Chapter 155

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Sam and Kat were moving into the house next door next week. Their wedding had been amazing. Colby was the best man of course, and Devyn was the maid of honor. Everything was just as it should be. Brennen and Serena were still together. She had finally given up her apartment and moved in with him. Jake and Tara were still going strong, and she had moved into his apartment with him. Corey and Devyn had broken up a few years back, which blew all of our minds, but they were still the best of friends.  "Hey where did the girls go?" Jake asked, looking around for Tara. I scanned the yard and the road. "I don't know. They were just here." "They probably went inside. Come on, let's go get this stuff set up." Elton replied. "It's been a while since I've been here. I think the last trap house party was the last time." He stood staring up at the huge house that had been a part of so many YouTube videos on all of their channels. Sam clapped Colby on the back. "Brother, we can film in the Trap House again." He raised his hand up, pointer and pinky up, stinking his tongue out. Colby laughed. "Hell yea brother!" "I wonder if the Ouija board is still in the closet by the garage..." Sam had a twisted smile on his face. "Hell NO, you aren't starting that crap in my house Samuel!" I yelled, smacking him on the arm. He laughed, and rubbed his arm. "Damn y/n, I was just kidding. It's not like I would ever get Noah to do rituals with me, when he's older." He smiled at me innocently, his blue eyes twinkling. I glared at him, looking right through the innocent act. "Oh shit." I heard Colby whisper. I stopped walking and poked Sam in the chest with my finger. "Samuel John Golbach, you will NEVER, under any circumstances, open my children up to that. Do you understand me? You better pray this damn house isn't still haunted because of you!" He busted out laughing, along with the rest of the group, except Corey, who was eyeing the house apprehensively. We made our way inside, finding Tara, Devyn, and Serena all laid out of the couch with drinks. "Um excuse me, are we through working?" Corey asked, in a high pitched voice, snapping his fingers at them. "Hey, sorry I'm late!" Kat yelled, walking into the house. "Oh that was weird," She said entering the room. Sam kissed her, and swung Levi up into his arms. "Hey buddy!" He looked at Kat. "What was weird?" "Walking into this house again." She replied. We laughed. "I wish that I had known you guys when you lived here." "No, you don't." Jake replied. "The prank wars were awful, and Colby was a whore." Colby's mouth dropped open. "Well damn bro. Thanks. So were you!" I laughed. "I know he was a hoe. It's okay. I would have set him straight." Colby met my gaze, a glint coming to his blue eyes. "Damn right, you would've. Hey Elton!" "What's up?" Elton asked, looking at Colby. "Do you remember when I cut your beard right back there in the garage?" He asked, pointing through the kitchen. Elton glared at him with a small grin. "I do. I also remember gluing a hot pink wig to your head in retaliation. Do you really wanna go there Colby? You know I'll win." Colby's face turned pink. "Nope, I'm good." I laughed. "I really need to finish watching all of those old videos." I said, mostly to myself. "Girls night, and we'll do it." Devyn cried. "Which bedroom are you choosing?" Colby grinned at her. "Yours of course. It's the master." Devyn looked a little sad and glanced at Corey. "We have a lot of good memories in that room. In this house." One corner of Corey's mouth turned up sadly as he met her gaze. "Yeah...we do." Hmmm...looks like they might be missing each other. I would love it if they ended up back together but who knows? "I need to go check on Noah. I know the pool is drained but still. He's crazy like his father." "Who me?" Colby said, pretending to be shocked. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah you. Come on, let's go check out the yard." We all walked out the back sliding glass doors and saw Noah on the swing set over by the bar area. It had an adjoining slide to it.  Levi struggled to get out of Sam's arms and ran up to me. "Aunt y/n, can I wing wid Noah?" His little voice pulled at my heart strings with his cute little words that he hadn't quite gotten the hang of pronouncing yet. "Of course sweetie." I replied, ruffling his blonde hair. He smiled, Kat's smile, and bounced up and down. "Unca Colby, you push me on tha wide?" Colby grinned down at the little Sam look alike and swung him up on his shoulders. "Absolutely Little Man." He whispered something to Levi, and Levi laughed. Then Colby leaned towards Sam and Levi leaned over and popped him on the top of the head, then bust out laughing. Colby took off running, with Levi on his shoulders. "Why you little!" Sam laughed and took off running after them. Before long, all of the guys were running around the backyard, playing with the kids, doing dare devil stunts into the empty pool, flipping off of the bar...being crazy, as usual. "Hey when is Kristie coming over?" I asked Mike. He grinned. "She'll be here tonight." They had finally made it official about 2 years ago after a lot of off and on dating. My mom was coming to visit this weekend so everyone would be here. I stood with my girlfriends, watching our insane guys, and couldn't be happier. Sam and Colby still did YouTube. They still explored haunted places, and had even started on abandoned buildings again, but only with permission. Their careers were thriving. I saw Sam pull a couple of black masks out of his pocket and pass one to Colby. They tied the ends up so that they would fit on the kids faces and then put them on them. Kat took my hand and we watched our little guys with our big guys, explore the back yard. My happy ending was complete. 

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