Chapter 71

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Johnny just keeps talking while I try to ignore his hands. My brain is clearing up even more, allowing me to feel everything, while my body stays paralyzed. More tears slip from my eyes as I have to listen to his grating voice. "You know, I was just going to make it look like I had you," His fingers trailed over my neck, and a sob escaped my throat. "Good, that means you'll be able to enjoy this as much as me. Ketamine doesn't last long, but long enough for this. I wanted to destroy Colby, always thinking he was better than me. Him and Sam both. Leaving this town, always shoving it in our faces. With their stupid videos and fame. It was easy to talk Tessa into helping me. She was pissed...oh so pissed that Colby turned her down. He's never turned her down before. I think he hurt her little feelings." He laughed, sending terror chills down my body. "She was  so eager to help split you guys up. Didn't like the idea of drugging you, but wasn't too hard to talk her into it." He pressed up against, rolling his hips into me. "They're all so easy to manipulate when they're scared." I closed my eyes against, trying to ignore his body, and his voice. I needed my happy place. "Y/n!?" Oh, I must really be in my head. Could've sworn that I just heard Colby's voice. "I'll kill you, you sick f*ck!" Wait, is he here? My eyes flew open as I felt Johnny's weight leave the bed. Panicked blue eyes met my own, as a sledgehammer sized fist connected with their owner's jaw, slinging him back against the wall. Colby crashed against the wood for a second and shook his head, dazed. Then he launched himself into Johnny with enough force to take him to the ground. Dylan was standing in the corner, skating the walls, headed towards me. He scooped me up into his arms and I tried to move, to tell him to let me go, to help Colby. Colby was strong but Johnny was huge and crazy. My head fell to the side with the movement of Dylan's arms as he headed to the door with me. The last thing I saw before he carried me out of the room was Colby and Johnny rolling around on the ground, Johnny's fist coming back, then aiming towards Colby's face. Then the cool night air surrounded me, clearing my head a little more. If only my damn body would do something. I tried to speak again, managing to get out some kind of strangled moan. "It's okay doll. I got you." Dylan tried to comfort me. I heard sobbing and thought it was me for a moment, before I realized that we had closer to a few parked cars. Dylan opened the door to one of them and gently set me inside, leaving the door open. "Tessa, get the f*ck off of Colby's car. NOW." It was Tessa crying. "Dylan, you have to listen to me. You know how Johnny is. He said he would hurt me if I didn't help him. I didn't want to but I was scared." Her voice was catching and breaking with every other word. "MOVE. Get the f*ck away from y/n now. I have to go back and make sure that Colby doesn't kill Johnny. I don't trust you out here with her so MOVE." 

Colby's POV

I peeled up into the grass next to the old barn, slamming on my brakes. Dylan was sitting in my passenger seat, all color drained from his face, his knuckles white from grasping the safety handle so hard. "F*ck Colby, living in LA teach you how to drive like that?" He gasped, breaking his grasp from the bar, and stretching his fingers. I didn't answer, just slammed the car into park, and jumped out, running as fast as I could go. Dylan had tried to calm me down, but my anxiety was back, along with the pit in my stomach telling me that something wasn't right. I still couldn't get Tessa or y/n to answer the damn phone. I needed to see her. My eyes were trained on the door but I saw movement from the corner of my eye. When I focused on it, I saw Tessa coming around the corner of the building. "TESSA!" Her head snapped up and her frightened eyes latched onto mine. "Where is she?" I balled my hands into fists, walking towards her. She took a step back placing her hand over her mouth. "I had too Colby. I didn't," She tried to mutter out something but I wasn't concerned with any of it, other than where in the hell y/n was. I pushed her back against the barn wall, and slammed my fist into the wood beside her head. "Where. The. F*ck. Is. She." I spit the words at her, through clenched teeth. I had never hit a woman, and I wouldn't...but it was taking all I had not to pick her up and throw her ten feet across the damn yard. She started crying and pointed towards the back of the bard. The old storage room. I knew exactly where he had her. What if I'm too late? I took off running again, drifting the corner of the building. What is he even doing with her? If he hurts her in any way, I swear to God, I'll kill him. I ran straight into the door, breaking the piece of wood that keeps it latched. I heard the wood splinter around me from the force that I used to bust through but my eyes were focused on the dingy little mattress in the corner of the room. First my heart dropped. "Y/n!" She was lying there, clothes in just her underwear, Johnny on top of her in his boxers. His head snapped back to mine, when he heard me. "Colby, could you give us a minute? Kinda busy right now." His lips twisted up in a sneer. I looked past him, to find her eyes. Her face was streaked with tears, and her eyes were wide with fear. There was something wrong with her though. 

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