Chapter 147

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Colby was pulling the door open to reveal Jake and Tara, with Sam and Kat close behind. "Brotheeeeer," Sam said, hugging him tightly, gripping the back of his t-shirt. "How does it feel to be a married man?" They released one another and Colby smirked at him. "Amazing. How does it feel to be an almost married man?" He replied, eyeing the ring on Kat's finger. "Oh shit!" I exclaimed. The rock on her hand was similar to mine, but a regular heart-cut diamond instead of a sapphire. "It's beautiful!" I ran up to her, and grabbed her in a hug, jumping up and down, squealing with her. When we stopped, she held out her hand for me to ogle over the ring. I did so for a few minutes, while Sam and Colby stood off to the side watching us. Eventually, we all made our way over to the couch and sat down. "I'm going to excuse myself and let you guys hang out. I'm getting tired anyways." My mom said, heading to her room. "Oh no, Momma, stay." I told her, feeling bad that she thought she had to leave. She smiled at me and shook her head. "No baby, I really am tired and I know y'all can speak more freely if I'm not in here. It's okay, really. I've had my share of fun for the past week anyways. All of your friends have made sure that I was well taken care of and had plenty of fun." I jumped up to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight Momma. I love you." "Goodnight baby, Love you more." Everyone yelled out goodnight to her and she returned the sentiment, then closed her bedroom door. I returned to the couch, sitting in between Kristie and Kat, Tara on the other side or Kristie, Sam on the other side or Kat. Colby sat on the other side of Sam, with Jake on the other side of him. It's a good thing that this is a big ass couch, I thought randomly. Colby caught my eye and winked at me. I smiled at him and turned my attention back to Kristie who was telling me about the fun that she had with the gang while we were away. "By the way, Mike is hot as hell," she said, "I'm just throwing that out there." "We'll be sure to let him know." Jake joked, but it didn't faze Kristie. "You do that, okay? Or better yet, I'll let him know myself." She winked as Jake's face fell slightly in confusion, and Tara busted out laughing. Even this crazy ass friend group was no match for Kristie. The doorbell rang again and Colby got up to answer it. More of our friends piled in through the door. Serena, Brennen, Corey, Devyn, and Chris, who apparently had been staying with Brennen since he knows Serena. I thought that was everyone but just as Colby went to shut the door, Kevin slammed his hand against it. "What, you trying to keep us out Colby? I thought you loved us!" Colby grinned and hugged them both. Everyone found a place to sit, either squeezing together on the couch or finding a spot on the floor. I ended up in Colby's lap again, to make room for the others. Everyone exclaimed on how much I was showing now, and how happy they were for us, asking about our honeymoon, and wanting to know how great it was, and so on, and so on. I told them a little but I kept yawning, so Colby took over as I lay my head down in the crook of his shoulder. Listening to the deep rumble of his voice, with the comfort of his arm around my waist, had me slipping off to sleep in no time, despite everyone around me talking and laughing. I was back in Hawaii, in Colby's arms while we were in the water at the beach, the waves threatening to knock us over, while we laughed. Eventually, murmured whispers broke through my subconscious but I was too far gone to acknowledge them. "I'll see you guys later. She's tired. We had an amazing time, but we never stopped going and she didn't get much rest." That was Colby's voice, I realized, feeling the rumble against my forehead since I was lying in the crook of his neck. "It's fine brother. Take her to bed. We love you guys and we'll see you tomorrow. Night." That was Sam. I heard other whispered goodbyes but I my brain was drifting in and out of a sleep filled haze that I couldn't shake free of. Eventually, it was quiet and I felt Colby's arms tighten around me, before my body shifted and he lifted me up off of the couch in his arms. I tried to speak to him, but all that came out was a sleepy murmur, and I snuggled deeper into his chest. "I've got you love." He whispered. He lay me down gently in our bed. A few minutes later, I felt him crawl in behind me, pulling me against his bare chest. His lips grazed my neck, then pulled the blankets up over us. "Goodnight, my wife. I love you always." I tried to answer. I think I answered...but I was back inside of my dream before I could be sure. I awoke the next morning, Colby's arm still locked around my waist, his head buried into my neck. I didn't want to wake him. I barely remembered last night at all but I knew that he must have carried me to bed. I had a vague recollection of that. I really didn't want to wake him...but I had to pee. I wiggled out from under his arm, being very careful, and ran to the bathroom. I was beginning to think this kid lived on top of my bladder. When I came out of the bathroom, Colby was still lying peacefully on his side, his blue and brown stands hanging over his eyes, his little known innocence shining through his relaxed face. I stared down at him for a moment, feeling my heart swell with the amount of love that I have for him. The familiar bump was felt in my stomach and I placed my hand over it. "I love him too, Noah. We love Daddy, don't we?" I replied to him, quietly, smiling to myself. 

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