Chapter 15

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"We're gonna hit it. It's already getting late." She took his hand and they walked up to us. S gave me a hug, whispering "I'm so happy for you love. You're going to be a beautiful bride." She kissed my cheek and released me. "Thank you S. I love you." "I love you too babe." Brennen and Colby bro hugged and the couple waved bye to everyone else. Colby walked to the bathroom and and came back out with some fingernail polish remover. He tossed it to Corey. "Try using that on the marker. It should work. Just keep it away from your eyes." Corey and Jake got some paper towels and went to work on their faces in the mirror. "Sooo" Sam said, walking to the couch and sitting down. "We planning this camping trip or what?" Colby and I joined everyone on the couch, except Corey and Jake of course. "I don't know man. I thought you guys were going to plan it. Since it's supposed to be like our joint bachelor/bachelorette thing." Colby said. "Wait, what?" I asked, turning to Colby with surprise on my face. "When was this decided?" He covered his mouth with his hand. "Oh sh*t...babe, I'm sorry. Everything was so hectic last night and we were drunk. I just remembered talking about it with the guys...I guess I forgot to talk to you first." I scrunched my eyebrows. "So no bachelor party? or my own party? You want to go camping as the party?" He took my hand and met my gaze, his blue eyes intense. "I didn't want a bachelor party. What point is there in me going out with the guys, getting drunk and having women dance on me, when I get drunk with them all the time, and I can come home to the woman I love to dance on me? What I want is to spend a weekend with each other and with our friends, with no distractions. Just us, spending time together and making memories....but I mean, if that's not what you want, I understand." I couldn't break my gaze away from his. I don't know how he managed to do this to me every time he looked at me in a certain way, but I couldn't say no if I wanted too. It actually sounded kind of fun anyways. "First, that's the sweetest thing ever. Second, I would love to do that. Third, stop using your damn eyes on me to get your way. That's not always gonna work on me Brock." I replied, narrowing my eyes at him. It would probably always work but I wasn't going to tell him that. He leaned back on the couch laughing. "I'll use it till it doesn't." The girls started giggling, while I smiled, shook my head, and leaned over to kiss him. The kiss started as a sweet caress of our lips but turned heated almost instantly. I felt his hand grab the back of my head pressing me into him. "OKAY, so it's a go?" I heard Sam say louder than normal. I growled and sat back, glaring at Sam. "Did you just growl at me?" He asked, his hand going up to run through his blonde hair. "I think she did brother." Jake replied, as he and Corey came back to the couch to sit down. "Might want to be careful. Colby said she can be vicious." I slapped his arm when he walked by me. "Ooowww seee." Jake said, sitting next to Tara. "You asked for that Jake." Corey replied, sitting next to Devyn. "Colby." Sam said, trying to get Colby's attention back from everything else that was going on. Colby jerked his head away from Jake being a drama queen and looked at Sam smiling. "What brother?" "Are we planning this?" He said slowly. "I told you, I thought you guys were doing it. You're the best man." Sam shook his head. "Yeah, but you're the boy scout. I don't think I've ever actually been camping. You should probably help if you want this to go well." "I can help." I spoke up. "Really?" Colby asked, his eyebrows going up. "You know about camping?" I nodded, blushing a little. "I used to go all the time when I was little." "I did not know that..." Colby said, chewing on his bottom lip. "It never came up." I replied, shrugging my shoulders. "Alright, what's the plan? Just one weekend?" Sam had grabbed a notebook and pen from Colby's desk, and was jotting down notes. "Yeah, that sounds fine." Colby replied. "We'll need to research a place but for now, let's just write down materials that we'll need." "Are we going to be cooking over a fire, bringing a propane eye, or just bringing a whole lot of ready made snacks?" I asked. "I wanna cook over a fire." Jake interjected. "Oh no...Jake, no baby." Tara said, shaking her head. He looked at her and laughed. "Why not?" "You and fire Jakey. That's all I'm saying." She replied, holding up her hands. We all laughed. "Okay, but I think I actually do want to try cooking over a fire. We can bring the easy stuff like hot dogs and hamburgers...wait, how do I cook hamburgers over a fire?" Sam asked. I laughed. "You put a rack over it. You know, like a propane grill. Make the fire in a pot or place cement blocks around it, then put a rack on top." I clapped my hands together. "You have your grill." Colby looked at me, wide eyes. "Okay, you're amazing!" He actually sounded amazed. "How did I not know that you knew this much about camping?" I laughed. "Colby, we live in LA. How often do we actually talk about camping?" He pursed his lips and nodded. "Fair point." "We can actually cook anything on something like that..." Sam said, looking thoughtful. I nodded. "Yeah, but let's not go crazy. Keep it simple." We went over the ideas for meals, drinks, and snacks and Sam wrote everything down. 

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