Chapter 69

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"Uuuugh...Tessa got y/n from my house, said she was taking her to get meds cuz she was sick. I've tried to text and call both of them and I just keep getting voicemail." He motioned me to come inside. "Come on, come sit down. I still have to get ready for the party. Let's see if we can figure something out." I walked past him, my movements jerky from anger and anxiety. "I need to find her. I feel like something is wrong man. I can't shake it." I slumped down on the couch and put my head in my hands. Dylan put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure she's okay brother. Tessa can be a little crazy but she's not going to hurt her. Plus, y/n had to leave with her voluntarily right? Tessa couldn't force her to go with her." Okay, that made sense. Tessa was upset because I wouldn't sleep with her, and she could be a little moody, but she wouldn't hurt a fly. Plus, I knew y/n could take Tessa down easily if she needed too. She had fire in her. I lifted my head and nodded. "Yeah...yeah, okay. You're right. I need to calm down and think about this. Let me try to call her again." Dylan patted my shoulder a couple of times and nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure she's fine. Maybe they went to talk things out." I still had that pit in my stomach though. I really don't like not being able to get in touch with her...I know that I'm overprotective most of the time, but the whole episode with Nick got me messed up. I just needed to know that she was safe. I dialed her again, knowing that she wouldn't answer. "Y/n, please call me back. Please let me know you're okay. I need to know that you're okay baby. Just call me back. Please. I love you." My voice was breaking, my emotions coming through by the time I said I love you. I slammed my phone down on the couch. "Damn it!" Dylan jumped a little at my outburst. "Damn man, calm down. I don't think I've ever seen you this worked up." I ignored him and checked the time on my phone. 8 pm. The party started in an hour. Maybe they would be there. I called my Mom really quick to see if she came back home. "Hey baby, did you find y/n and Tessa?" Well that answered my question. I didn't want to worry her though. "No ma'am, but I think I think I know where they are. We're gonna be home late tonight, okay?" "That's fine. Just be careful and have fun." I closed my eyes. Yeah, fun. "Love you Momma." "Love you baby." "Was Tessa planning on going to the party?" I asked him, running my hand through my hair again. It was going to  fall out if I didn't stop. "Yeah, she was supposed to meet Johnny there. Said she had something to do first though. You know, her and Johnny are usually there early. Maybe we can meet em there and see what's up." "Okay, let's do that. Go get ready." He cocked his eyebrow at my demand but didn't say anything. I was thankful that he didn't. 

(Y/N's POV)

I just wanted to sleep but Tessa wouldn't leave me alone. "Stooooop." I whined...or at least I thought I did. I'm not sure anymore. My mouth isn't working right. "Come on y/n, you gotta get up. Colby said for you to come meet him at the barn." Colby wanted me to meet him? "Come on, I'm gonna help you. Try to hold on to me, okay?" Tessa, I think something is wrong. There's something wrong with me. Please take me to Colby. These thoughts were running through my foggy brain, but I couldn't grasp onto any one thing. Everything was just so weird. My eyes fluttered open, when Tessa hoisted me up, throwing my arm around her neck. She grabbed the belt loop on my pants and helped me stand. My body felt so weak but I tried to hold on to her the best that I could. Please take me to Colby. I wish that I could make the words come out of my mouth. My feet shuffled slowly across the floor as she pulled me with her. "Where's Colby?" I asked, my tongue feeling 5 times too big for my mouth. It came out more like "WhsssClyy," which didn't make any sense. After what felt like forever, she tilted me into another seat. I think it was a car but I can't be sure of anything right now. She was taking me to Colby. I drifted in and out during the ride, snatches of her conversation with someone stealing into my subconsciousness. "Yeah Johnny, I'm on the way. What did you give me to give to her?" She gave me something? Why is she talking to Johnny? What is going on? "I don't like it. She's really out of it." I'm so confused right now and the movement of the car is making me sick. Wait..did she give me something? Some kind of drug? What if I'm...I didn't even want to say the word to myself. I couldn't be. I'm on the pill. The movement stopped and then Tessa was lifting me out, calling for someone. "Johnny, come help me. She's just dead weight now." I felt someone else's hands on me, lifting me up and into their arms. I didn't like it. This person was sweaty and smelled of weed and stale beer. Ugh. My stomach is turning. Soon enough I was dropped onto something soft. "Could you be a little easier? Jesus." That was Tessa. My brain was clearing a little now. I tried to move and and speak again, but all that came out of my mouth was a groan. "The effects don't last long. I need you to go to my house and get another dose." I remember that voice. That gravelly, sinister voice. So I wasn't dreaming and she brought me to Johnny. 

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