Chapte 60

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Colby's arms tense on me again, holding me in place, as the other guys start chuckling and whistling. "Damn Colby, you might have to keep that one a leash. She's feisty!" Johnny retorts, and I glare at him. Ignoring his remark, I continued to glare at Tessa. I could see in her eyes that she relished the fact that she finally got to me, but she shook her head innocently. "No, I don't have a problem! Why would you think that? I thought we were on our way to being friends y/n." Fake ass bitch with that pouty look on her face, like she has no idea what I'm talking about. "Friends?" I barked out a short laugh. "Yeah, cuz I make friends with all of the girls who try to sleep with my man behind my back." She got a wary look in her eyes, and she glanced at Colby, licking her lips. "I don't know wha-" "Save that shit for someone who actually falls for it. He may have used you for sex when he needed it, but we've got that covered now so you're services are no longer needed. Did you think he wouldn't tell me about it?" Her mouth was open, the look in her eyes making me think that she actually didn't think he was going to tell me about it. Maybe he wouldn't have if I hadn't heard him on the phone. I don't know but I don't want to think about that right now. "I was going to try and be friends with you because you are an important part of his PAST," I made sure that I emphasized that word, keeping my gaze locked on hers, "But you are pushing me and I'm about to shove my fist into that perfect little nose of yours." Her eyes widened in shock, and her lips parted, but she was speechless. My breathing was coming in short pants now because I was pissed. I don't know what is going on with me lately. I'm usually a very calm person but this bitch just doesn't know when to quit. Colby leaned forward just a bit, his lips close to my ear. "Are you okay?" His voice is worried, and I turn so that I can see his face. His brows were creased, the lines in his forehead prominent, and his eyes were searching my own. "No, I'm not. I've had enough of it." I snapped, crossing my arms across my chest. He tightened his arms around me, squeezing me to him, and kissed the shell of my ear. "I've never seen you like that. I kind of like it." His gravelly voice, combined with this breath going over my ear and neck sent shivers down my spine. Even as pissed as I am right now, I can't deny the effect he has on me so completely. My anger started slipping away as Colby kissed my neck softly, and I snuggled into his closer. "Damn Colby." Rob said, running his hand through his hair, staring at me. "How many girls have you had to snatch her off of?" He laughed, but his eyes were still wide. "She's not as sweet and innocent as she looks." Johnny's deep voice drew my attention to him, his eyes on me, with a speculative gleam. He was biting his bottom lip, staring at me, like he was deep in thought. Again I felt Colby's arms tighten on me, so I put my hand in his for comfort. I tilted my chin up, staring right back. "Not when it comes to someone trying to mess with what's mine." Tessa scoffed and stood up off of Johnny's lap. "I'm going upstairs to the real party. You guys are boring." She was almost at the stairs when Jackson spoke up. "Hey Tessa!" She turned back to look at him. He wiped his finger under his nose and sniffed. "Hit a line for me, huh, babe?" Then he cracked up, while she just rolled her eyes and stomped up the stairs. "Tessa's doing blow?" Colby asked, his eyes going hard. "Tessa does much more than just blow," Johnny replied suggestively, firing up another blunt. "Besides, thought you didn't care anymore." "Shut the f*ck up Johnny. Just because I don't wanna f*ck her anymore doesn't mean that I don't care about her. Even if it does seem like you've f*cked her head up." Johnny's eyes darted up to meet Colby's. "What the f*ck did you just say boy?" His voice had dropped a couple of octaves and that underlying threat had returned. Colby clenched his jaw, and his eyes turned to steel. Damn it, I thought this was supposed to be a kickback, not everyone trying to beat each other up. "You heard me. You started f*cking her head up way back then and you haven't stopped. You are the reason she changed. Tessa didn't use to be the way that she is now." Johnny leaned forwards in his chair slowly, resting his elbows on his knees. "Tessa is a grown woman who made her own choices. I didn't make her do anything. You think I MADE her f*ck me when she was with you? No, she did that. She was practically begging me for it that night. Said she wanted a real man. Someone who knew what they were doing." His eyes flicked to me and a sinister grin crossed his face, making me feel dirty. "What about you sweetheart? You need me to show you how a real man does it? I could make you feel so--" "Ooh!" I yelped a little because Colby stood up so fast, I would have hit the floor if he hadn't kept his arms on me, bringing me with him. "I will f*cking kill you if you ever come near her." Colby growled out. My eyes shot to his face, surprised by the malice coming from his voice. I wrapped my arm around his waist, getting close to him, trying to calm him. The last thing we need tonight is someone going to the hospital. Johnny had shot to his feet as soon as Colby did, a wicked grin on his lips, happy that he had finally pushed him far enough. "Let's just go baby. S'not worth it." His arms came around me, but face was still carved from stone. 

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