Chapter 144

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My eyes were locked on his, until his face dipped down and I felt his lips caress my collarbone, leaving a trail of hot, open mouthed kisses. I shivered, and closed my eyes. My hands found their way to his back, scratching lightly, bringing the bottom of his dress shirt up with them, to find his skin. He had gotten rid of the jacket long ago. He sat back up on his knees, straddling my waist, and unbuttoned his shirt, letting it fall off of his arms. I brought my hand up to his chest and let them roam around, caressing his skin, tracing his tattoo. I would never, ever get tired of his body. He closed his eyes for a moment, biting his lip as I trailed my nails down his chest to his stomach, dipping my fingers into the waist band of his pants. When he opened them again, his blue eyes were almost black, his pupils blown wide. Colby attacked my mouth with his own, pushing my lips open with his tongue, delving inside with a dominance. When he drug his lips away from mine, we were both breathing heavily, trying to catch our breath. "Do you even know what you do to me y/n? I have never understood it." His eyes searched my own, like they held the answer to his question. I bit my lip and squirmed underneath him. The ache was getting unbearable and he hadn't even touched me really. "It can't be worse than what you do to me." I breathed out, unable to stop myself. He grinned, a smug, self satisfied curve to his lips. "Really?" His hand slid down the fabric of my dress, grabbing the hem, and pulling it up, bunching it at my hips, so that he could feel flesh. His rings were cold against my flushed skin, as he let his hand trail back down my thigh, dipping close to my heat. I gasped, expecting him to touch me in my most sensitive area but he moved his hand away.  I whimpered, and he chuckled, leaning back over me. "We're going to take this slow baby girl. It's been too long and I want to enjoy myself." Well heart beat started racing with anticipation. He was right. It had been a VERY long time since we had been able to do anything. I had a feeling that I was in for a long night...or morning. I stopped thinking when he brought his lips to my ear, letting his tongue slip out and pull my lobe into his mouth, his teeth grazing it. Shivers went down my body, and my nails dug into his back. He groaned, and let his lips and tongue trail down my neck, biting and sucking alternately. I felt his bulge against my heat, pressing against me, and I instinctively moved my hips, pushing against him, trying to relieve the ache that was building there. Wanting to drive him as crazy as he was driving me, I dipped my head into the crook of his shoulder, and let my tongue trail from his neck down to his shoulder, biting when I reached the end. He jerked his hips into me, causing a moan to escape it's way from my throat. Colby started moving his hips then, his hardness progressively pushing against me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my dress falling up around my waist. "I love you so much," he whispered as he dropped tiny kisses above the top of the my dress. "I love you" I moaned out as I rocked my hips against his. This was complete and utter torture but in the best way possible. He leaned up, meeting my gaze again breathing heavily, then sat back, taking my hand and bringing me up with him. We both stood, and his swift fingers unzipped my dress, letting it pool at my feet. I kicked my shoes off, keeping my gaze on his face, as his eyes roamed my body. I felt a little self conscious because of my baby seemed like it had gotten bigger overnight, swelling out gently over my panty line. I brought my arms up and crossed them over my stomach, and his blue eyes snapped up to mine. He reached out and uncrossed my arms, then bent over and laid a soft kiss right on top of the bump. "It's beautiful. You're beautiful." He stood back up, his gaze still locked on mine. I reached out to him, grasping the buckle of his Gucci belt, and undoing it, then working on his pants. His lips curved slightly, as his eyes followed the movements of my fingers. I dipped my hand inside his pants and palmed him, watching his eyes roll back in his head. I gently squeezed his shaft, the softness of his skin a contrast to the rock hardness underneath. "Oh fuck," he grunted out, biting his lip. After a moment, his hands jerked his pants and underwear down, his legs kicking them off completely, leaving him naked. He gently shoved me back on the huge bed, and fell on top of me, starting over with the kisses. He palmed my breasts through my white lace bra, while tracing his tongue over the top of it. "Fuck, you're so damn beautiful," He murmured against my skin. I couldn't speak, so I just moaned as a reply. How the hell did he expect me to talk at a time like this? I could barely think of anything besides the feel of his body pressing against mine, and his tongue leaving wet trails on my skin. He pulled my bra down, letting my breasts spill into his hands. Colby just looked for a moment, softly trailing his fingers over my nipples, then back out, trailing circles around them. I shivered again and clenched my legs, before bringing them back around his waist. He chuckled again, the damn tease, then lowered his mouth to my nipples, first one then the other. Showing each one attention, sucking and licking, gently biting, his tongue performing fucking miracles in my opinion. I gasped and squeezed my thighs against his hips, rocking against him again and he groaned, the vibration spreading over my sensitive nipple, causing me to whimper. If felt like hours that he worked my breasts, my moans mixing with his own, filling the room around us. When I thought that I couldn't take it any longer, he trailed his tongue down my stomach, to my core. His hand cupped my heat through my underwear, and I let out a small yell from the sensation. The smile on his face was almost enough to make me come undone. He let his fingers dip inside my underwear, feeling the wetness that he had caused. He sighed, a sound of satisfaction coming from his parted lips. "Always so ready for me." His voice rough and deep, mixed with his words...I was literally a quivering mess and we had barely started. Was I even going to live through this? Colby brought both hands to my hips, dipping his fingers inside the waistband of my underwear, pulling it down my legs, and off my feet, throwing it to the side. He then shoved my thighs apart and brought his head down, staring at me as he did. I clenched my core, preparing for what I knew was coming. I felt his tongue dip inside of me swiping up, hitting my little bundle of nerves, then back down. "Oh shit," I moaned, grabbing his hair with both hands. He swirled his tongue around my entrance, then moved it back up and started working my nub. I moaned and shifted, trying not to be too loud, biting my lip to hold it in. Suddenly he pulled away, and, yet  again, I whimpered. "Let it out baby girl," He grunted, staring into my soul. "Don't hold it in or I stop." He's seriously fucking with me on our wedding night? Oh, you asshole Colby Brock. He dipped his head back down and started working his magic. I swear he was spelling out the entire fucking alphabet against my bundle, then starting over again. "Oh FUCK" I cried out, as he pressed down on it with his tongue, harder than before, sending a jolt of electricity though my body. His large hands squeezed my thighs, the rings biting into my skin, only making the sensation better. He groaned against my core, sending vibrations through my body and toes curled against the mattress. I felt one of his hands leave my thigh, and position itself at my opening, teasing me. "COLBYY" I screamed out his name, when he shoved 2 fingers inside of me without warning, going hard and fast, the fire in my belly growing with every thrust of his hand, while his tongue continued to swirl around my nerves. My hands clenched in his hair, pulling hard, making his moan again. "Mmhm Fuuck," he groaned, breaking his mouth away from me, while his hand still thrust inside of me. My body was writhing on the bed, my hips jerking upwards to meet his hand. "Oh God, Colby," I screamed again, feeling the release that I needed so desperately about to burst. He slowed his hand to a torturous pace, and I almost sobbed, my release ebbing away from me. He withdrew his hand and climbed back on top of me, smirking at my reaction. If I didn't love him so much, I swear I would hate him for being such a damn tease. He kissed me, my arousal still coating his mouth, his tongue working inside of my own. I pushed gently against his chest and he leaned up. "What?" He replied, huskily, his eyes hooded. "My turn," I breathed out, moving out from under him. He fell sideways on the mattress, a confused expression on his face, until I crawled on top of him, straddling his waist. He sucked in a breath as I started leaving wet kisses down his chest, scraping my nails down the same trail. Reaching his V-line, I sat up, watching him as I traced my nails slowly down each side, hovering over the light scattering of hair leading from his navel to his length. I kept my eyes locked on his as I scooted further down, watching his pupils blow, until I dipped my head down and swirled my tongue around the silky tip of his length. He hissed, blowing out a hard breath between his teeth. I slowly teased him, wrapping my hand around him, as my tongue continued to swirl. I pumped my hand in a steady pace, then took him completely in my mouth, as far as I could manage, his tip hitting the back of my throat. He groaned, the sound making me tingle in my core. I moved my head up and down, gaining speed as my hand followed my actions on the part that I couldn't quite fit inside my mouth. I glanced up to his face to see his eyes watching me, his top teeth biting down on his bottom lip. His tip hit the back of my throat again, making me almost gag, and I swallowed around him. "Oh FUCK, y/n, shit!" His eyes rolled back and his hips jerked against my mouth, almost making me gag again. His hand fisted in my hair, shoving my head down and pulling it back up in a quicker motion. Eventually, I braced both hands on his thighs, stopping myself and him. He released me, breathing heavily, and I released him, my mouth making a popping noise as I came back up. He sat up, startling me, and flipped us back over so that I was on bottom. I felt his hardness pressing against my lower belly, and I opened to him, wrapping my legs around his waist. He didn't tease me this time, but grabbed his length and positioned it at my opening. He looked back up, meeting my gaze, his blue eyes burning. He thrust one hard time, burying himself completely inside of me, both of us crying out from the sensation. He dropped his head against my shoulder for a moment, breathing harshly. When he looked back up, the affection that I saw in his eyes, caused me to gasp. So much love. I didn't think anyone would ever look at me like that, but here this amazing man was, looking at me like he would be lost without me. "I love you." He grunted out, before his hips started moving against me, slowly withdrawing, then snapping back against me, his full length slamming into me. I cried out with every snap of his hips, the movement getting faster, and, somehow, more forceful. The burn in my belly was a raging fire now, causing me to clench my core against his length. His eyes went wide as he swore. "Ah fuck," His grunts became louder, as did my moans and screams, our breath mingling together as our lips met, messily. His face came down into the crook of my neck and he bit my shoulder, roughly. I yelled against the sharp pain, that sent fire down to my core, clenching so hard that I almost pushed him out. "OH SHIT," He cried out, bringing his hand up to circle my throat and squeezing gently, holding me in place, while his thrusts got harder and faster, his breathing as erratic as my own. My mind was blown, trying to concentrate on all of the sensations, and the feelings that were flowing through me, but it was impossible. Every nerve in my body was on fire and I knew that I was going to explode soon. I might die...but if I do, damn, this the way to go. I couldn't hold back anymore. One of my hands found Colby's hair and pulled sharply, while the other raked it's nails down his back harshly. "That's it's baby, come for me." Colby's words and the forceful snapping of his hips were all I needed. A scream broke out of me, as my release found it's escape, my nerve endings exploding, the world turning dark around me. The pressure in my belly broke, pouring out through my core, as Colby slammed into me repetitively, riding out my orgasm. As my muscles clenched around him, pulsing, his release came. His thrusts got sloppy, and harder, his grunts louder, and broken. "Fu-Ugh! Damn it, y/n, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK," He cried out, in time with his thrusts, until I felt his warmth shoot into me. A few more strokes, and his sweaty body collapsed against my own, both of us coming down from our extreme high. "Oh.....shit," Colby gasped out. "Mmmm" was all I managed to reply. He laid his head down on my chest, for just a moment. Then he leaned up, and pulled out of me, making me gasp from the sensitivity, before scooting off of me. "Don't wanna squish the baby," He murmured, laying his head back down on my chest.  "Mmmm" was all I replied. Would I even be able to make complete words after this? Holy shit. 

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