Chapter 18

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There were a few more random pranks from both Corey and Jake. Sam and Colby's cars were both wrapped a million times in saran wrap. An oldie but a goodie. Mousetraps would pop up in random places after the guys would leave the apartment. Apparently, at Sam's place too because we would hear him yell "Gah Danggit!" Colby was only caught off guard twice by the mousetraps before he started carefully examining every square inch before he walked...even the shower. We were sitting on the couch facing each other, playing a game of 'Slaps,' and listening to music when we heard Sam yell again. Colby chuckled, as he tried to be quick enough to slap my hand before I moved it. "When is he going to learn to look where he steps? No one is safe right now." It was only a minute before Sam came storming into our apartment. "Okay, that's it. What are we doing to get them back? This has gone on long enough." He dragged his hand through his hair, staring at Colby. Colby looked up at him and shrugged, his hands still held out towards me for our little game. I took advantage of his distraction, and slapped his hands hard. "Ooooowww." He cried, looking back at me. "What the hell? You cheater." He said, smiling and shaking his hand. "The game was still going on. Can't help that you weren't paying attention." I smiled sweetly at him. "Why don't you guys get both of them at the same time? Something elaborate. Maybe while we are camping...and they're both drunk." I said, tapping my chin. "Even get the other girls in on it too." I turned around on the couch, so that I was facing Sam, my face lighting up as I was thinking about the prank. "We could tell ghost stories around the fire, after they are drunk. Everyone else can just be easy on the alcohol, until it's over. Then one by one, we each go off to do something, like use the bathroom, or say we're laying down in the tent. Whatever, until they are the only two left." "YEEESSS." Sam said, nodding his head. "That's perfect, especially with how scared they can get. We can make some random noises, maybe something similar to whatever stories we tell, then," Sam and Colby met each other's gaze. "SCARE THE SH*T OUT OF THEM!!" They yelled in unison and then started laughing. "We are 100 percent recording this! It's going to be too good. Thanks babe!" Colby said, still smiling hugely, leaning over to quickly kiss me. "Yeah, thanks Y/N, I'm going to go look up some scary ass stories." He left, closing the door behind him. I looked back to Colby and held my hands out, wanting to continue our cheesy little game. He laughed and we continued our game for a little while longer. Colby eventually had to go edit for his video, so I sat back and pulled out my phone, planning to waste time scrolling Insta until he was finished. Instead, Sam poked his head through the door, looking around secretively. "Where's Colby?" he whispered. I pointed up, telling Sam that he was in the loft, editing. He motioned me towards him, so I got up and followed him out the door. I closed the door softly behind and turned to face him. "What's up? What's going on?" He kind of looked to the ceiling and then back at me. "I need your help to prank Colby." He replied, blushing a little. "What? I thought you guys were being a team this time around." He nodded. "We are on some things but it's not a prank war unless we get each other. There's a couple of pranks that I've been wanting to do for a long time. One being pretending that I died...maybe I don't really need to do that one after what happened with Nick. Hmmm." He rubbed his chin, looking down at the floor. "Maybe you can do that one!" He exclaimed, looking at me, his eyes lighting up. "What? Me? I'm not supposed to be in this!" I cried. "Come on Y/N, it'll be great! I owe him something like this! Have you not seen the Killing Best Friend Prank? Or the one where he pretended to bust his head open after falling down the stairs? I need this!" Sam looked so serious that I started giggling. "You need this, huh?" I asked. He nodded, solemnly. "I really do." "Okay, I'll think about it. What's the other prank?" I asked. "Oh that." He looked down again and started shuffling his feet. "I'll need to talk to Kat, to let her know so that she doesn't freak out...of course, she kind of deserves it too, so I might not." He looked back up at me. "The Cheating Prank. Me and you. Colby catches us. Maybe Colby and Kat. I haven't decided yet." I felt like my eyebrows went up into my scalp. "Really? You really want to do that?" "I've honestly been dying to do this since they pulled it on me." "Wait, what?" I hadn't seen that video, apparently. "You haven't seen that one?" I shook my head. "Yeah, I found Colby and Kat in bed together. My reaction was...let's just say bad." I actually couldn't fathom that at all. "You actually believed it? During a prank war?" I asked, dumbfounded. I wasn't thinking straight. I saw them in bed, and I just saw red. Everything else left my mind. It being a prank didn't even cross my mind. I don't know why. I don't believe either one of them would ever actually do that but there's always the possibility." I didn't say anything for a minute, thinking about this. "This could be bad." I said nervously. "That's the point." Sam replied smiling. "I don't think they'll believe it, but they didn't think that I would either so, we'll see. Maybe we can tie this together with you 'hurting' yourself and make it one huge prank. 

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