Chapter 7: Five Minutes

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I walk through the diner, hoping I dont see Chris. I keep my head down quickly walking past some customers.

"You're late." I hear Chris say.

I sigh and roll my eyes. I turn and look over at him. He is cleaning up a table.

"No shit." I mumble and go to walk in to the back room.

"What was that?" He calls after me.

I ignore him and put my stuff away. I am not in the mood. I put my hair up in a messy bun and go out to work. I clean some tables and take some orders. A couple of hours later I see Alicia walk through the diner. She smiles when she sees me and walks over to me.

"I thought you'd be in Australia by now, cuddling Koala Bears."

I give her a look and smile.

"I fucking wish." I sigh, picking up some dirty plates.

She pulls a face.

"Still feeling bad?"

"Well, yeah Alicia. Things haven't suddenly gotten better over night. He is still my next door neighbour."

"Alright, Jeez." She chuckles. "Sorry I asked."

"And I had Chris moaning at me for being late. I swear if he moans at me any more today I will lose my shit."

She giggles and raises her eyebrows.

"I think I'll let you have some space today."

I shake my head.

"No, you dont have to do that. I'm just in a bit of a shitty mood... I'll get over it."

She frowns.

"Ok... well I'll go put my stuff away and I'll see you in a few minutes."

"Yeah." I nod, and quickly go to serve a table.

Lunch time comes around and we have got really busy. I want to have my break a bit later today, so Alicia goes before me. I think she has gone off for her break as I'm cleaning a table but she quickly walks over to me.

"Sam!" She says sounding shocked.


"Table 12."

I lower my eyebrows.

"Yeah, I'll get to it in a second. I'm just cleaning this-"

"No. Look." She nods, widening her eyes over at table 12.

I sigh and pull a face. I kind of dont want to look. I turn my head slightly so it doesn't look like I'm looking. Its Michael. He is sat on his own, looking at a menu. I quickly look back at Alicia and frown. He just keeps fucking popping up every where I go! She pulls a worried look and let's out a chuckle.

"Good luck..." She says walking off.

"Oh, thanks Al." I shake my head.

She looks back at me and smiles, mouthing sorry. I'm hoping he hasn't seen me. I quickly walk off in to the kitchen and sigh. Maybe if I try hiding out in here for a little while...

"Sam?" Chris says giving me a look.

Or maybe not.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"What are you doing?"

"Alicia just went on her break... its busy out there so I came to see if anyone was free to help."

"Claire will be back from her cigarette break in a few minutes. Cant you cope?"

"No, actually. One waitress with about 50 customers to serve, you think that's ok? And I really dont think cigarette breaks are fair."

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