Chapter 16

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We worked on essentials, like flashlights and things next. This whole thing actually took longer than we thought. It was late evening before the gang decided to leave. "Guys, we've got to go. I didn't realize how late it was. We have some friends coming over tonight." Corey said, standing up and holding his hand out to Devyn. "Yeah, we should probably go too." Jake replied, pulling Tara up next to him. "You guys doing anything tonight?" Colby asked. Jake shook his head. "Nope, think I had enough last night. Probably just kick back and watch tv tonight." Everyone said their goodbyes, leaving Colby and I with Sam and Kat. "Wanna go get some food?" Sam asked, looking at Colby. "Sure." Colby replied. He looked at me, his eyebrows raised. "That cool?" "Of course. I just realized that we haven't eaten anything all day. I'm starving" I said smiling. "Where are we going?" "Chipolte?" I laughed. "Why did I even ask? It's that or Tender Greens." Sam and Kat laughed, while Colby looked a little sheepish, smiling. "I like what I like." He replied, smiling at me. So, we all loaded up in Colby's car and went to Chipolte. Kat got me sucked into looking at wedding stuff on Pinterest, while Sam and Colby were talking. "What do you think about this one?" She asked me, pointing out a color scheme for the reception. I shrugged. "It's pretty Kat, but I don't know. I haven't thought about this at all. Plus I probably need to ask Colby what he wants." "No you don't." I heard Colby reply. I looked over to him and his eyes were wide, staring at me. I laughed. "I don't?" He shook his head. "Nope, I want whatever you want. If you want me to help, then I will, but I don't really care about all of that. The colors or what type of plates we use. I just want to say I do to you." He leaned over to kiss me, and I happily returned it. "Aww aren't they just so cute?" Sam said, throwing his arm around Katrina's shoulders. She laid her head over on him, watching us. "They really are." Colby leaned back in his chair, putting his arm around my shoulders, then picking up a chip from the basket in front us. "Shut up Sam. You're just jealous." He laughed, then threw the chip at Sam. Sam threw out his hand to block it, which sent it sideways, hitting Kat on the cheek. "Oh!" I exclaimed, covering my hand with my mouth. She put her hand to her cheek, mouth open, eyes wide. "Ooo, You're in troooouble." Sam said, scooting his chair back away from the table. "Kat...I didn't mean to hit you. That was Sam's fault. He hit it your way." She looked from Colby to Sam. "You know what Samuel, he's right." "But did?" He looked so confused, that I started laughing. "What just happened?" He asked, looking at Colby. "You hit her with a chip and it's my fault?" We all laughed, gaining some looks from people around the restaurant. Sam held up his hand waving at them. "Hi, how are ya?" Kat grabbed his hand pulling it down. "Oh my God, Sam, stop!" She said laughing. "What?" He shrugged. "I just gave them something to look at. You know that I don't care what people think." "We learned not to care a long time ago, isn't that right brother?" Colby said, holding his hand out to Sam. "That's right brother." He slapped Colby's hand, and they laughed. "Okay, so what are we going to do about this prank war that we started? You know they will try to retaliate. I feel like they are to try and come harder this time than before." Colby said, leaning towards Sam. "Do we wait for that to see who to go after, or do we just pick one and hit hard?" Sam thought for a minute, rubbing his chin. "Let's wait at least a week. If nothing has happened, then we pick you have to decide when we're going on that camping trip brother." Colby nodded and pulled out his phone. He checked his calendar, then looked at me. "You wanna do this trip in a couple of weeks? I don't have anything scheduled and I can film and post before we leave." "Oh sh*t..." Sam spoke up. "I'll just have to post early that week." He shook his head, throwing his hand out. "It'll be fine. Not a big deal." I nodded. "Yeah, that's fine with me. That'll give us plenty of time to get things straightened out and get our supplies." He smiled, that big, beautiful smile at me. I melted, just a little....maybe more than a little.  It was time to go then, so we headed back to the apartments. "See you guys tomorrow." Sam said, unlocking and opening his door. "Yeah Brother, see ya." Colby replied. Kat and I smiled at each other, and we all went into our separate apartments. I had gotten kind of excited about the whole wedding thing, with Kat at the restaurant, so I went to the couch and pulled out my phone. Going to Pinterest, I started saving everything that I liked on my board. This might actually be fun. Then I saw it. The color scheme that I wanted, with the dress to match. "What are you doing?" Colby, asked, walking towards me. "Nothing!" I said quickly, hiding my phone. "Wedding stuff." "Ooooh, okay...well, how about we put that on hold for a little while." He leaned over me, pressing his lips into mine, making me melt again. After a couple minutes of straight heat, he broke the kiss, holding his hand out to me. I took his hand, but shook my head, and yanked him down to the couch, smiling. He fell on top of me, laughing. I reconnected my lips to his, relighting the fire that he had started. I felt the familiar burn in my belly. I reached around his back, lifting his shirt and tried to pull it over his head. He leaned up to help me and fell off the couch. 

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