Chapter 121

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Nothing ever came from it, I was never questioned, and I was too scared to try again. Colby put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close, seeing the struggle behind my eyes. I was comforted by his touch, but the memories were still on repeat. "Do you know where the evidence is?" I asked Chris hesitantly, putting my hand on Colby's leg to be a little closer to him. He nodded. "Yeah...he made sure to tell his buddy that he had it all at home in a secret safe. Where no one would ever look. But see, Randy didn't know that Charlie had bugged his office. Randy didn't know that I could hear every word. I know exactly where the safe is. There should be enough evidence there to put him away for a long time." Colby shook his head. "I don't want to put him away." My head snapped up, locking eyes with him. "What?" "What the fuck do you mean?" Kristie snapped. "Why not? Why wouldn't you want that jackass locked up for as long as possible?" Colby sat back calmly, a small smile playing at his lips. "Because I want to ruin him. Just like he's ruined so many other people. I want him to suffer and I think locking him up for a few years with his buddy isn't enough." He shrugged. "And I wanna beat his ass. The cops won't let me do that if we just turn him in." Kristie leaned back in her chair again, smiling. "Okay, okay, I see you Colby. What did you have in mind?" "Well," Colby started explaining exactly what he wanted to do if we could get our hands on that evidence. The rest of the night was basically us sitting there talking about what was to come, so the neighbors left after another hour. We didn't even notice. When it was time for us to leave, Kristie looked around for them. "Damn, guess I better call to apologize. I wasn't a very good host." She shook her head. "I didn't invite them actually. They just saw the fire and came over. Whatever." Abby told us bye and walked inside, while Chris and Kristie walked up to our car. "We start tomorrow?" Chris asked Colby, making sure. Colby nodded as he sat down in the car with the door open. "Better to do it as soon as possible." "This is fucking insane." I said, giving Kristie a hug. "It is, but it's fucking amazing too." She pointed at Colby. "Do not let this one go. He's crazy but in a good way." I laughed, sitting down in the car. I looked over to Colby, catching his eye. "I'm never letting him go." One corner of his mouth turned up, before he started the car. "See you guys later, and I'll check in with you tomorrow," He pointed at Chris. "Bet." We started home, his hand on my thigh as usual. "Do we really want to do this? It's dangerous Colby." He gave me a side glance and squeezed my leg. "You aren't doing anything and I'm not going to get caught so it's fine. Chris seems pretty confident in his abilities. The biggest threat is getting into his house and Kristie said she would handle it." I shook my head. "Yeah, but she doesn't realize how dangerous that is. Pretending like she wants to sleep with him...What if he catches her while she's getting the evidence? He could, and probably would, really hurt her." He took my hand and raised it to his lips, pressing them softly against my skin. "That's why Chris and I will be right outside, listening, watching, and waiting for any trouble that MIGHT occur. We got this. I won't let anything happen to your friend." He laughed a little. "She's pretty bad ass anyways. I think she might beat his ass, even if he does catch her. I would love to see that." I couldn't help but to let a laugh escape me as I imagined Kristie kicking Randy straight in the nuts and then wailing on his face with her perfectly manicured nails. "You're probably right." I sighed. "I'll be so glad when all of this is over. Are we ever going to have a normal life?" Colby laughed again. "Probably not honestly...but Never Normal, right?" I rolled my eyes. "I'll be sure to let Sam know that you're promoting his brand." We arrived home and I fell into bed, exhausted. Was it normal to be this damn tired all the time? I would have to ask the doctor. The next day started off normal enough. I spent most of my time with my mom, going through old family photo albums, reminiscing about times with my dad. I never realized how many freaking photos she actually had. "They're my memories." She replied,when I stated that. "When you get older, your memories fade, so I need the pictures to help me always remember the good times, and even the bad times." She placed her hand over mine and looked into my eyes. "You know, if there is anything you wanna talk about baby, you can. It seems like you might be having a bad time right now." I shook my head a little. "I'm okay Momma, don't worry about me." She laughed. "Oh baby, that's impossible. I will worry about you until the day I die. Probably even from Heaven, I'll be worrying. You'll find out soon enough, won't you." She waved her hand. "Either way, I want you to know that the bad times make the good times seem so much better. Everything happens for a reason, even if you don't know what that reason is. For example, your father dying." I furrowed my brows. "How does that make sense?" I wondered. "Well, if your father had been alive, you never would have stayed with Nick. He would have killed him. Probably literally. Your Daddy didn't play, especially about his baby girl. You would have never ran to LA and you would've never met Colby, who I believe is the love of your life." I chewed my bottom lip, pondering that. "Huh...I never really thought about that. 

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