Chapter 107

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"How would you know?" She rolled her eyes a little. "A mother always knows when something is different with their own child. You'll learn that soon enough, I'm guessing." My mouth fell open. How could she possibly know that I'm pregnant? "Is that it? I'm going to be a grandma?" I was actually stunned into silence, just gaping at her like a fish. "Will you say something already? The anticipation is killing me!" "I, uh, yeah, uh..." I stuttered out a few syllables, still completely mind blown. I took a deep breath, in and out. "Momma...seriously, how did you know? I'm 3 months now." She smiled softly at me, and laid her hand on top of mine. "You were being very careful of yourself when you got here. Making sure not to lift too many bags, shielding your stomach when one accidently swung towards you. I saw you keep pressing your hand against your belly. I don't even think you realized that you were doing it. It was just like a habit. I also saw Colby watching you. His eyes would flick from your face to your stomach, when he thought that you weren't looking, and he had an adoring look in his eyes. I wouldn't call myself a very good mother, if I didn't notice all of that." She leaned back, looking proud of herself, then a misty look drifted over her eyes. "I'm going to be a grandma." All of a sudden she jumped up into the air shrieking, nearly making me fall back in surprise. "I'm gonna be a grandma! Woohoo!" Did my mom just woohoo while dancing around the kitchen? I started laughing so hard, tears leaked out of the corners of my eyes. She grabbed me in a tight hug, then leaned down towards my belly. "Hey there baby, this is your Grandma. I'm going to smother you with kisses, and spoil you, and when you get older, you can come spend some of your summer here with me." She leaned back up, grinning from ear to ear, and met my eyes. "I love you so so much baby. Your life has taken a definite turn for the better and I couldn't be happier for you." We hugged again, swinging from side to side, when Colby walked in the kitchen. His concern look faded when he was us. "Is everything okay? I heard screaming. Mom let me go quickly, and ran to him. I didn't even know that she could move that fast. She enveloped him in a huge hug, while he stood there in surprise for a moment, before bringing his arms up around her smaller body. "Congratulations on the baby." She choked out, the crying starting to affect her speech. He laughed, and rubbed her back. "Thank you so much, Mrs.," She leaned back and held her hand up stopping him. "There will be none of that. We are family now. You will call me Mom, Momma, Ma, I don't care, but none of these formalities." He sucked his lips in, and his eyes widened. "Yes ma'am," He answered, blowing out a breath. HaHa, Colby got in trouble. The childish thought ran through my head, and I couldn't help but to snort out a short laugh. He shot me a glare, over my mother's shoulder, and I made a face at him. My mom finally let him go, then took his hand, pulling him over to the table. "Okay, you sit while we finish up the meal. We just have to roll em up and fry em." She scooped the meat off the cutting board and threw it in frying pan before doing a little dance. "I'm so excited," She exclaimed, making a weird little joyful noise. It actually really warmed my heart to see her like this. Truly happy about something. I don't think she's been this happy in a very long time. She reached over and flipped the switch on the kitchen radio that she had mounted to the wall, and started singing along to the cd that she had in it. It was actually her favorite boy band from back in the day. New Kids on the Block. Nice. I laughed and started singing along with her, knowing every word, letting the memories of days gone by run through my head. I danced over to Colby and pulled him up, singing to him and dancing with him in the kitchen. We spent the next little while cooking, dancing, and singing. It was magical and I had the best time. It seemed like Colby had a great time too and I know that my mother did. I watched as Colby grabbed her hand, spinning her, before dropping her in a dip. She looked shocked that he knew how to do that, but please that he had. We finished the food up, and started eating. "Oooh God, this is so good," I moaned, wiping the grease from my chin with my napkin. I can't even remember the last time that I had homemade egg rolls. Colby took a bite..then another..and another, chewing rapidly. I started laughing. "Slow down! It's not going anywhere." He looked a little embarrassed but took another big bite. "I've never had these. They're actually amazing." I nodded. "Best meal ever. Thank you Momma." "Of course baby. I'm happy to see you eating. You're eating for two now so don't hold back." Leave it to my mom to try and push comfort food on me. Colby polished off about 4 of them, while I stopped at two. They were huge, probably about 3 or 4 of the restaurant egg rolls put together. I don't know how he ate as much as he did. When we finished, we watched a movie with my mom for a little while, before she called it a night. "Goodnight Momma,I love you." "Goodnight baby. Goodnight Colby. It's so good to have you both here. I'll make breakfast in the morning. Love you both." We headed to bed too, him trailing behind me into my old room.

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