Chapter 129

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"Actually, maybe I should get me a piece of that. Must be pretty good if-" Chris came up behind Randy  and grabbed him in a choke hold. Colby shoved the box at Kristie and motioned towards the door before knocking the bottle out of Randy's hand. He kicked it further out of the way, then sent his fist, rings and all, into Randy's face, splitting his lip. Blood went flying, splattering the wall next to him. Randy spit blood out, and turned his face back to Colby smiling, blood covering his teeth. "That all you got pretty boy." He struggled against Chris's hold but the grip on his neck just tightened, his face turning red. "Two against one." He gasped out. "You're too much of a bitch to take me on your own! No wonder that slut chose you. Nick was too much of a man for her. You're probably her little bitch." Colby eye's were full of anger, the blue turning black and hard. "Let him go Chris." He hissed out between clenched teeth. "What?!" Chris' widened in shock. "Colby, don't let him goad you. Let's just get this done." Colby cut his eyes to Chris. "Let. Him. Go. Now." His words came out clipped and demanding. Kristie yanked the door open right then, almost making me fall through it. I stumbled and grabbed onto her to keep from falling. "What the fuck are you doing over here y/n? You're supposed to be at the window." "I couldn't hear." I said, shrugging. She stepped out onto the porch with me but kept the door cracked so that we could both see. "If they come this way, you move over there immediately. Got it?" I made a face at her. "Yes Mom." She tilted her head and smirked at me. "Good." I noticed that she was still favoring her side and the mark on her face was turning into a bad bruise quickly. I was about to see if she was okay, when the raised voices inside caught my attention again. I looked inside and saw Chris reluctantly release his grip on Randy. He rubbed his neck, keeping his eyes on Colby. "You're gonna regret that," He said, raising his eyebrows at him. Colby smiled, one corner of his mouth tilting up. "Nah...I think I'm going to love it actually. Before I beat you unconscious, there is one thing I want to tell you." Randy stepped back a little further away from Colby, probably thinking that he would try to catch him off guard. "What's that?" He asked sarcastically. " see, when you were trying to make sure that the twins didn't get your little box...I took the liberty to search your room for just a minute. Found your saved files on your computer. You really should get a password on that thing." I saw fear flash in Randy's eyes for a second. Colby pulled a flash drive from his pocket. "I took the liberty of downloading the entire file onto this. So nice of you to leave it out for me, by the way." He tapped it against his chin and smiled...a smug, superior smile. "I'm sure the entire town...especially your dear, sweet Momma," Colby tapped Randy's chin with his finger, "Would LOVE to find out about the sick addiction you have to teenage girls." Randy jerked away from his touch. "Those girls are not underage. Colby shrugged, still smiling. "Maybe...maybe not. Still don't think you want anyone knowing about it. Plus everyone lies on the internet. How sure are you that they are as old as they say they are? Some of them looked pretty young to me...and those pictures were pretty graphic that they sent you." He shrugged again. Randy took an aggressive step towards him. "I'll kill you. You'll never get the chance to tell anyone." Colby smiled again, showing all of his teeth, a deadly grin. "You can try. I've been dying to fuck you up since the football stadium." Randy threw his fist out, connecting with Colby's face, a sharp crack sounding out as his head snapped sideways. "Oh!" I yelped, covering my mouth with my hand. Randy's gaze snapped to mine in the doorway and he laughed at my distress. Too bad for him, his punch only dazed Colby for a second and he came back with a vengeance. I saw him bring his arm back and swing on Randy, first the right fist, then the left, knocking his head from side to side. Randy staggered backwards into Chris, who caught him and held him upright. Colby started throwing punches to his stomach, and sides, before upper cutting his chin. Randy collapsed in Chris's arms, groaning. "Drop him." Colby said, his eyes never leaving Randy's bloody, black and blue face. Chris dropped him on the floor, haphazardly, not caring how he fell. Randy's body slumped to the floor and his swollen eyes looked at Colby towering over him. Colby stepped over him, and leaned down closer to his face. He pointed his finger close to his nose. "You will leave this town. You will never try to contact any of these people, especially anyone having to do with y/n. You will not deliver any information about her to that sick bastard in prison. You're lucky that I don't just kill you for being a sick bastard as well. You're just as bad as he is, if not worse. You have 24 hours. Otherwise, all of this information will be released and the you will go to prison, as well as your mom and then entire town knowing how much of a sick fuck you actually are. Your choice. What's it gonna be?" Randy licked his busted lip, gathering blood on his tongue. "I'll leave. I'll be gone by tomorrow afternoon." Colby nodded, while Chris started laughing. "Good choice. Make it tomorrow morning. I changed my mind." With that, Colby motioned towards Kristie and I to come inside. I walked in hesitantly, while she streamed in ahead of me.

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