Chapter 82

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Colby slipped his hand over mine, pulling me closer to him, then wrapped one around my waist, leading me towards the barn. We stopped at the door and Dylan slid the door open just a little. "Are we ready? I got the groom out here!" There were a few murmured words, and then someone yelled to come on in. Dylan slid the door open, and we followed him inside. It was dark, with the only light shining in through a dingy window up above in the rafters. I saw a long table up against one of the side walls, lined with multiple liquor bottles and a cooler, probably full of beer. Jesus, they planned on getting trashed. Reality hit me in the face, when I got the urge to make myself a drink. Can't do that. Can't do that for a really long time. Looking away from the table, I took in the rest of the building. Just like the small room that I had been in before, the walls were just old, greyish, wooden planks but it looked like this part was kept up some, unlike the other area. There was hay on some parts of the dusty floor, and an old tractor that probably hadn't worked in years backed up in one of the corners. Jackson was sitting on top of it, a red solo cup in his hand. "Alright, the party can now begin!" He yelled out, earning a laugh from Colby. "So where's the surprise?" He asked, looking around the large spacious area himself. Derek and Rob were sitting on some metal folding chairs that were close to the drink table. They looked towards a door that I hadn't seen before, on the other side of the room. The wood was so worn and exactly the same shade as the walls, that it blended right in with the rest. Jackson jumped down off of the tractor, and walked towards us, while Dylan led us to that door. "Okay, well, you know how we all made that pact, right?" Colby nodded, chewing the inside of his lip. I think he was nervous. "I know we already lost Tessa," Colby's eyes narrowed at Dylan. "For good reason!" Dylan continued, holding up a hand. "I didn't want us to lose anyone else, especially someone as important to you as this." He swung the door open and Sam walked out, grinning from ear to ear. "Brotheeeerr" He said walking up to Colby and hugging him. Colby released me so that he could hug him back. "Sam! What the hell are you doing here?" Colby asked, shocked that Sam was actually here. "I didn't think you would be coming out this time." Sam backed away from him and leaned down to hug me. "Did you think that I would actually miss this? I didn't know that you were going to be doing the pact. You should have told me." Sam furrowed his brow, looking at Colby. Colby dragged his hand through his hair, letting out a breath. "Yeah, I probably should have. There's been a lot going on, and I wasn't even sure that we were going to do be doing it anymore." Sam nodded, a concerned look on his face. "Yeah, Dylan filled me on what happened." He looked at me. "I'm sorry that you had to deal with that. Are you doing okay?" I nodded, and smiled at him. "I am. I'm great actually." He looked a little taken aback, but didn't say anything about my answer being weird. Who almost gets raped and is doing okay? I guess I was just blocking it out, overcome with the news about the baby, and Colby's recent acceptance of it. I glanced at Colby, noticing that he had a huge grin on his face, watching Sam. I felt my own lips curve into a grin watching him. He was so happy that Sam was here to be a part of their childhood pact. That, in turn, made me happy. Plus, it was really good to see him. "We waiting until sundown for the fun part?" Sam asked, wiggling his eyebrows at Colby. Colby laughed and threw his hand up. "I guess so. Maybe it'll be harder for all of you to see my junk that way." "Not like I haven't seen it before." Sam said, moving his chin to the side and then back again. "Same." I said laughing. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that we've all seen it at some point in time Colby." Dylan added, joining in on the laughter. Colby's face turned a little red and he rolled his eyes. "Yeah,'s grown since then." "Oh my God," I cracked up, the guys joining in. "Okay, okay, can we stop bullying Colby now please?" Colby said, pursing his lips at us. "But it's fuuuun." Sam whined, a grin on his face. "Here brother." Derek showed up beside me, and handed a cup to Sam and one to Colby. "Drink up. We're just getting started." He turned towards me. "Did you want one?" I shook my head and smiled at him. "No, thank you. I'm okay." "Do you guys have a bottle of water or something here that she can get?" Colby asked. Always the nurturer. "Yeah, should be one in the cooler. If not, there's the drinks that we have to mix with. We got Mountain Dew, Coke, and I think there's a Sprite around here too." Rob said, jumping up and checking the cooler. He dug through it, pulling out a bottle of water. "Here ya go." He said, tossing the bottle to Colby. Colby handed it over to me, and kissed me on the cheek. "AWWW, isn't that so damn sweeett!" Jackson said, holding his hands to his mouth, like his was praying. "Shut up J." Colby growled out, but he was still smiling. I think he was actually enjoying their teasing. "You should see these two at home. Swear, they can't keep their hands off of each other. I had to sterilize my couch bro." Sam told them, shaking his head. "I've seen Colby naked more since he's been with y/n than I have our entire friendship...and that's saying something!" The guys laughed, and I couldn't help but to giggle a little myself. 

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