Chapter 89

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I'm sure it's going to be a shock for everyone, but I was confident that they would support us. They always do. Sam and Colby called the other guys and they came to meet us out by the lake. They brought fireworks to set off for Independence Day. Rob seemed to be the most eager to set them off so the rest of us sat back on the bank to watch. I sat in between Colby legs on the damp grass, leaning back against him, with his arms around my waist. I let my hands rest in his and fiddled with his rings, looking up at the sky. The fireworks boomed, and I admired the crackling lights exploding, before trickling back down. The glow of different colors reflected on the lake's surface, being one of the most serene things that I had ever experienced. It seemed like the rest of the night and next day flew by and before I knew it, we were packing up to head back to LA. Colby slammed the trunk, after he and Sam put all of our stuff in there, and walked back over to me and his family. "You already said goodbye to your family?" He asked Sam. Sam nodded, his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, before I came here. They said they'll see you at your wedding." Colby grinned and turned to Gage. "Guess I'll see you soon brother." They hugged and clapped each other on the back. Gage looked at me and back to Colby. "She's good for you. Don't fu--," "Gage!" His mother interrupted. "Ooo, sorry Mom." He smiled apologetically at her, while she shook her head at him. "Don't mess it up Colby. I'm happy for you." Colby nodded and smiled before he moved to his father. "See you in a couple of months Dad." His dad enveloped him in a tight hug, before leaning back from him. "You did good kid. We'll see you soon." I noticed that Colby's eyes were getting a little red and glassy. Pretty sure he was trying really hard not to let a few tears escape. I felt the same way, just watching him say goodbye to his family. He moved to his Mom, and held her tightly, her head against his chest, tears starting to fall down her cheeks. "Don't cry Momma. I'll see in just a couple of months." She heaved a heavy breath, trying to stop a sob. "I kn-know...I'm so proud of you honey." She leaned back and stretched up on her tiptoes to kiss him on his cheek. "I love you so much Colby. You'll always be my baby boy." Damned if I didn't tear up a little. The relationship between him and his Mom was something that I hoped to achieve with my own child. I said goodbye to all of them, hugging each one in turn. "Take care of our boy." His dad said with a smile as he released me. "Kick his ass if you need too...and take photos when you do." Gage whispered in my ear, so that his mom wouldn't hear him swear. I giggled quietly. "It was so nice to meet you sweetie. You're going to make a great addition to this family. I'm so happy that my baby has finally found someone to love him the way he deserves to be loved. We'll see you soon." How did this woman make me cry every damn time she spoke? It's like her own personal super power. Sam hugged them all after me, and we all piled into the car, and started the long ride back home. It was a little easier this time, considering we had one extra driver. One would drive, one would keep the driver company, then the other would sleep. It worked out well. I enjoyed road trips so much, but after a while, you just want to be home. Especially after one as long as this. When I saw the apartment complex, I breathed a sigh of relief. I was so ready to be out of this car. We grabbed our things from the trunk and headed upstairs to our apartments. Sam dumped his stuff in his apartment, then came back over to ours. "So, have you guys decided when you're going to tell the group about the baby?" Colby started to shake his head, but I spoke up. "Soon. Like, really soon." His eyes snapped to me. "Really? Are you ready for that? For all of them?" I nodded. "Yeah, I just want to get it over with. Plus, I wanted to ask you your opinion on something." His brow furrowed, and his eyes narrowed as he looked at me cautiously. "What?" I shuffled my feet nervously. This was something that I had been thinking about on the trip home. "Well....I think I want to move the wedding up." His blue eyes widened. "Really?" My words stumbled over themselves, trying to leave my mouth. "Yeah, um, it's just, I don't want to be fat in my dress." I blushed after I said that. I know it was stupid to worry about something like that, but you're supposed to feel more beautiful than you've ever felt when you get married. I didn't think that would be possible if I felt fat. Granted, by October I would only be around 5 months...I shouldn't really be showing by then, but you never know. I didn't want to risk my dress not fitting. Colby chuckled a little, and reached for me, taking both of my hands and pulling me to him. I saw Sam smile out of the corner of my eye before he turned away and sat on the couch. Colby laced both of his hands with mine, and I looked up into his eyes. "You know you're going to beautiful no matter what, right? I don't care about any of that. You could gain 50 pounds, go bald, and wear a paper sack as a dress and you would still be the most beautiful woman in the world." Damn it Colby. Tears. He let go of one of my hands, and brought his own to my cheek, wiping the stray tear with his thumb. "I'll do whatever you want to do, but you're going to be beautiful no matter what." My heart was in a puddle at his feet, just melting from his words. 

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