Chapter 100

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 "I think she said they should be there by Monday, so just a few days. It's getting pretty close. Are you excited?" She asked, sifting through my bags, pulling out the jewelry and things. I smiled softly. "I really am. I thought I would just get more apprehensive, the closer it got, but it's the complete opposite. I can't wait for the day." Kat looked over at me and smiled. "It's because you're happy and you know it's right." A grin slowly crossed my face as I thought about what she said. "Yeah..yeah, I guess I do...and I am happy. I've never been more happy in my entire life. It's like I'm living in a fairy tale now. All the bad stuff has happened, Colby has saved me on more than one occasion, and now we get to live happily ever after." I sighed and sat down on the bed, next to the bag that Kat was still pulling stuff out of. "Is this real life?" She laughed softly at me. "'Fraid so sweetie. Enjoy it. Where are you guys going to honeymoon?" I smirked at her. "Seriously? Like you don't know?" She bit her lip for a second, then smiled. "Kauai?" I nodded. "Of course. Paradise on Earth and Colby's favorite place. Kauai, Hawaii. We'll be there for one week and then back home, to get everything set up in the guess room for the baby." I furrowed my brow. I guess it's the baby's room now...not the guest room. Oh!" Kat jumped with my exclamation, putting her hand over her heart. "Jesus, what?" I laughed. "I forgot to tell you. I have to tell Colby too. I got a call from the OBGYN that I call the other day. They were able to work me next week. So, I'll be able to actually see it." Kat clapped her hands excitedly. "When will they be able to tell the gender?" I chewed my lip, thinking back over the book that I had read. "I think around 16 to 20 weeks. So maybe before the wedding?" "So you'll know what to be expecting when you go on your honeymoon! That's so sweet!" There was a knock on the door then. "Yeah?" I called out. Colby opened the door. "Why did you knock?" I asked. "Because you guys might have been trying on clothes or something. I don't know." He flushed. "It doesn't matter if I see you, but Kat's in here too. I was trying to be respectful." He was just too damn cute, no matter how hard he tried to be sometimes. I smiled at his bashful expression. "So what's up?" "We're finished filming. Thought you would want to be in here to tell Mike and Kev about the 'baby.'" He whispered the last word. "They don't know?" I asked, astonished really. He shook his head. "No, Kevin was traveling and Mike's been working on his music. We just haven't seen much of them and I didn't say anything earlier, because I thought you might want to be here too." "Colby, you're such a softie." Kat exclaimed, putting both of her hands under her chin and tilting her head at him. He blushed and rolled his eyes. "Shut up Kat," he replied, holding his hand out to me. I got up and took it, looking back at Kat and smiling. She followed us out as we went to stand against the balcony door. "What's this?" Mike asked. "You guys look like you're about to tell us that you're going to buy us all Tender Greens or something." I laughed. I wasn't nearly as nervous this time. I nudged Colby, letting him know that he could be the one to break the news. He smiled down at me, then looked back to the guys. Kat took a seat in Sam's lap, bringing her feet up on the couch as they smiled at each other, already knowing what was coming. "Well, you guys know that we're getting married in a couple of months." Kevin and Mike both nodded, waiting for the rest of the information. "Well, there's going to be...a new addition to the wedding party." "Okaaaay, what does that mean? We're the ushers, the other guys are the groomsmen, y/n has the girls as her bridesmaids...what else is there?" Kevin asked. "Wait, the ring bearer." Mike added. "Yeah, but I've already got Xepher's little cousin doing that for me." Mike grimaced but didn't say anything. He and Xeph had broken up a little while back and the subject was still a sore spot for them both. "Okay, so who then?" "Someone that you won't be able to see." Colby really sucked at this. I made eye contact with both of them, and splayed my hands out over my stomach, pulling my shirt tight against my skin. They looked at my belly, then back to my eyes, then Colby, then again to my stomach. It was actually hilarious watching their eyes bounce back and forth, trying to comprehend what was happening. Kevin got it first. "Noooo," He said, shaking his head and smiling. "No, you're not! Are you?" I nodded, grinning widely. "We are." Colby exclaimed. Kev jumped up and shook Colby's hand before hugging him and then grabbing me up in a bear hug. "Oh my God, I'm so happy for you guys. I'm gonna be the second Dad." He pretended to wipe a tear from his eye. "Yeah brother, remember that when I need you to babysit." Colby replied. "Wait, you're pregnant?!" Mike exclaimed, standing up. Okay, so he was a little slow to catching on. "I am." I said, meeting his gaze and smiling. "Well, what the hell!? This is amazing! I'm happy for you." He walked over and hugged us both. "How long before we meet this little demon child?" I cut my eyes at him and he held up both hands. "I'm just saying. It's Colby's." Colby an I laughed. "I was not a bad kid," he told Mike, defensively. I cleared my throat. "That is NOT what your Mom said." "OOOooo," Kevin yelled out, putting his fist over his mouth. Colby looked at me, his eyebrows raised. 

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