Chapter 152

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"Will the baby be okay?" I asked. He nodded. "Yes, the baby will be perfectly fine." "Then bring me the damn shot." I grunted out as another burst of pain hit me." He headed out the door, and I squeezed Colby's hand while I bit down on my lip, drawing blood. "Fuck Baby, this huuurts," I whined, as I leaned my head into the crook of his neck. "I know baby girl, I'm so sorry. If I could take your place, I would. I hate seeing you in pain." He turned to get the wet wash cloth that the nurse had left and wiped the sweat from my face. The coolness of the clothe felt so good against my flushed face. I looked up, meeting Colby's worried gaze. "Thank you for being here, for being with me. I love you." He stilled his hand, and a small smile played against his lips. "Where else would I be? I've always followed my heart," He reached down and took my hand, pressing his lips to the pads of my fingers. "And you're my heart. I love you so so much. Even more now that I see what you're going through." He sighed. "I need to call my Momma and thank her." I laughed weakly, and another contraction hit me. Christ, they were coming super fast. This was getting to be too much. I screamed out with that one, and Colby wrapped his arms around me. When it was over, there were tears on my face. "Oh my God," I gasped out. The doctor came back in soon after, and checked me yet again. "Oh, okay. He's not being stubborn anymore." He was smiling at me. "I feel a thick head of hair trying to push through already. It's time. Have they brought you more pain medication?" I shook my head, unable to speak, my nerves finally getting the best of me. I was terrified. This pain was too much and it was just going to get worse. He pressed a button on the bed and told the nurse to bring the injection immediately. I didn't even flinch when they pressed the needle into my skin. I wanted it. I needed it to dull the sharp edged knife that kept ripping through me. My breathing was coming in short gasps now, as the doctor set my legs up in the stirrups. Colby climbed in the bed behind me, supporting my back, and whispering sweet, comforting words in my ears, as he stroked my hair. "Okay y/n, I need you to PUSH!" I pushed. I pushed with everything in me. I don't remember much except the pain, my tears streaming down my face, meeting Colby's blue gaze and seeing his own face streaked with tears. "I love you." He said, leaning back behind me. "You've got this baby girl. You're so strong." I remember screaming at him to shut up. I didn't mean it. Really, I didn't...but it hurt so bad. He helped put me in this position but he didn't have to feel any of this pain! It wasn't fair. Honestly, I didn't want him too. I couldn't bear to see him hurt. I already knew that. I was just ill and hurting, wanting this to be over. "I can't do it anymore." I sobbed, trying to recover from the last contraction and push. "You can baby. Just one more time." Colby said, pushing my hair back behind my ear. "We only need one more time and you'll have your sweet baby boy. You can do this." The doctor told me. "Come on, are you ready?" I took a deep breath. God, I wasn't ready but I nodded. "PUSH!" I pushed. I pushed harder than I ever had before, with everything I had left, feeling the pain rip through me, as I screamed and used it for extra force. Then the most beautiful sound in the world filled my ears. A crying that I automatically knew was my son. I felt a tugging at my heart, my eyes filled with tears of happiness this time. Colby got up and I watched him cut the cord, then they walked away with him. "Wait," I begged. Where were they taking him? "It's okay, baby. They're just cleaning him off. He's right over there. They'll bring him right back." Colby took my hand in his and leaned down close to my face. I was lying down now, exhausted and spent. "You did so good. So unimaginably good. I'm so proud of you. I'm so fucking in love with you." He kissed my hand, then leaned over and kissed my lips, bringing his hand to my face. "I fucking love you, do you hear me?" He asked, grinning down at me. "I love you too." I replied, wearily. I saw the nurse walking up behind Colby, a blanket wrapped in her arms. I struggled to sit up and Colby turned, seeing that our son was behind him. He helped me to sit first, the nurse fixing the bed so that I could stay that way, then they gave him our son. He looked down at him for a moment, smiling that damn smile, before laying him over onto my chest. My heart swelled so much that I thought it would burst. I pulled the blanket back a bit to look at him. There was  a head full of jet black hair, against smooth creamy skin. He had Colby's cheeks and mouth. He was beautiful. He looked like Colby only more beautiful. I hadn't thought that was possible, but it was. Proof was right here in my arms. Colby was leaning over beside me, Noah's little finger, grasped tightly around his pinky. "Little Noah," He whispered. I smiled, tears of joy streaming down my face.  "Noah Cole Brock," I said softly, gently laying my hand against his hair. His eyes opened and he stared straight at me with a bright blue gaze that made me gasp. Colby's eyes. Everything that I ever read said that baby's couldn't see well right after being born but I was thinking that they were wrong with this one. Noah's gaze was clear, and his eyes never left mine, until his Daddy spoke. "Our little boy. Daddy loves you Noah." The baby's eyes left mine and seemed to be searching for the source of Colby's voice. 

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