Chapter 59

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"Not gonna say hey to me, old friend." The guy's voice was nice enough, smooth and deep, but I felt like there was some kind of warning under his tone. I looked at him again, trying to see if I seen any malice in his face. I didn't. His warm brown eyes, were shining at us, his lips curved up in a sincere grin. Colby stiffened and turned, sitting down on the love seat and pulling me onto his lap, before answering. "Looked like you had your hands full Johnny." He said, his voice casual, but I heard the slight strain underneath. I wondered if anyone else could. Johnny, who I noticed now, had multiple tattoos across his tan skin, snaking in and out of his shirt, down his arms, and up over his burly neck. He was muscular, showing it off with the cuffs of his shirt rolled up over his biceps, straining against the material. His hair was short and wavy, a dirty blonde color. I might almost think he was cute if I didn't know what a prick he was. Tessa met my gaze and gave me a smile, shifting herself on Johnny lap. I gave her a shit eating grin, nuzzling my lips against Colby's neck, then looked back at her. I saw her eyes flash for a second, but then she turned her eyes to Colby, listening to his and Johnny's conversation. Johnny chuckled at Colby's words, smacking Tessa on the thigh making her jump and shriek. "I guess I do." He took the blunt that was passed to him and hit it hard, inhaling deeply and holding, before he blew the smoke towards the dingy ceiling. "So how've you been Colby? Looks like life is treating you good with that sweet little number in your lap." I felt Colby's arm's stiffen around me, drawing me closer against his chest. "Yeah Johnny. Life is pretty f*cking perfect right now." Johnny chuckles again, and I see his eyes look me up and down, like he's trying to see through my clothes. "Guess you owe me for f*cking Tessa when you were with her then, huh?" I heard the sharp intake of breath from Colby, and felt the rise of his chest. He clenched his fists tightly, the knuckles turning white for second before he released them. He visibly relaxed, and and rubbed his hand along my thigh, before bringing it up behind my neck, pushing my face towards his. When our lips connected, he crushed his mouth against mine with a fever, taking his time, letting his tongue do wicked things inside my mouth. I forgot that we were being watched my multiple people and a whimper escaped my mouth, when Colby pulled away, smiling like he had just won the biggest prize in the world. My breathing was labored and I could tell that my lips were swollen from him ravaging my mouth that way. Tessa looked livid while the other guys on the couch and Dylan cheered for Colby and yelled obscene phrases that had me blushing in no time. "Yeah, I owe you the f*cking world man cuz there is nothing better than this right here." Colby's eyes were flashing, and there was a glint of steel in his eyes that I wasn't used to seeing. It was actually kind of hot to see him get riled up like this, but I didn't like the way this guy was trying to bait him. Johnny glared for a second, apparently disappointed that he didn't get the rise out of Colby that he wanted, but it quickly changed to a huge grin crossing his face as he threw his head back with laughter. The guy was confusing the shit out of me. One second he's being the world's biggest prick, the next, he's acting like they're best friends. "Good to know brother, good to know. Bygones then?" Johnny asked, raising his eyebrows at Colby, questioningly. Colby sucked his lips in for a moment before he nodded, repeating "Bygones." Feeling the tension dissipate in the room, one of the other guys spoke up. "So what's your name sweetheart, since Colby doesn't seem to want to tell us?" He had strawberry blonde hair, and a goatee to match, his hazel eyes twinkling at me, while he pulled on his cigarette. "Shit, sorry." Colby ran the hand that wasn't on my thigh through his hair, before smiling at me. "This, my old friends, is the love of my life, my soon to be wife, y/n. Y/n, you met Dylan, this is Rob," he pointed to the guy with the strawberry blonde hair, "This is  Jackson," he pointed to a dark skinned guy, with warm, chocolate brown eyes, and dark hair cut close to his head, "and this is Derek." The quiet guy sitting on the far end of the couch, with shaggy brown hair, streaked with what looked like strands of gold, freckles across the bridge of his nose, and a sweet demeanor to him. He met my gaze with his own blue one, and raised his fingers in a silent greeting. I smiled timidly at all of them, and raised my hand. "Nice to meet you." I replied politely. "Ha! At least this one has some manners, unlike some of the....others you've been with," the one called Jackson laughs out, looking pointedly at Tessa, who scowls and flips him off. The rest of the guys just laugh as Jackson pretends to be hurt, placing his hand on his chest where is heart is. I smirked, relishing in the fact that she was the butt of their joke. I've been trying not to think about her texting Colby, so that I don't ruin his already strained night with his friends...but if that bitch looks at him like that one more time. Like she heard my thought, her eyes cut back to me. She smiles slyly, then her eyes rake over Colby like he's a tall glass of water and she's stuck in a f*cking desert. My timidness snaps and I see red. "Problem?" I snapped at her, drawing her gaze back to mine. 

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