Chapter 104

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"It's old, and after my dad died, we weren't able to take care of it as well, so it's run down. My mom did her best but," He cut me off. "Y/n, will you shut up? If you actually thought that I cared about that kind of stuff, you wouldn't be marrying me." He glanced over to me, then back to the road. "It could be a shack for all I care, but it would still be amazing because it housed the woman that I love. It's where you learned how to love, where your mother showed you how to be a mother. It's going to be fine." He patted my hand, and smiled. "Which way?" I sighed, leaned back in my seat, and pointed. "Take a right, and it's the house at the end, on the left." I looked around the small neighborhood that I grew up in and felt a wave of nostalgia I guess I missed it. Missed the quiet of the country, the familiarity, the large amount of was just peaceful here, without the hustle and bustle of LA. Everyone was always trying to get somewhere, or use you for something there. It was hard to know who your real friends were, unless you already had them. That's why I didn't really like making new friends anymore. Everyone I met either wanted to use me to get to Colby for clout, or just meet him and Sam. It was kind of annoying, but I knew it came with the situation. "I use to ride my bike down this road, with my friends Chris and Kristina." I spoke up, out of nowhere, the memory flashing through my mind. Colby looked over to me and smiled. "Really? Chris and Kristina?" I let out a short laugh. "They were twins. Lived right there." I pointed at the brick home as we drove by. "And this is where I lived. Pull in here." Colby slowed the car and pulled into the bumpy driveway to my old home. It still looked the same, maybe a little more run down. The grass was grown over just a little. The pale yellow paint was slightly peeling in some places, indicating that it was time for a paint job. The white wooden trim around some of the windows was rotting off in a couple of places. That needed to be replaced. The same old wooden steps with the metal rails led from the front door, to the ground. I remembered running down those stairs many times, racing to catch the school bus. I guess the old house needed some fixing up, but it was still home. Mom tried to keep it painted and fixed but I guess it just didn't happen sometimes. I sent her money to help...I don't know what she did with it. We parked and got out of the car, grabbing our bags from the trunk when I heard the old screen door creak open. I looked up and locked eyes with my mother. A sudden urge to cry came over me. She looked the same, maybe a touch older, with a few more grey hairs and a couple more laugh lines. Her pale blue eyes were swimming with tears, as she wiped her dark hair back from her face. She had it up in a bun, but the tendrils were flying all around her face. "Momma!" I dropped my bags, and ran up the steps to grab her in a hug. "Oh baby," was all she said, before she started crying. The tears started to run down my face as well, as we held each other tight, swaying a little from side to side. "I missed you Momma. So much." "I missed you too baby girl. You should've came home sooner. I haven't see you since you ran away from Nick," She scolded me. I hung my head in shame. I knew that I should've came home before now. "I know Momma...I think I was just scared to come back to where it started. The longer I stayed away, the easier it became...but I'm here now." I smiled at her timidly. She tried to keep her stern face, but the smiled twitched at her mouth before she gave in. "Don't let it happen again." I nodded. "Yes ma'am. I won't." We laughed together, then noticed Colby at the foot of the steps, dropping more luggage there. "Oh" My mother whispered. "He's even cuter in person." I laughed softly, watching Colby walk back to the car to get more stuff. I should really be helping him. "I know right. It should be illegal for someone to be so perfect." I stepped past my mom to pick up some of the luggage at the bottom of the steps, then turned back to her going up them. Her eyes were soft as she looked at me, opening the front door to let me in. "You're happy baby." I think she meant it as a question, but it came out as a realization. I set the bags down in the living room floor, and turned to go get more. "I am Momma. Happier than I've ever been as an adult." I walked back out, finding Colby coming up the stairs. "I thought you left me." He replied smiling. I shook my head, matching his grin. "No, just taking the bags inside. Is that all?" I motioned to the last 2 bags on the ground. He resituated the bags in his arms, hoisting them up a little higher and nodded. "Momma, open the door please!" I yelled, grabbing the last two bags. She opened the door, standing back to let Colby and his arm full of luggage pass. She stared at his ass as he walked by. "Momma! Stop it!" I said quietly, while the heat flamed my face. She giggled like a little school girl. "What honey? I'm just appreciating God's creation and making sure that he has a booty that you can be happy with for the rest of your life." She patted my arm, smiling. I swear she just loves to make me uncomfortable sometimes. "He does, by the way. " "He does what?" Colby asked, smiling as he popped up next to my mom and took the bags out of my arms. "Nothing." I replied quickly. "We can take all of this to my old room, right Momma?" She nodded, still looking like she wanted to laugh at me. 

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