Chapter 63

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Colby stopped talking again, and I rested my hand against the warm skin on his stomach. Koki, his smaller dog, came up on his other side, and licked me in the face. I giggled and pushed her back a little, but kept my hand on her head, scratching her ears before moving back down to Colby's stomach. She laid up against him, like she knew he needed a little more comfort. "That was the thing with Johnny. He made you want to be bad, even when you didn't really wanna be." He shook his head a little. "I didn't understand it, hell I still don't but that's the way it was. Then Sam and I left, glad to be away from all of it. Johnny got arrested for knocking over a convenience store shortly after, and got 3 years. He was let out last year. I saw him once, when I came home for the weekend last year, but just in passing. I stayed here that weekend, texting you, or exploring with Sam. We didn't hang out with any of them for those two days. I guess the other guys are still under his thumb." He sighed again, bringing the arm that wasn't around me up to rest over his eyes. I could tell that he was worried about his friends but what could I do? What could he do? I never would have imagined that his life before Cali was just as complicated as mine was. I leaned up, resting my arms across his chest, before resting my chin on my arms. He glanced down when he felt me move and met my gaze. I smiled sweetly, batting my eyelashes at him like a dork. A deep chuckle escaped his throat, and a small grin curved his lips. His very kissable lips. I leaned up and pressed my lips to his, just wanting to make him feel better. I couldn't stand knowing that he was hurting or worrying. His lips were warm against mine, the kiss slow and teasing. I jerked when I felt something cold and wet hit my cheek, breaking our kiss. Colby started laughing, a deep bellowing sound that warmed my heart. Koki was staring at me innocently, before her tongue shot out, covering his face in sweet doggy kisses. This dog was watching me while she licked him, like she was trying to prove to me that he belonged to her. I huffed out a breath, pretending to be jealous. "Well damn, looks like I'm gonna have to fight all the girls off of you. I can't take you anywhere." He screwed up his eyes and stuck his tongue out at me. "Sorry babe, but Koki was my first true love." Foxy decided that she wanted to get some attention too so she trotted over from her place on the grass and stood over Colby's face, licking him from forehead to chin, catching Koki in it too. He laughed even harder, trying to push her away, since his face was now covered in dog drool. "Eeewww, now your face is gonna smell like doggy breath." I joked, covering my mouth as I laughed. I was sitting up by this time, watching him struggle to sit up and detach himself from the animals that apparently missed the shit out of him. "Not kissing that till you wash it." I said, pointing at his face. My laughter died in my throat when I saw the look that he was giving me. His eyes sparked and then grew dark, his pupils contracting. There is really no other word for what I'm about to say. He looked hungry. "Oh yeah, you will." He stated before he started moving towards me. I shrieked, and jumped up quickly, running towards the base of the treehouse. He came after me and caught me in no time, pinning me against the tree. Colby took both of my hands in one of his and brought them above my head against the tree, holding them there. His lips came crashing down on mine, and I struggled to bring my arms around him, to pull him closer, but he held my hands firm. I could feel the rough bark against the back of my hands when I struggled. He broke the kiss soon, and nodded upwards. "Didn't you wanna see the treehouse?" He asked, his voice rough like gravel and oh so sexy. My mind was still blurry, and I couldn't stop staring at his lips, his tongue darting out over them to wet them. "Huh?" I managed to stutter out, when his words processed through my hormone riddled brain. He laughed at me again, then bit his lip. That damn lip biting. I was going to have to have a talk with him about that. It wasn't fair that he used that to distract me all the time. I watched as his tongue came out first, bringing his bottom lip inside his mouth, then his teeth pressing down on it, letting it scrape against them as it rolled back out of his mouth. I inhaled sharply and his lips turned up in a smirk. He was getting a kick out of my reactions. "What has gotten into you lately? It doesn't take anything for you to start giving me that look." He asked. I could still hear the laughter in his voice. "What look?" I asked breathily, finally tearing my eyes away from his mouth, meeting his intense blue gaze. Damn it, that was no better. "That look," He growled out, the black of his pupils almost annihilating the blue. "That damn look that tells me you want to go into that tree house right now and let me have my way." Well damn. My spine is actually tingling, as his hand grips tighter on my wrists. "Oh." That's all I could manage to say. Oh. My brain wasn't working. I couldn't even form sentences any longer. All I could do was think about that tree house above my head, and the way his lips really needed to be on my skin, like right now. It was urgent. He let my wrists and turned me around, facing the tree. "Climb." He demanded and goosebumps burst out over my skin, the slight breeze having nothing to do with it. I gulped and started climbing. 

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