Chapter 80

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Colby and I relaxed a little longer in the pool before getting out to get something to eat before we left for the barn. "What do you want to eat?" He asked me, as we changed out of our swimsuits. I thought about it, tilting my head a little. "Uum, I don't know. I'll probably just see if your Mom has any leftovers in there. Her food is so good." I heard him laugh, so I looked up at him. "What?" He smiled, shaking his head. "You're obsessed with her food. We haven't been out to eat since we've been here." I pulled my XPLR t-shirt over my head and smiled at him. "Her food is free and it tastes soooo much better. I'm enjoying home cooked meals." I shrugged. He walked closer to me, and wrapped his arms around my waist, leaning down to press his lips to mine. "Me too." He replied, letting me go and rubbing my arms. One hand trailed down, slipping under my shirt and rested against my stomach. Ever since we spoke earlier about the baby, he would keep touching my stomach at random times. Just for a second, and he wouldn't say anything. Just press his hand against me, look at it, and smile that radiating smile that lit his face up. This time, he let his hand sit there for a few seconds longer before backing away towards the door. He grabbed a shirt that was lying on his dresser, and pulled it over his head. "I'll go find you something and bring it back. Wait here." "Wait, I was going to go down with you." I started towards him but he stopped me. "No, just wait here. I'll be right back." I huffed. I wanted to see what his Mom had down there. I was hungry. "Fine...but hurry." I stuck my bottom lip out at him. He laughed, and ducked behind the door. I finished getting ready, and brushed my hair, leaving it down because I knew that Colby liked it that way. I ran my fingers through the strands and examined my reflection. I turned sideways and ran my hand over my stomach. Soon, I was going to swell up like a freaking beach ball. Lifting my shirt, I examined the skin there, and ran my hand over it, wondering about the life growing there. What kind of person would it be? I know that I told Colby that I didn't care if we had a boy or a girl, but I couldn't help but picture a little boy, around 2 years old, waddling towards me on his chubby little legs. His curly brown hair leaving tendrils over his eyes, while his stubby fingers reached for me, his blue eyes shining at me. "What are you doing?" I snatched my shirt down, turning towards the door, my cheeks flaming. Colby was biting his bottom lip, before he wet them with his tongue, watching me intently. "Nothing. I-I was thinking about getting fat." I stuttered out, embarrassed. He had a tray in his hands, covered with different things. My mouth actually started watering looking at the layout. Cubed cheese, round crackers, baby carrots, chicken salad sitting in a bed of lettuce, grape tomatoes, and a small dish of ranch dressing in the middle. "Oh my God, Colby!" I stepped towards him as he set the tray down on the dresser. "What is all that?" "Our lunch. You can have the tomatoes though." I grabbed one and popped it in my mouth. He grimaced at me. "I don't see how you do that. That shit is nasty." I laughed, and swallowed the tomato. "No, they aren't!" "Yeah, they are. Here try this." He picked up a cube of cheese and held it to my mouth. I opened, and let him place the cheese on my tongue. My tongue touched his fingertip, as I drew the cheese into my mouth. His eyes stayed on my mouth, while my eyes stayed locked on his. Why was this simple act totally doing something for me right now? "It's good," I replied after I cleared my throat, looking away from him, back to the tray of food. "I know it is. It's Colby." I glanced back at him and he was smirking. "Really clever." I said, smiling. "You're such a dork." He smiled and leaned down to kiss me softly. "I'm your dork though." I smiled against his lips. Yes, you are Colby Brock. He stood back up and picked up the tray, walking to the bed. "Come on, let's eat." We both sat and enjoyed the meal that he had pulled together for us. It was really good, and I ate my entire share. "Oh my God, I'm full." I said, falling back against the bed, one arm over my head, while the other lay across my bloated belly. He laughed and moved the tray to the bedside table. Reaching over to me, he patted my stomach above my hand. "It's going to be so cute when you swell up." I turned away from him groaning. "Noooo, it's not. I'm gonna get fat, and get stretch marks, and be gross." He laughed softly, and lay back against the bed, pulling me too him, He rested his chin on my shoulder, and kissed my ear. "It's going to be beautiful. You're going to be beautiful." I sighed and rolled back towards him. "I love you Colby." "I love you too." He kissed my lips and pulled me closer against him. We lie there for a while, quietly, enjoying each other's company. It wasn't to long before Colby's phone went off, notifying him that he had a text. He leaned up to check it. "It's Dylan. He said for us to come early and bring liquor. Said he has a surprise for me." He raise his head, looking at me. "That kind of scares me." I laughed. "Why? Dylan seems so nice." Colby grinned. "He is. He's a good friend but these guys are just like the gang. They love their pranks. This has me nervous." He ran his hand through his hair, looking back at him phone. "Wait, you can't drink." He said, looking back at me, his blue eyes widening. "I know Colby." I said, smiling. "I don't care. I'll drive home. You can drink." I patted his leg.

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