Chapter 23: He Is Your Ex For A Reason

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"Sam!" Meg smiles as she walks over to the sinks.

"Hey." I laugh softly.

"Its been fun tonight." She slurs. "Thanks again for inviting me."

I smile but then frown feeling bad. Shes having such a good time...

"Are you alright?" She asks.

"Yeah." I nod slowly.

"I think Jermaine and Alicia have got something going on, dont you?" She giggles.

I let out a weak laugh.

"Yeah... I think so."

She frowns.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

I glance at her and sigh.

No, I'm not ok. I fucked your fiancee, we kissed at your housewarming, and I cant seem to get over him. Michael is a lying cheat, and I hate cheats, but I like Michael and I shouldn't. I think hes the sexiest man I've ever seen. Oh, and I recently keep seeing my asshole of an ex, which is bringing back a lot of feelings and memories I dont want to be thinking about.

I show a fake smile.

"I'm fine."

She smiles and then looks down.

"Me and Michael had a bit of an argument before we came tonight."

Oh no. Shes drunk and now shes opening up to me. I clear my throat and tuck my hair behind my ear.

"Oh..." I nod.

"Over my costume." She chuckles. "I didnt mean any harm in it, but it's like hello? When are you actually gonna marry me? I'll be dead by the time we set a date."

Wow... I dont know what to say. It's not really my place to say anything. She frowns looking upset now. Fuck.

"I'm sure you'll set a date soon..." I show half a smile.

She makes a face.

"I'm not sure. It's like he doesn't want to get married."

Oh god, I really shouldn't be talking to her about this. Now I feel really shit!

"I'm sure he does..." I'm not sure...

"We've been engaged for almost two years."

Wow, how long have they been together?! I raise my eyebrows.

"I know some people have a long engagement, and I dont want to sound like a bitch but I'm ready to marry him. I dont know why we're still waiting? It's not like we cant afford it or anything. I've been trying to plan it for a while now, but theres still no date set. It took long enough for us to finally move in with each other, and now its like hes holding back the wedding."

I look down.

"Maybe talk to him..."

"Yeah, but I shouldn't have to talk to him about it you know? He should want to set a date and we should be excited about it... I dont know." She sighs. "I just love him, and I know a signature on a bit of paper doesn't define anything, but I've always dreamed of getting married."

I nod slowly.

"Yeah... that's every girls dream." I laugh softly. "I thought I was gonna marry my ex... i really thought he was the person I'd spend the rest of my life with..."

She frowns.

"Oh no. That's horrible. Were you engaged to him?"

"No." I laugh. "Thankfully not."

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