Chapter 95 (Sexual Content)

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He brought one of his hands up and placed it against the opposite cheek, letting his thumb trail down over my lips, pulling my bottom one slightly open, until it released. "You know that I'm never letting you go right?" He whispered, his eyes still burning into mine. I gulped and nodded. The heat in my belly was stirring and I couldn't stop it, didn't want to stop it. Colby crushed his mouth to mine, our tongues caressing each others, until we had to break for air. "I'm supposed to meet the girls soon." I breathed out. I could honestly care less about that, but I didn't want to be a bad friend. They were doing this for me...but Colby was standing in front of me with his hands on my was I supposed to pick them over this? His lips curved up in a sly grin. "Then we better hurry." There was no time wasted as he stripped me of my shirt, and unbuttoned my jeans, shoving them and my underwear down my legs. I kicked them off, and reached behind me to undo my bra. Colby watched as I threw it to the bed. He grabbed me behind my thighs, picking me up, and I wrapped my legs around his towel covered waist, my arms around his neck. He brought his lips back to mine, and took a few steps until my back connected with the bedroom wall. I gasped into his mouth as he slammed me back against it. He dropped my legs, and brought his hands to my breast, kneading, and pulling at my nipples, before he continued to let them roam the rest of the my body. It felt like they were everywhere at once and I couldn't keep up. He was moving so fast, and so forcefully, my brain was shutting down. I felt his knee come in between my legs, shoving my feet further apart, before he pressed his body against mine. His length pressed against my core, fanning the heat in my belly. I noticed that the towel was gone automatically, and I let a moan escape my throat. He dropped his head to my neck, sucking and biting, letting his teeth trail over the sensitive skin, teasing before pulling away. I whimpered and that smug grin appeared on his full lips. "Wonder what else I can do to make you let out that sexy little sound?" he whispered, his voice rough and deep. I shivered with anticipation, wanting to know the answer to that myself. I felt his hand ghost over my heat, barely touching me, but I shifted my legs, wanting him too. Suddenly, his hand came over me, cupping me hard. I let out a yell from the intense pressure that he applied, and my hips jerked against his hand. His other hand trailed over my stomach, up my chest, caressing my each of my breasts before reaching my throat. His fingers wrapped around it, not hard enough to affect my breathing, just hard enough to excite the hell out of me and to hold me in place. His fingers swiped into me, hitting my bundle of nerves, making my breath leave my body. I squirmed against his hand, bringing my own up around his shoulders to dig into his back. He groaned, and started moving his fingers faster, flicking against my spot. I could feel the burn in my belly intensifying, begging for release. I cried out, felling the pressure of his hand against my throat as he held me in place. "FUCK" I screamed, as I felt my orgasm coming on. Then he swiftly withdrew his hand and I did it again. I whimpered. He laughed softly, enjoying torturing me. "Did you enjoy that baby girl?" "No," I whined, shifting the lower part of my body, trying to get some kind of relief to the pressure built up in my core. His free hand came up and brushed my hair back from my face, before pressing his lips to mine softly. "Why not? I did." I glared at him. His hand went back down and his fingers pressed into me, softly rotating against my spot. I moaned again, closing my eyes. His fingers tightened on my throat just a little. "You're an asshole," I panted out. He leaned closer to me, his breath warm on my ear as it traveled over me. "I'm not," he replied softly, "But I can be." Before I knew what was happening, I was twirled around, and pushed against the wall hard. I yelped in surprise when I felt his length at my opening, twirling there before Colby shoved inside of me hard and fast, filling me completely. I screamed as he groaned out "Fuuuuck," my muscles stretching to accommodate him. He stilled inside of me, giving us both a chance to get used to the sensation, before his hips started moving, shoving me harder against the wall with every thrust. His hands gripped my hips, his fingers biting into my skin as he slammed into me. I braced myself with both hands against the wall, letting my cheek rest against the coolness. "Oh God, Colby!" I cried out, as my belly tightened. My body slammed against the wall ruthlessly with every furious snap of his hips and I was loving every second of it. He let his head drop down against my shoulder, and pressed his teeth into in not so gently. I sucked in a breath between my teeth from the slight pain. It only made the the burn inside of me grow. I felt his one of his hands leave my hip and trail down in front of me, between my legs. When his finger hit my spot, I moaned loudly, shoving my hips back against him. "Shit!" He panted out and stilled for a second before he started slamming into me, his fingers beating the same rhythm against my little bundle of nerves. I couldn't take it anymore. "Colby, I'm gonna," I felt my climax break through, every cell in my body lighting on fire, my body clenching against the onslaught of pleasure breaking through it. I think my soul may have temporarily left my body. My muscles tightened around his length and I heard him suck in a breath before impaling me harder and faster than before, working towards his own release, working me through my own. My body sagged against the wall, sated, while he continued to snap his hips, the friction sending aftershocks of pleasure through my now sensitive area. I couldn't stop the moans from leaving my mouth, Colby's name, and the random swear words mixed in. I felt the muscles tighten in his arms as he sped up, chasing his own climax. I felt like I would collapse if he weren't holding me up by my hips. The stirring started again in my belly, and I gasped. The last one was so intense, I was a little scared of this one. Could I even handle this? Ready or not, here it comes. It broke over me again, a scream dragging from my tired throat, my muscles clenching around Colby again, bringing him to his own release. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck," His words were in time with each hasty thrust, before one final, guttural groan left his throat and his body fell into mine against the wall, his head on my shoulder. "Holy Fuck," He panted out, breathless. "Mmmm," I agreed, unable to form words just yet. "Are you okay?" he asked, moving the hair from my face, while I was still pressed against the wall. I nodded slightly. Did I really have to go meet the girls? I honestly just wanted to go back to bed now. 

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