have a feeling it's because of Michael...

"Ok." I nod. "Let's go."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." I show a fake smile. "I'd like it if you were there with me."

"Ok." He shows a soft smile.

I can't believe I'm getting myself in to this situation. We leave my house and walk over to Michael and Megs. I sigh quietly and knock on their door. A few seconds after I knock the door opens. Michael looks at me and then at Jace, with a straight face. He then shows a fake smile, but doesn't say anything.

"Hi." I show a little smile.

"Michael who's that?" Meghan calls out and walks up behind him. "Oh Sam, Jace! You came." She smiles. "Come in, its freezing out there."

Michael clenches his jaw and steps aside letting me and Jace walk in.

"Its a shame Nick didn't want to come." Michael says looking at me and then Jace.

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