Chapter 30: You Might Be Right

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I close up the diner and then watch Alicia as she cleans down some tables. She looks over at me and makes a face.

"What?" She laughs.

"Nothing." I shake my head.

"What is it? I can see something is on your mind."

"Its just what Jermaine said to me earlier."

"What?" She lowers her eyebrows.

"He said you haven't said anything about going travelling with me. He seemed surprised."

"Oh, well... no, I haven't." She shakes her head. "I'm only just starting to get to know him."

"I know, but what do you two talk about then? Travelling is one of the first things I always talk about. That date I went on with Jace, i told him all about it."

"Me and Jermaine haven't even been on a date yet." She chuckles. "At the moment we are just texting. I'm not rushing in to things like I did with Tony."

I raise an eyebrow.

"So you like Jermaine?"

"Yeah, I do."

"More than you did Tony?"

She smiles slowly and nods.

"Yeah, a lot more actually."

I give her a look.

"You better not back out on me Al."

"I'm not going to." She shakes her head. "I want to go travelling just as much as you, but I want to make sure we have enough money before we rush in to it. It's a big thing to do, to just up and leave everything."

"I know, but what happens if you fall in love with him huh? Then that's goodbye to our adventures."

"And what happens if you fall back in love with Jace?"

I scoff.

"Not going to happen. Even if it did, no one is going to stop me from doing what I want to do. Especially a man."

"Well me neither." She smiles.

"Good." I smile back.

"How did Meghan take the news?"

"She was ok about it." I shrug. "But she still wants me to help with the planning and wants me to go to her bachelorette party." I make a face.

"Oh no." Alicia laughs. "I guess you cant say no to everything."

"Exaclty." I sigh. "You have to come with me so I wont feel so awkward."

"I actually love weddings." She smiles. "I love seeing the pretty decorations and looking at dresses."

I make a face.

"I'd be looking forward to it if it was anyone but Michael and Meghan."

"Yeah. Bit awkward." Alicia chuckles. "Imagine if she asked you to be bridesmaid..." She raises her eyebrows.

"Fucking hell, I hope not. She cant now I've told her I might not be able to make it. I mean, we aren't exactly best friends. She hardly knows me! No way would I accept that."

"I wouldn't either." She laughs. "When is this wedding planning thing then?"

"In a couple of weeks."

"So her friends will be there too?"

"Yeah... and probably her mom... it's like a girls get together I guess."

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