Chapter 34

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You got me, better than I ever thought about getting you." He looked at Sam. "How about we don't do cheating pranks anymore brother?" Sam nodded and smiled, holding out his hand. "Agreed." They clasped hands and hugged. Then Sam gathered Katrina back in for a tight hug, squeezing her against his chest. "I can't believe  you actually bought that." She looked up at him, tears still in her eyes. "You're an asshole Sam." She replied smiling. "I know." He said, leaning down to kiss her gently. Colby wrapped one arm around my waist pulling me up against him. "You're an asshole too, ya know." He whispered in my ear. I blushed and looked up at him. "Sam said you deserved it and he told me why...I figured you wouldn't believe it." I shook my head at him, my eyes wide. "Colby, I would never, ever do anything like that, especially to you of all people. I love you. More than my own life. You have to know that." His eyes started burning with an intensity that startled me. He leaned down to kiss me, pressing his lips against mine with so much force that head was forced back. I returned it, turning and pressing my body against his, wrapping my arms around his neck. " are we planning on leaving any time today or...." Jake said, clearing his throat. I heard the others laugh, and Colby broke our kiss leaning back. He smiled at them. "Yeah, let's pack up." We all helped pack everything up and lugged it back to the cars, shoving everything into the trunks. Corey closed his trunk, and pulled his keys from his pocket. "This has been one hell of a trip. I was terrified, amazed, I saw things that I never thought I would see...all in all, a trip to remember. Thanks brothers...and congratulations again on the upcoming marriage. Have you guys talked about a date yet." He asked, looking at Colby. Colby looked at me and smiled. "Not yet, but I was thinking sooner rather than later." I gasped, hearing the other girls, and maybe even Sam do the same. "Are you serious?" I asked, my mouth hanging open. He nodded, still smiling. "I am. I realized this weekend that I don't want to do life without you...and I don't want to ever make the mistake of losing you. So I'm ready whenever you are." I gulped. I thought we would have a long engagement. I felt my anxiety rising and I guess Colby noticed because he leaned down and kissed me gently. "It's okay if you aren't ready. I'm just saying that I'm ready whenever you are." I nodded, unable to speak. I loved Colby, of course. I was just scared that if I got married so soon, it might ruin things. Certain things in my life have shown me that things just don't work out well for me. I was still waiting for something to go wrong with my life's been 2 years though and everything is wonderful. I have the man I love. I have and amazing family here, as well as a loving mother back home. Even the bad things that have happened didn't tear me away from them, like I expected. I could do this. I just..."Let's talk about it when we get home, okay?" I whispered to him. He nodded. "Okay guys, let's load up. It's a long drive home." We all piled into the cars, and I let Sam have shotgun for a little while. I need to talk to Kat. They hooked up the bluetooth and blared the music. As soon as we had service again, I nudged Kat and pulled out my phone. "I've been planning...I wanted to show you." Her face lit up, and she leaned over towards me, looking at my phone. I showed her everything that I had chosen for the wedding. The decorations, the centerpieces, the little bags of colored almonds, the cutlery, the food...and then, the dress. The amazing dress that I was absolutely in love with. "Oh my God, Y/N it's beautiful!" She sighed. "This is perfect for you..." She glanced up to the front seat. "And for him." I nodded. "I thought so too. I know that Serena is going to be helping me with all of this too, but do you think you guys could too? I would love the extra help, plus I would just like your opinions." " Yes, of course! You know we would do anything for you!" She pulled me in for a hug. I wiped my eyes a little, to catch the stray tear that had fallen. "Even after this weekend?" I asked laughing. She pulled back and looked me in the eyes, smiling. "Especially after this weekend. Besides the fact that I wanted to kill you and that I hated you are officially one of the former Traphouse girls. You already were, but pulling that made your mark. I'm actually kind of proud of you. Still kind of mad," I laughed and so did she. "But proud." She leaned back in her seat. "So have you thought of a date? or are you freaking out?" "Both." I replied, being dead serious. "I want this to happen as soon as possible, but at the same time, I'm scared. I feel myself having the start of a panic attack every time that I actually start trying to think of a date." I shrugged. "I don't know what to do about it." "Well, when were you thinking?" "Not exactly sure, but in the fall. Outside somewhere with trees. The golden leaves would be a beautiful backdrop." She clapped her hands like a little girl and squealed. "Are you guys okay back there?" Colby yelled over the music. "Mind your business Brock." Kat replied, then looked back at me. "That would be so....magical. I'm so excited!" I smiled. I was excited too...but so very nervous. I couldn't really picture myself as a bride...but Colby. I glanced to the front seat, admiring him. Colby Brock in a tuxedo, the silver rings standing out against the black. 

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