Chapter 83

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Colby pressed his index and forefinger above his eyebrows and pinched. "This is going to be a long night." He said, before bringing his cup to his lips, turning up the liquid inside. The guys connected one of their phones to a large bluetooth speaker that was next to the drink table and blasted the music so loud, I felt the thump beneath my feet. Damn, I really want to drink. Sam and Colby were acting like they hadn't seen each other in forever, even though it had barely been a week. They were reminiscing with the other guys, talking about stupid things each of them had done in the past. "Do you remember when Rob stole Derek's clothes, while he was in the shower at gym?" Sam asked. Rob started laughing and Derek blushed. "That was not cool man. I had to run to the lost and found, with nothing but a towel covering me. You know Allison caught me too." "Oh shit, I forgot about that!" Colby laughed out, his cheeks turning red from the amount of alcohol that he was drinking. I wasn't speaking very much. There was no need. I could tell that Colby was having a great time with his friends, and I was enjoying listening to the old stories of when I didn't know them. This went on for a few hours. The talking, the laughing, even the guys doing stupid dance moves. Jackson was pretty good. He had skills and might be able to give Corey a run for his money. Colby glanced over at me, then leaned close to my ear. "Are you having fun?" I smiled, and nodded. "I am. I'm enjoying hearing about how dumb and funny you guys were." He smiled, just one corner of his lips turning up. He kissed my cheek, then walked off towards the drink table. "So y/n, what do you think? Do we know how to party in Kansas?" Dylan asked, turning his own drink up. They were all getting pretty tipsy by now, their cheeks turning red, and a slight clumsiness to their movements. I laughed. "You definitely do! I'm having a good time." I really was. It wasn't the loud, non-stop, partying that we did back in LA, but more laid back. It was still loud, but we didn't have to speak over the music very much, I guess because the barn was so large. "Why don't you get you a drink y/n?" Sam asked, nudging me with his shoulder. "I'll make sure that we get home okay. We can call Gage or my brother. Someone will come help us out." I blushed and looked down. "Nah, that's okay. I don't really feel like drinking tonight." Well, that was a whole lie. I looked back up at Sam to see if he bought it. He just looked shocked. "Since when do you not feel like drinking?" He teased. I laughed but was saved from saying anything when Colby walked back up, a drink in one hand, pulling a metal chair with the other. "Here," He said, setting it up for me to sit down. "You're probably tired," Okay, this was sweet, but I didn't want to sit down with all of them standing around me. They were already taller than me. My neck would be hurting in minutes looking up at all of them. Colby must have seen the hesitation on my face, because he sat in the chair, then pulled me down into his lap. He buried his face in my neck, then left a single, hot, open mouthed kiss on the area below my ear. I shivered, feeling his breath, and the contact of his lips against my skin. I would blame it on hormones but he always had this effect on me. "I just can't get over how damn cute they are!" Dylan exclaimed, clapping his hands together, like an excited school girl. "Oh he's got it so bad bro." Sam said, shaking his head. "You're one to talk." Colby retorted. He had his hand on my back, rubbing in small circles, while his other hand rested on my thigh. "Kat has you on lock. You can't say anything." Sam's eyes widened. "No she doesn't. I do what I want, when I want." Colby and I just looked at him, narrowing our eyes a little. "Should I call Kat right now? It's been a few days since I've spoken to her. I'm sure she would love to hear this." I said, teasing him, and pulling out my phone. "Maybe you should wait to call her. I'm sure she's busy right now." He said, sucking his lips into his mouth. "Yeah, sure." I said smiling, and putting my phone back up. "You know you've got it just as bad as I do." Colby laughed out. Sam pursed his lips to one side and fixed his hair. "Maaaaybe." He replied, then sighed. "Yeah, you're right. I'd do anything for that girl." I smiled, wishing that I had recorded him, and the faraway look on his face when he said that. He was so in love. Was that the way Colby looked when he talked about with his friends, and I wasn't around? I hope so. "Okay, looking at you guys is making me lazy...sad that I don't have a girlfriend, but mostly lazy. I need a chair." Jackson said, walking towards the chairs. "Anyone else?" He called out. The other guys agreed and everyone weht to grab a chair and pull it back over. Sam set his up beside Colby and I, while Dylan sat on the other side. The other guys finished forming a circle around us. Colby squeezed my leg to get my attention. "You feeling okay?" He asked. I met his eyes and smiled softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, turning in his lap. My hands came up to play with the hair at the back of his neck. "I'm fine baby. Stop worrying so much. Just enjoy yourself." He let his head drop against my shoulder for a moment, before raising his eyes back to mine. "I always worry about you. You know that...but it seems to be intensified and I can't stop myself. I feel like something might happen to the baby      if--" Wait, WHAT?!" Fuck. 

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