Chapter 73 (Y/n's POV)

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My fingers and toes were tingling and the feeling was coming back fast. I flexed my hand into a fist, and my body finally decided that it wanted to cooperate with me. There were more cars surrounding Colby's car now, and even more pulling up onto the grassy area in front of the barn. I sat up slowly, trying to see if I could function enough now to go find Colby. The nausea hit me fast and hard, swirling up from my stomach, into my throat. I leaned over the side of the car and gagged, emptying the contents of my stomach on the grass. It wouldn't stop though. I kept throwing up, until nothing was left, only dry heaves. They tore through my body, causing my stomach to clutch in on itself. I groaned from the sickness and the pain, putting my head between my legs, hoping the dizziness would stop. I felt soft fingers on my shoulder and I jerked away. "It's okay baby girl. It's just me." Colby's quiet voice soothed me, ebbing the sudden fear that I had. He gathered my hair into his fist, holding it away from my face, while I continued to heave. He placed his other hand gently on my back and rubbed small circles there, just standing quietly beside me, until the dry heaves finally passed. I heard the other voices around us, some calling out to Colby but he didn't reply. I finally had enough strength to sit up, and wipe the tears from my face. He knelt down in front of me so that his face was almost level with mine. His hand went to my face slowly, like he was scared that I would jerk away from him again, so I leaned forwards trying to get to his touch faster. The moment his palm laid across my cheek, I knew that I would be okay. My eyes met his, and I felt this sudden urge to cry again, feeling the tears stinging my eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked, his voice low and tender. I nodded slightly, causing my head to ached, so I closed my eyes against the pain. "Colby," My voice sounded weak and ragged, like I hadn't used it in a month. He leaned closer to me and I let my head collapse against his shoulder. "Thank you for coming for me." I heard his breath catch in his throat. "I'll always come for you y/n. Always." I started crying again, the emotional and physical turmoil of this night finally taking over. He held me while the sobs racked my body, running his fingers through my hair, whispering comforting words into my ear. "I'm here. I won't let anyone hurt you. I've always got you." My hands clenched into the front of his shirt, while my tears soaked it. The sobs subsided after a moment and concentrated on catching my breath. "Let's get you home baby girl." "Wait." I replied, trying to clear my throat. "What happened in there? Where's Joh-Johnny?" My voice broke saying his name. I felt another wave of nausea hit me, thinking about what almost happened inside that room, but I fought it down. I needed to know that Colby didn't do anything stupid and that he would be alright. His fingers stilled in my hair for a moment. "I left him on the barn floor, with hopefully a busted nut and a broken nose. He deserved more than that, the sick f*cking bastard. I should go back-" His voice was getting gruff, like he was growling out the words, getting angrier the more he thought about it. "No." I stopped him, pushing against his chest to look in his eyes. "Please, can we just go home?" He stared at me for a moment, then gently pushed my hair behind my ear, before kissing me on the cheek. I was thankful that he didn't go for my mouth because I knew my breath had to be so bad after getting sick. I smiled, thinking of how stupid it was to worry about that after everything that had just happened. Maybe I was in shock. "Why are you smiling?" He asked, standing up and helping me put my legs back in the car. I looked up, meeting his eyes again. "Because I love you." He smiled back, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I love you." I lay back against the seat, waiting for Colby to climb in on the driver's side. Watching the people out the windshield, I noticed Tessa and Dylan walking towards us. Colby stood by his door and kept the door closed so their voices were slightly muffled but I heard them. "Where's Johnny?" He ignored Tessa and looked straight at Dylan. "I'm taking care of it. Don't worry." Dylan replied, clapping him on the shoulder. He nodded his head towards me. "Is she gonna be okay?" Colby let out a long breath and glared at Tessa. "Yeah, she's gonna be fine, I think." "Colby, I-" I saw his eyes flash, even in the darkness. "Don't f*cking talk to me Tessa! Matter of fact, maybe you should walk away right now before I reconsider my stand on not hitting females." He placed his fingers above his eyebrows and pinched. Tessa tried again, her voice getting hysterical, drawing attention. "You know how Johnny is! He threatened me Colby! I had to do what he wanted!" Yeah, he probably did threaten her and that made me feel bad for her. At the same time, I knew that she didn't have a problem with trying to break me and Colby up. She lied to me and to him, acting like she was helping me, when instead she drugged me. I didn't feel too bad for her. Colby's voice exploded across the grounds, making Tessa shrink back from him. "You could have told me Tessa!" He slammed the palm of his hand against his chest. "I would have helped you! But instead, you had to go and be a jealous little bitch, just cuz I wouldn't f*ck you. Because you aren't the number one female in my life." His lips lifted in a mean grin. "I got news for you though babe."

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