Chapter 40

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"You're a creeper." I said laughing. He shrugged. "I like to watch. What do you want from me?" Colby turned sideways so that he could look at Sam. "Bro!" They both started laughing and we went to sit on Sam's couch. Colby laced his fingers with mine and rested our hands on his knee. "Do we have enough for the video?" He asked Sam. "Yeah, we just need to do the outro, but we can do that later today." Colby nodded, and looked at me. "So when are we going to visit the parents?" I laughed a little nervously. "I guess as soon as possible. That way we can soothe any ruffled feathers, if needed." He leaned back into the couch, and shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm not worried about it. Your mom will love me." I let out a half laugh, and smirked at him. "The thing is, you probably aren't wrong." I leaned over to kiss his cheek, then playfully bite his earlobe. "I can't imagine any female not loving you." He growled, low in his chest, the rumble sending shivers down my spine. "You can't do that here or Sam will watching something else." "Okay, no. I was just kidding. You guys are not starting that up in here." Sam let out a huge sigh. "Can't you ever be anywhere for longer than 10 minutes without trying to get each other naked?? It's exhausting." Colby and I started laughing at his pained expression. "Sorry Brother. It just seems to happen." Sam just smiled and shook his head. "You guys are like hormone riddled teenagers." This made me laugh harder and I snorted, covering my mouth and nose quickly with my hand, my face turning red. Sam and Colby looked at me, their eyes wide with surprise, then burst out laughing. The stupidest things would make us laugh when we were all together, but that just made it funnier. After calming down, I wiped the tears from eyes, and looked over at Colby. "My mom won't fly alone so we will need to bring her back with us for the wedding when we go visit her. Maybe we can see your Mom soon, and then go get mine before the wedding, spending a few days at her house?" He smiled so sweetly at me, reminding me of how much I loved him. His blue eyes were clear and bright, his smile bringing his cheeks up, and his dimples popping out. "That sounds perfect. I can't wait for Mom to meet you. I'll call her now." My heart skipped a beat. "Like right now?" I asked, nervous as hell. He laughed. "You aren't meeting her right now, I'm just...well, I should be scared. I'm just telling her that I've been engaged for a short while and that I'm getting married in a few months...yeah, it'll be fine though. It's fine." His face had gone a little pale, but started making the call, standing up and walking around the kitchen and living room area. Sam and I made small talk while he was on the phone but I kept getting distracted by trying to hear what Colby was saying to his Mom. I had spoken to her before, when I was answering Colby's phone for him or something, and we have had a few nice, short conversations, but we didn't really know each other. I hoped that she liked me. "Yes, I know that I should've told you that I was planning to ask her. Yes ma'am, I know that too." He put his fingers to the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, looking frustrated. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and his burning blue eyes found mine. "With everything in me Momma." I don't know why, but my heart started doing backflips. Was he always going to have this affect on me? I smiled at him, and blew him a kiss. He smiled back and continued speaking with his mom. "She'll love you, ya know. Maybe not at first, just because Colby is her little boy," Sam said that in a cheesy little voice. "But once she accepts the fact that he's getting married, she'll love you. You're good for him. Not even she can deny that he's happier with you." I smiled at him. "Oh my God Sam, make me cry already." I said, giggling a little. That actually did get me emotional, I was just trying to play it off. He shrugged. "It's true though." "Yes ma'am, we'll see you soon then. I love you too Momma. All my heart." I looked over to Colby striding back over to the couch. I watched him sit down next to me, lean forward to grab his drink off of the table and start sipping it, without saying a word. "Well?!" I asked. I needed to know what she had said. He met my gaze and put his drink down. "Huh? Oh, we're leaving this coming up weekend to fly to Kansas and meet my family. I tried to tell her that we would stay in a hotel but she insisted that we stay in my old yeah." He plastered a big, fake smile on his face, and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "We'll be staying with them for a week and you'll get to meet Mom, Dad, and maybe my brother Gage, if he's around." I know that my face had to look comical, I was total shock. "This weekend?" I asked. He nodded, looking a little worried but still had that fake smile. Sam was just grinning like he was enjoying this. "You guys are gonna have fun Colby! Take her to the old warehouse and show her around Stanley. All of the places where we use to hang out at." Colby looked at him like he was crazy. "Where's that Sam? The warehouse, the barn, the mall...and that old run down structure where we had that party. Those are literally the only places." They laughed. "Yeah, you're right but still. Take her exploring. Don't you wanna go exploring y/n?" "Yeah, but I'm not trying to get arrested so..." I smiled as they laughed, at their past transgressions. 

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