Chapter 94

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He swatted my ass, then walked out to give me my privacy. When I was finished with my morning routine, I picked out my clothes for the day, checking my reflection in the mirror. I pulled my shirt tight against my belly to see if there were any noticeable differences. Nothing yet. That was good. The only actual sign that I was pregnant so far was the sickness and all the crying. Which, with everyone being so damn nice, I was bound to cry anyways. Colby, who had been in the shower, walked into the room then, nothing but a damn towel around his hips. I guess I really never would get used to this. He was going to have to stop doing this when he baby came. I couldn't concentrate with him looking like eyes trailed over his chest, and down his abdomen, following the drops of water that soaked into his towel...before I heard a deep chuckle and my eyes snapped back to his. There was a smug grin across his face, before he sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and bit down. Asshole...he knows. "What are you doing?" He asked me, his eyes cutting down to my hands stretching my shirt against my stomach. I released the fabric, and met his gaze. "I was seeing if there was difference yet." "There is," he replied, walking over to me, shaking his towel dried hair out, sending water droplets flying. "What?!" I pulled my shirt tight against my belly again, trying to see what he saw. He stood behind me, watching me in the mirror as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back against his naked chest. "You're getting me wet Colby," I complained, feeling the water soaking through my shirt. His mouth curled up, and he smiled while biting his lip, his eyes glinting at me in the mirror. "Oh, that is soooo NOT what I meant, you perv!" I exclaimed, meeting his gaze in the mirror. It's not what I meant but...especially when he dipped his head down to scrape his teeth along my neck before gently biting down. I sighed and leaned my head back against him. He brought his head back up and met my gaze again. "You're glowing. You've always been beautiful to me, ever since the first night I saw you in Sam's doorway...but now," He moved both of his large hands and splayed them out over my stomach. "Knowing that you are carrying our child, that you are willing to put yourself through the bad things that comes with that, knowing that you love me and our child enough to do have never been more beautiful than you are right now." Well, he certainly had a way with words. I didn't know if I should be turned on because he said all of this while looking like that, or if I should be in a melted puddle at his feet from the sentiment. Instead, I chose to act like it wasn't affecting me. I smiled softly at him in the mirror, and covered his hands with my own smaller ones. He hadn't put his rings back on yet, so I only felt the smooth skin of his hands. "You thought I was beautiful the first time you saw me?" He nodded, still holding my gaze, before he spun me around to face him. "I did. I opened the doorway, expecting to see one of our friends or another nameless face that Sam had invited. Instead, I came face to face with this shy, gorgeous creature, who stood there nervously, twisting her fingers, as she tried not to look into my eyes." He laughed, and the sound reverberated throughout my body. I shivered from the after effects. "I knew right then that I had to know you. I had to hear your voice again. After I grabbed your hand to make you dance with me, even though I can't dance, I knew that I had to get you to let me hold your hand again. Then the kiss." He dropped one of those on the sensitive skin between my shoulder and my neck. "The first kiss in that room full of people...I forgot they were there. I prayed that you would let me do that again. Then you said yes to leaving with me. I thought I had to be the luckiest guy in the world at that point...but the moment that I knew that you were special," He moved to the other side of my neck and kissed the shell of my ear, before letting his warm, wet tongue move along my earlobe. "That was when we were making out. I was going for it...but you stopped me. You told me no. Then you thought that I would be mad at you, and I could see that something had happened to you before. I wanted to know your secrets and I wanted you to trust me with them." "I did trust you with most of them...the same night." I said softly, as I dropped my head to the side to give him better access to work his magic. He nodded against my skin. "You did...and I couldn't get you out of my head after that. It was weird." He lifted his head to meet my gaze. Those blue eyes burned into my very soul. He always had an intense gaze but damn...I was going to have to be put on oxygen if I had to live my life forgetting how to breathe. "I never had that before...not since Tes," He stopped himself. "Not since I lived in LA. I thought that I was too damaged for it to ever happen to me again so I quit looking for it. Then you showed up." He pressed his lips against mine softly, then more dominantly, his mouth trying to take control of mine, his hands pressed against the small of my back, crushing me against his naked chest. By the time he pulled away, our breathing was erratic and broken. "You made me remember what love was, and I wanted more." I was speechless. I honestly did not even have words to put together into a sentence to express to him the amount of love that I felt for him. I didn't need them though. 

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