Chapter 43

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"It's you and me babe. Always." He replied in a raspy voice, laying his forehead against mine. My eyes met his and I saw so much love in his gaze, it took my breath. He took advantage of my parted lips and pushed me back into the dresser, taking my mouth with his. I felt his hands knot into the back of my shirt, while his mouth broke away from mine and started on my neck. My breathing was picking up, coming in short pants now. My hands were already fisted in hair, so I pulled, earning a groan from him. The bedroom door opened and we heard, "Colby, dinner is ready and your....." Colby snatched away from me, putting at least 2 feet of distance in between us. Mrs. Brock was standing in the doorway to his room, holding extra blankets and pillows, with her mouth hanging open. "Oh..." She gasped out, a small smile forming on her face. "Sorry to interrupt. I'm not used to Colby having girls in his room." I was barely able to keep the short laugh in as I looked at Colby to see his face burning red. He took the things from his Mom, and laid them on the bed. "Thanks Momma." She leaned up on her toes to kiss him on the cheek. He was so much taller than her. "You're welcome baby. I just wanted to tell you that dinner is ready and your Dad just got home. He's eager to see you." She turned back to the door, and smiled at me. "At least I know that I'll have grandbabies soon." Then she walked out. My mouth dropped open in surprise. "MOM!" Colby yelled, his eyes wide with a look of horror on his face. She didn't reply and disappeared down the stairs. "Oh my God." He said, pulling his hand over his eyes, then dragging it down his face. I started giggling nervously. That was terrifying to think about but at least she liked me so far, I guess. He jerked his head towards me, meeting my gaze. "It's not funny." He face was stoic, mouth drawn in a straight line, eyes narrowed, cheeks flushed with giggle turned into a hard laugh within seconds, tears threatening the corners of my eyes. He chewed on corner of his bottom lip before his expression broke and he smiled at me, chuckling a bit. I wiped my eyes. "Your mother is amazing." I said, trying to catch my breath. He walked towards me and put his hais arm around my shoulders. "I know." He said fondly. We walked down the stairs and into the dining room. Mrs. Brock had went all out on the meal. Spread out on the massive table was mashed potatoes and gravy, homemade macaroni and cheese, and snap beans. What caught my eyes the most though, was the big platter sitting right in the middle, filled with crispy fried chicken. I think my mouth legit started watering. It had been so long since I had a meal like this. "It looks amazing Mrs. Brock." I said, sitting in the chair that Colby pulled out for me. "Thank you dear. Save room for dessert." She pointed towards the kitchen, where a mountain of freshly baked cinnamon rolls were sitting, with the icing just dripping down the sides. I was going to be fat by the time I left this place. "Dad, this is Y/N, my...fiance." I looked to the head of the table, noticing for the the first time the man stood up. He seemed to be a little taller than Colby. He had dark hair like his son with flecks of gray. His eyes were kind, behind his thick framed glasses, but his smile...that was the smile that I fell in love with. That big beautiful smile. I was transfixed for a moment, admiring how exactly alike his was to Colby's. His cheeks lifted in the same way, reaching his eyes, the crinkles at the corners of his mouth maybe a little more define because of age. Colby cleared his throat and I realized that I was staring. I felt my face flame up. I took the hand that Mr. Brock was offering me to shake. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare. It's just your son has your smile. Your exact smile." His eyes twinkled at me and he let go of my hand. "It's quite alright y/n." He looked at Colby who was looking down at me, smiling softly. His dad nodded like he understood something before he spoke. "Well, give you dad a hug." Colby rolled his eyes, but he smiled and leaned in to hug his father. Mr. Brock slapped him on the back a couple of times then released him. They both sat down and waited on his mom to sit. "So how was the trip?" His dad asked him, making small talk. "It was fine. Nothing incredible. Just the same old trip." Colby replied. "What about you, y/n? What do you think of our small town?" I smiled. "I think it's beautiful. It's peaceful and serene." He smiled while Colby made a gagging noise. I elbowed him in the side. "Shut it." I said quietly, but I'm pretty sure his dad saw me. His mom sat down finally, and we started passing around the food to put on our plates. I didn't want to seem like a pig but I was starving and all of this looked soooo good. My plate ended up being completely full, and Colby laughed at me. My cheeks flamed up. "I'm hungry." I said in my defense. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "They are definitely going to love you." He whispered in my ear. I caught his mom staring at us, smiling. I hope they do. They started asking me a lot of questions about where I was from, about my parents, little odds and ends about myself. I felt like it was an interview but from very sweet people. I understood. They didn't know me and I was joining their family. I was about to answer another question when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." Colby said, jumping up before his parents could. "Oh my God, Tessa!" I heard him exclaim. 

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