Chapter 134

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"I think so." He laughed, his big, beautiful grin covering his entire face, lighting it up into possibly the happiest I've ever seen him so far. "That's amazing..." He said, after his laughter quieted. I felt the bump inside of me again and Colby gasped. "There. It did it again!" I laughed with him and placed my hand on his cheek. "Our baby is moving." I whispered. His blue eyes were sparkling, joy written on every inch of his face. "Our baby. It's like, really real now." He replied, his hand still on my stomach, feeling the occasional bumps against his hand. The doctor came back in and noticed both of our giant smiles, Colby's hand on my stomach. "Are we getting some kicks?" He asked, smiling at us. I nodded, while Colby replied, "Yeah, super strong ones sometimes!" He sounded so proud. The doctor grinned at him, and sat on his stool, scooting closer to me, and pulling the machine closer to him. "Okay, let's have a look and see if we can tell what the baby is." I hesitated, looking at Colby. He wanted to know what the baby is. I can tell...but we agreed. I sighed. "We don't want to know the gender yet. Can you just put the information in an envelope for us? My friend is going to throw a gender reveal party or something." He looked up, the bottle of gel hovering over my stomach. "Are you sure?" I nodded and looked at Colby. He sighed, and took my hand. "I really don't like Serena right now." I giggled a little. "I know...but it will be special." He rolled his eyes, with a slight grin curving his lips. "Fiiine. We're sure." The doctor chuckled and nodded. "Okay. If you change your mind, you can always call us, but I won't say anything when I see it." We nodded and looked towards the screen while he squirted the freezing ass gel onto my stomach. I hissed in a breath between my teeth when it hit my skin. He started moving the wand around on my stomach, spreading the gel and I saw the familiar grey blobs on screen. I knew where to look now though. There was my baby. I tightened my grip on Colby's hand, staring hard at the little figure. I could see the fingers on it's hands, and it's little legs kicking out. "Oh!" I exclaimed. As soon as the little legs had kicked out, a felt the now familiar, still astounding, bump in my stomach. "Wow, definitely strong. I saw that one." I looked down at my stomach. "You could see it?" I asked in wonder. "Yeah. The further along you get, the more you'll be able to see the movement in your stomach. When you're really far along, you can even see the shape of the head or foot sometimes pressing out. Some new parents find it kind of freaky actually." Colby laughed. "I think we'll be okay." The doctor looked around a little more without speaking, then wiped the gunk off of me and the wand. "Okay, everything still looks great, a very healthy baby. Congrats you two. You only have 5 more months if you go full term and you'll be brand new parents!" Colby and I smiled at each other, nervously. 5 months didn't seem like that far away. This was getting really real, really fast. "I'll go fix up your gender reveal info and have the nurse bring it back to you. I'll see you back in 4 weeks." He walked out the door and I looked at Colby. "4 weeks is actually perfect." He lowered his eyebrows at me. "Why?" I rolled my eyes at him. "Because we're getting married in 3, okay. Then we're going on our honeymoon for a week. So we'll be back in just enough time to make the next appointment." His eyes were wide now. "We're getting married in 3 weeks? Is everything ready? I feel like we're going to forget to do something or pay someone...I still have to fly the twins out," "Colby!" I stopped him, pressing my fingers to his lips. "Chill." He smiled against my fingers. "Sorry," he replied, moving his mouth away from my hand. "I didn't realize it was that close. I always seem to lose track of time. Everything is moving so fast." I nodded in agreement. "It does seem that way. It's like the remote control to our lives is stuck in fast forward. I actually can't breathe sometimes, it gets so overwhelming." Colby hugged me tight against his chest. "You let me know when you get that way and I'll help you through it. We have each other, we have our friends, and our families. Everyone is helping so it's not just on us." He sighed. "I'm going to owe Serena a new car or something when this is over." I giggled and he looked at me. "You should get dressed." "Oh yeah." I got dressed, and the nurse came back with the envelope. The envelope containing whether my baby was a boy or a girl. I have never been more tempted to read something that I wasn't supposed too. "This is actual torture. You don't owe Serena anything." I told Colby on the way home, flipping the cream colored paper over in my hands, fidgeting with it. "Speak of the devil." I said, seeing Brennen's truck in the parking garage when we pulled in. We didn't see them in the hall's and they obviously weren't in our apartment, so that meant that they had to be at Sam's. We walked over, knocked, and let ourselves in, hearing the voices of our friends. "Hey guys!" Sam yelled out, a big grin covering his face when he saw us. "What did the doctor say?" Serena stood up and walked over to me, holding out her hand. I sighed and rolled my eyes, then crammed it into her hand. "I don't like you." I snapped at her. She just laughed. "You'll love me again soon." "Wait, is that the baby's gender?" Sam asked, pointing. I nodded, pouting. 

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