Chapter 75

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He met my gaze and furrowed his eyebrows. "No, she's on the pill." The nurse nodded and smiled. "The pill isn't one hundred percent effective. When was your last period?" I told her, and her eyes met mine again. "Is it okay if we perform a pregnancy test to check?" I nodded, and swallowed hard. Shit. She took a few more pieces of information from me, said she would be right back, and walked out, closing the door behind her. I finally looked back at Colby. He was sitting back in the chair, one leg straight out in front of him, the other bent at the knee. He had his arms crossed over his chest, and was chewing on the corner of his bottom lip. "Colby?" His eyes shot to mine, and he released his lip from between his teeth, letting out a breath. "What if I am pregnant? What are we going to do?" I asked quietly, worried about his reaction and our possible future. I wasn't ready for a kids. I knew that Colby would be a wonderful father one day, but I really didn't think that I was ready for a baby. My voice broke, and tears threatened to spill over my bottom lids. Colby stood up and came to the bed, sitting next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. He pulled me into his chest, and stroked my hair down my back. "We'll figure it out. Don't worry. Let's just wait and see what the test says." He pulled back from me, his blue eyes flicking in between mine. "I love you, you know that right?" I nodded, and wiped my cheeks with the back of my hand. "This is just so much all at once. I'm not ready to have someone else's life in my hands." I laid my head against his chest. "I can barely take care of myself." I laughed out. "Whatever happens. We'll figure it out." He pulled me away from his again, and kissed me softly. "For the record though, you'll be a great mom when the time comes." Mom...I just can't be. The nurse walked back into the room, and motioned for me to follow her. "Let's get your blood work done." I followed her out of the room, smiling at Colby timidly, and walked to another room with a chair that looked like an old school desk. The kind where it had the arm rest wrapped on one side. I took a seat and held my arm out straight, waiting for the slight pinch. "How big is the chance that I'm pregnant if I'm on  the pill?" I asked her, my voice wavering. She looked at me sympathetically, realizing that I was scared. "Not very big. The pill works about 98% of the time. There's just always that small chance that it didn't. Nothing is full proof, except not having sex." She tightened the tourniquet around my upper arm and tied it. Smiling at me, she winked and said, "I don't really think abstinence will be something you consider with that cutie out there waiting for you." I didn't realize that I was holding my breath until the laugh blew out from between my lips. She had to have been in her 50's at least, and she was talking to me about having sex with Colby. "There's that smile. Just try to calm down sweetie. Don't worry about things until you need too. It'll give you wrinkles." We finished up with that, and she pressed the gauze to my arm, wrapping the tape over it. I followed her back to the previous room, where Colby was still sitting in that chair, his leg jumping nervously. As soon as we walked in, he asked the nurse, "How long will it take before we know?" "It usually takes a few hours, plus the doctor has to check for the drugs that are or were in her system. I'd say get comfortable because you're going to be here for a little while. Maybe go to the cafeteria and bring your girlfriend back something to eat, if you want. We aren't supposed to allow food in here, but it'll be our little secret." She winked at him, and I couldn't help but smile. I guess he had that effect on women of all ages. His cheeks reddened, when he realized that she was slightly flirting with him. "Thank you," he mumbled, looking down at his lap. His hair was curly now, dried that way after being sweaty. A few random curls going down over his forehead, blue and brown combined. His cheeks still red from being embarrassed and his hands in his lap, twirling his rings around his fingers. He looked like a lost child, not sure what to do with himself....and I couldn't be more in love with him. The nurse chuckled. "I'll check on you in a little while. Feel free to take a nap and get some rest." She left and I let out a small giggle. "What are you laughing about?" Colby asked me, his eyes meeting mine. "You got embarrassed because she thinks you're cuuuute." "Shut up y/n," He replied, smiling at me. "Be careful with that smart mouth or I might run away with her." He came to sit on the bed with me, pulling me close against his chest and kissing the top of my head. "She'd bring you back," I replied, looking up at him. He moved back on the bed, laying down and pulling me with him, my back against his chest, one arm under my neck, the other draped over my hip, pulling me closer. "Why is that?" "Because you're annoying." I laughed softly, yawning right after. He chuckled in my ear, and my exhausted body still tingled with the feeling of his breath blowing over my sensitive skin. Goosebumps erupted along my neck as he placed a kiss  in the space below my ear. "Get some rest baby." He whispered. "I love you." "I love you." I whispered back, closing my eyes. I really was exhausted. This had been a hell of a night, and it still wasn't over yet. I would worry about that later though. Right now, I just wanted to feel safe in his arms, and forget everything except him and I. 

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