Chapter 42

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He reached his arm out to me and I went to him, taking his offered hand. "Momma, this is Y/n. My fiance." I held my hand out to shake her hand. "Nice to finally meet you Mrs. Brock." I said. She looked from my hand, back to Colby. "You should have told me sooner." She told him sternly, then looked back to me, ignoring my hand. "But since you're about to be family, just call me Mom!" Then she pulled me in for a surprising hug. It took me a moment to gather myself, before I returned the hug and placed my arms around her soft waist. Leaning back, she smiled at me. Colby had her eyes and her nose. I felt immediate affection for this woman that I hardly knew for that reason, and the interaction between her and her son. She took my hand in hers and patted it before releasing and turning back to Colby. "You look happy." She told him. He smiled at her, a smile that I had never seen before. A smile saved only for his mother. "I am, Momma. Very happy." She reached up and patted his cheek. "Okay, dinner is almost ready. Let's get you kids inside." Colby leaned back over and picked up the bags again, while I got what I could carry. He walked past me to the front door and winked, then stood back, holding the door for me to come inside, with his back. I just shook my head and smiled. He was carrying way more than me but still held the door. LA boy, my ass. I motioned for him to move after I walked inside, and shut the door behind me. I turned back, looking around at his childhood home. The living room was large but homey. There was a fire place, surrounded by a brick mantle, family portraits sitting on top of it. A beige carpet stretched out across the floor, until it ran into gleaming wood panelling. A black couch, offset with a beige recliner sat in the living area, with a huge smart tv hanging on the wall. It was beautiful. "My room is upstairs." Colby said, motioning for me to follow him. I admired the photos on the wall of his family, until I realized that I was looking at a toddler Colby. I almost dropped the bags. I stopped in my tracks. "You were so freaking adorable!" I shrieked, forgetting that there were probably other people around. He turned back to see what I was talking about and groaned. I started laughing. There was a photo on the wall of little Colby, with a red t-shirt on, that he had pulled up, patting his little belly. "Colby...this is literally the cutest shit I have ever seen!" I exclaimed. "Shhh!" "What?" I exclaimed, a little taken aback. "Don't swear in here. It's disrespectful." I smiled. "I'm sorry. I'm the same way with my mom. I just forgot...but seriously cutest thing ever!" He rolled his eyes and swung back around. "Come ooonnn." He groaned out. I was still giggling but I followed him. He stood back in front of this door that had a Vine sticker on it, and waited for me to open it since his hands were full. I did, then stepped back, letting him enter first. I followed him inside and dropped our bags to the floor, admiring the room. There was a four poster bed up against the far wall, with a big bay window, covered with white curtains. The walls were painted a deep blue, a little darker than his eyes, with white trim. A basic brown dresser stood against the wall with the door, band name stickers plastering it. A full length mirror was attached to the front of the closet door. "So this is teenage Colby's room huh? I asked, dragging my finger along the dresser, looking at little odds and ends he had piled on top from his childhood. A Kingdom Hearts Strategy Guide for the PlayStation 3, a couple of pictures of him and Sam, with a couple of other guys that I didn't know. I saw a picture that caught my eye. It was Colby as a teenager, probably around 17, hanging onto the waist of a pretty girl with brown hair. She was clinging to his neck and kissing his cheek, looking up at him with adoration. I picked it up to get a closer look. He came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and kissing my neck. "Whatcha looking at?" He asked, taking the photo from my hands. "Oh God." He said, smiling. "What? Who is that?" He shook his head. "My highschool girlfriend. The one I told you about that I thought I loved but she ended up cheating on me and breaking my heart." He put the photo back down on the dresser, still smiling, acting like it was a good memory. "Why are you smiling about that?" I asked him, turning around in his arms so that I could face him, and wrapped my arms around his neck. I let my fingers trail through his hair and stay there. "Because I got over it. I wasn't really in love. Puppy love I guess. I was angry for a while but she apologized and we eventually became friends again. I still talk to her sometimes." My eyes widened. "You do?" I was surprised. "You've never mentioned this." He shrugged, looking embarrassed. "I still talk to a few people from home, every now and then. Just keeping in touch. We have a lot of history." I scrunched up my face a little and pursed my lips. "Should I be worried?" I asked.  He laughed at my hint of jealousy. "Of course not!" He leaned over and caught my lips with his, teasing me with his tongue until I opened to him. It turned heated quickly. I tightened my grip in his hair, and felt his hands pressing into the small of my back, pushing me up against his body. When Colby broke the kiss, we were both breathing heavily. "See, something that never happened with her...her or anyone else but you. The slightest little touch from you and I go crazy." He shook his head in disbelief. 

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