Chapter 6: Freak Out

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I pace my living room freaking out. I honestly cant think of anything worse. He cheated on his fiancee with me! And to top it off they now live right next door. I didn't know he was engaged... I thought he was single! Although he didn't say he was... but I just assumed he was! Or maybe he did mention something? I'm pretty sure he didnt because I would never of had sex with him. I dont think I saw a ring either, but it's not like i was looking for one! I want to disappear. I dont think I can take all of this. I run my hand through my hair and grab my mobile. I dial Alicia's number. Please answer Al!! It rings a few times and I sigh.

"Hello?" She answers.


"Woa what's up with you?!"

"We need to leave and go travelling now. And I mean now. I know we haven't got all of the money saved up that we need but that doesn't matter, we can think of something."

Alicia laughs.

"Calm down Sam. What's wrong?"

I sigh heavily and try to calm myself down.

"Mr Important lives next door."

"What?" She laughs.

"I'm serious. He is my new next door neighbour."

"Oh... well that's good isn't it? You can get his dick all the time now." She giggles.

"No Alicia... he is fucking engaged." I hold my head.

She stops laughing and pauses for a second.

"Wait... what?"

"He has a fiancee!! A really nice, good looking fiancee!"

"Oh... wow. What the fuck?"

"I know." I moan. "I saw her moving things in to her house, so I thought it was a good chance to introduce myself. So I go inside and we get chatting, and then Michael walks through the fucking door."

"Ooooh shit." She laughs a little bit. "What did you do?!"

"I freaked out! I mean I tried to hide it because you know... it was awkward! But I made up some bullshit and I shot out of there as quick as I could."

"Oh my God." She chuckles.

"This isn't funny Al! I dont think I can leave my house any more... I dont even want to look out of the window."

"I know.. sorry... but it kind of is. Like what are the chances of this happening?!"

"Yeah." I sigh. "I feel so bad..."

"Why? It's not your fault. You didn't know he was engaged."

"I know but still. I fucked her fiancee. I know what he is like in bed... I know what his dick looks like! And he has a real good one... shes lucky..." I moan.

"Well I wouldn't say shes lucky, considering he has cheated on her." She chuckles.

"I know." I frown. "And I know what that feels like too... I also just left the next morning while he was asleep... I feel so shit!"

"Yeah but come on, the asshole is with someone else! Dont feel shit about that. I know it's a shock, but try not to freak out. Leave it a couple of weeks and it will be fine.. I'm sure."

"Fine?! Alicia I live NEXT DOOR. I am going to be seeing them every damn day probably. This will never be fine knowing what we've done. And it sucks that she is so nice... we actually got on pretty well."

"Yeah... it's a bit of a fucked up situation."

"Yep." I sigh. "So what do you say about leaving and going travelling today?"

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