Chapter 4

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"Yeah, why don't you just stick to the vodka?" Devyn said, sitting forwards and grabbing the bottle that S had just set down. "Where are the shot glasses?" Kat asked. "I'll grab them!" I said, jumping up and sprinting to the kitchen. I found the little skull shot glasses that Colby kept in the cabinet, and went back to the couch. S already had the tequila open, turning the bottle up. "You couldn't wait?" I asked, laughing. She brought the bottle down, cringing when she swallowed. "Nope. We need to get started because I need to know what's up with you." I sighed. "Okay, 4 shots in and I'll tell you guys." I poured everyone a shot of their choice liquor, and poured myself a shot of Jack. "Are we toasting something?" Tara asked, holding her shot up. "Yeah." I nodded, holding my own up. "To amazing friends, new and old." I smiled at them. "Awww, y/n is trying to get all sentimental on us." Kat said, giggling. I rolled my eyes. We toasted, then downed our shots. "Ugh," I said, drinking my Coke behind it. "Don't be a wimp." Serena said, filling the glasses again. "Oh sh*t, give me a minute!" I cried. "Nope, 4 shots in." She said, smiling, and handing me my shot. "S, I'm gonna get sick." I whined. "No, you aren't! Come on! You can slow down after the 4th." I took the glass from her. "If I get sick, you're cleaning it up...and we aren't leaving tonight guys. We are staying put!" I insisted. "Unless the guys call." Devyn said. "To our guys!" We yelled, smiling at one another. Another shot down. 2 more back to back, and my head is a little swimmy and my face is hot. "Jesus Christ, I gotta change the AC. It's hot!" I fanned myself and got up to change the AC. "Okay y/n, 4 shots in. Quit stalling!" S yelled at my back.I ignored her for a moment and changed the temperature on the AC, making it kick on. I turned back to them and shrugged. "Colby just bought me something really nice and I wanted to show you guys, that's all." I said smiling, bouncing up and down on the balls of my feet. "BullSh*t! That can't be all it is!" Serena threw her empty water bottle at me. I dodged it and laughed. "Seriously, that's all it is. Hold on, I'll be right back." I walked to the bedroom, knowing that they were watching me. I took my ring out of my pocket and put it on my finger, admiring it a little before I walked back out. "Okay, what do you guys think?" I asked, waiting for them notice, but not showing what it was. "What? Where is it?" "What did he buy you?" "You literally didn't bring anything out." "There's nothing in your hands!" "Quit playing Y/N!" I laughed, stumbling a little because of the alcohol. "I have it on!" I cried, still laughing. "Oh...My...GOD!" Serena jumped up, and ran over to me. "Oh my God, Oh my GOD! Y/N!" She grabbed my hand, holding it up, staring at my ring. The other girls squealed, jumping up to join us. "NO HE DIDN'T!" "What in the actual hell?" "He asked you?!" I couldn't keep track of who was saying what. I was just so happy that they seemed happy for me. They pulled me back to the couch and we basically fell down, me almost on top of S because she still had my hand. She let me and sat back, sideways on the couch looking at me. "Okay, we need details! How he asked, where he asked, what you said, what he said, did you cry, did he cry...and the after sex. I need to know about the after sex." I laughed, the other girls joining in. "Damn S, breathe." I paused looking around at them. "So you guys are okay with this? You don't think it's the wrong choice or that we're too young?" Kat patted my leg and smiled at me. "Y/N, You and Colby and have been meant for each other since the start. We all noticed it." They others nodded in agreement. "Whatever you guys choose to do is your choice. It doesn't matter what we think." I shook my head. "It does though. You guys are my family. I want to know what you think, honestly." "You know that I'm all for it. You're more mature for your age than most people that I know. You've been through one horrible marriage already so you deserve some happiness Y/N." S said, taking my hand in hers. "I've never seen you more happy than you are when you are with Colby. Your age doesn't matter. If he's ready and you're ready...that's all you need." I threw my arms around her neck hugging her to me. "Thank you so much S. I love you." "I love you too babe." She replied, rubbing my back. I leaned away from her and looked at the other girls. "Sooo..." I asked, waiting. "I think you should do whatever you feel is right. Like S said, if you're both ready, then go for it." Tara replied, pouring herself another shot. I smiled. "You know Jake is the legal one right Tara?" I joked. "You shush." She said, downing the shot. I looked at Devyn. "What about you Dev? I know you and Corey have been together for so long but haven't mentioned anything about marriage. What are your thoughts?" She just beautiful soft smile at me and reached over to pat my hand. "Me and Corey are madly in love, just not ready for marriage...yet. I feel like it might not be too much longer but until then...I'm happy for you y/n. I've never seen Colby happier than he is with you." I nodded. "Thanks Dev." "Of course." She replied. I nervously turned to Kat. "Kat? I honestly wanna know what you think." She bit her lip, staring at me. "I think that what I think doesn't matter. This is you and Colby, not me and Sam." "But I want to know Kat. Please." "I think that I've known Sam and Colby a long time. I've seen Colby with a lot of different girls." I glared at her. "Hear me out!" She exclaimed. 

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