Chapter 32

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I heard Colby's confused, sleepy voice. "I can't find Sam and Y/N apparently isn't in the tent with you. Where are they?" "I don't know Kat. Let's look for them." I heard Colby climb out of the tent, and I looked at Sam. He nodded at me. "F*ck Sam, someone's coming!" I whispered loudly. "Gah Danggit! Here take your shorts!" He whispered back, just as loudly. "Shhh, they're going to hear us." "Where are my shorts?' Then the zipper is ripped open and I snatched the sleeping bag up to cover myself. Even though I was wearing clothes, it was for the effect. Colby's head popped in the tent, his face full of shock and confusion at first. Then it changed to anger and hurt. "Are you f*cking kidding me right now? ARE YOU? What the f*ck?!" "Wait, Colby!" He left the tent and I automatically tried to go after him, but Kat's head replaced his. "Seriously Sam? You're a bastard. Y/n, I thought that I could trust you. I thought you were my friend." "Kat." She was gone just as quick. I crawled out of the tent, looking around for Colby. I didn't even put my shoes on. I knew that this was a bad idea. I couldn't find him. "Saaaam." I whined, getting scared. "I don't see Colby anywhere." He was climbing out as I said it. "We'll find him. Don't worry. Where's Kat?" I started tearing up, my anxiety getting the best of me. I didn't think he would run off before we could talk to him. I shrugged, struggling to hold the tears back. "I-I ddunno. Sam, I have to find Colby. COLBYYYYY!" I screamed, my voice cracking. "What is going on out there?" I heard Corey say. He and Devyn came out of there tent a minute later. "What's going on? Is everyone okay? Devyn asked. I shook my head. "COOOOLBYYYYY!" Sam yelled. "KATRINAAA! IT WAS A PRANK! COME BACK TO CAMP!" Jake and Tara came running out of the woods. "Sam!" Jake ran up to us, breathing hard. "I s-saw Col-by. H-He was m-mad. He wouldn't l-listen. I tr-tried." He could barely speak from loss of breath. "CAR." Was his next word. "He's leaving?!" I screamed. Jake nodded, holding onto Tara for support, while he caught his breath. My heart dropped. No, no, no, this could not be happening. I looked back at Sam and movement on the dock caught my eye. She couldn't hear us out there. "Sam, Kat's over there. Devyn, can you guys please go tell her that it was a prank, and that we'll be right back but Colby's trying to leave." She nodded. I pulled Sam's arm. "Come on!" We ran down the trail as fast as we could. "We aren't going to make it y/n!" Sam huffed out, as we were running. "Just keep running!" I screamed. There was no way that I was losing Colby. He was literally the love of my life. After what felt like forever, I could see the cars in the distance. I couldn't speak so I just pointed. We picked up speed, my lungs burning, until we reached the car. Colby had his head down on the steering wheel. I ran up and tried to open the door. It was locked and Colby didn't look up. "Colby!" I yelled. "Please open the door baby! It was a prank!" Still nothing. I tried banging on the window and he finally glanced up, like he was snapping back to the real world. He had been crying. His red, glazed eyes traveled from my face to Sam's, then it changed. Anger like I had only seen one other time, traveled over his face. I jumped back as the car door crashed open, almost hitting me. He soared into Sam, knocking him to the ground. "Colby, it was a PRANK!" I yelled, running over to them. I tried to pull him off of Sam, but I couldn't. He was in a blind rage. Sam was trying to roll away from him, while screaming his name, and saying PRANK over and over again. "BROTHER, STOP!" He yelled. Colby raised his fist back, and punched Sam dead in the jaw, busting his lip. I couldn't let this happen. I knew that what I was about to do was really stupid but...I prepared myself to put myself in between them, hoping that Colby would see me and stop. Really hoping that he would see me. "Cooolbyyy!" I heard the others screaming his name. Oh thank God. Corey and Jake ran up and dragged Colby off of Sam. Sam sat up, spitting blood. "I trusted you bro!" Colby screamed. "How could you?!" Had he really not heard anything we had been saying. He was struggling against Corey and Jake's hold, so I stepped in front of him, blocking Sam from his view. He stopped struggling when his eyes met mine, but he quickly looked away. I walked up to him and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at me. "IT-WAS-A-PRANK." I said slowly, staring into his eyes. "Do you really think that I would do that? That Sam would do that? Come on, Colby, be smart." I pleaded with him with my eyes, praying that he would understand. I saw confusion cloud his expression and then, thankfully, realization. "A..a prank?" He blinked a couple of times, then looked past me to Sam. "Oh f*ck Sam! I'm so sorry!" Corey and Jake let him go and he walked past me to reach his hand down to Sam. Sam looked up at him, blood oozing out of his mouth, and clasped hands with him. Colby pulled him up until he was standing next to him. They bro hugged. "I'm so sorry brother. I just snapped." Colby said. "No, I get it. I did the same thing, only less violently." They pulled apart and Colby looked over to me and closed his eyes for a moment. "Don't you ever do that to me again y/n." He said gruffly. Then he opened his eyes and closed the space in between us, wrapping his arms around me tightly. I returned the hug, tears pouring down my face. 

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