Chapter 88

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"Gage, are you going to congratulate your brother? You're gonna be an uncle." Gage stood up, crossing the room to us. He hugged Colby, slapping his back a couple of times. "It's a good thing that you've got y/n here, so that you don't screw the kid up too bad." Colby cracked a grin, and shook his head. "Congrats bro." Gage said, then hugged me. "Congratulations sis." He had recently taken to calling me that, and I thought it was cute. "Maybe he won't screw it up too bad. Just watch him." I laughed, as he stood back. "When are you guys pulling out to go back to LA?" He asked, looking at Colby. "Probably tomorrow. There are still things we need to finalize for the wedding, and we still have to fly out to get y/n's Mom before." Gage nodded. "Okay, I'll be back to see you guys off tomorrow. Love you bro." That just left us and Colby's parents. We all sat down in the living room because you could tell that they, his mom at least, wanted to keep talking about the baby. "Have you thought of any names yet?" She asked, her smile still taking up the majority of her face. Colby and I shook our heads at the same time. "No ma'am. We just found out a few days ago so we haven't really discussed anything." His dad laid his hand on Colby's shoulder. "I know it seems like a long way off, but the time will pass before you know it. You should start planning everything as soon as you can. There is no way to plan completely for a child. You are going to have so many surprises and feel like you don't anything, regardless of how much you prepare, but it's still good to try to be ready." Okay, that was kind of making me nervous. Didn't they have like a million books on babies? I could just read those. It was like his mom could read my mind. "He's right." She said, nodding at her husband. "You can buy everything that the books tell you buy, try to do everything that the books tell you to do...but that baby," she pointed at my stomach, "is going to throw curve balls in your plans, and will continue to do so for the rest of it's life. Especially if it's anything like it's father." She moved her hand to  point at Colby. He looked kind of nervous now too. I saw him swallow hard. "Hey, I wasn't a bad kid...not really anyways." His mom didn't say anything, just kept looking at him. "Okay, but I could've been worse. I just acted out a lot, doing stupid things for vine, and hanging out with the wrong people." "Like I said, curveballs." His Mom replied. I laughed nervously. Now I was imagining a world where I had a young teenage boy, that was making me visit the principal's office every day, or a girl who rolled her eyes at me, more than she spoke. Aww crap. I nervously put my hand to my stomach, and rubbed it. His mom saw and her eyes grew soft. "Aw honey, it's going to be okay though. Both of you are going to make incredible parents. There will be hard times, and that little baby is going to grow up and break your heart so many times, you'll lose count. Then they'll put it back together by simply wrapping their arms around you and telling you that they love you. That's the joy of being a parent. They may not always be there for you but you just need to make it known that you are always there for them. Be their safe place, even when they don't want you to be." She leaned over and patted my hand. "Now that doesn't mean that you won't have to lay down the law for them too. That's going to be hard, especially when you still see that little baby staring at you, when they look at you...but we'll save that talk for another day." Colby was looking at his Mom with a look of utter devotion on his face. "I love you Momma. I'm sorry if I broke your heart." She sniffled and smiled. "It's okay baby. You always put it back together." I swear to God, I'm going to freaking cry! There are too many emotions flying through this house right now and I'm getting overwhelmed. "Just know that we're always here for both of you, if and when you need us...and you will need us." His Dad laughed. Colby got a text and checked it. "It's Sam. He's outside. We're supposed to go explore a little bit while we're here, check out some of the old spots." He grabbed my hand, pulling me up with him. "I'll see you guys later. Thank you for everything. I love you both so much." He hugged them, and we walked outside to meet Sam. I enjoyed the rest of the day so much. We did a lot of hiking through fields, checked out an old warehouse that the guys said they used to hang out in, another place where they told me about a party they threw when they got popular on Vine. We walked down dirt roads, stopping to rest at a random lake that in the middle of a cow field. It was beautiful and reminded me a lot of my own hometown. I understood why they wanted out though. This was all there was. Their personalities were too large for this town. They needed LA to let them shine, to become who they were truly meant to be. This would always be home to them though, and for that I was grateful. It reminded them of where they came from, and kept them from letting their growing fame get to their heads too much. I would be sure to bring our baby back here a lot, and to my own hometown, to understand where they came from too. I started thinking about telling my own Mom about being pregnant. I honestly think she'll be okay with it, she'll be happy for us, but I still felt nervous. Before that happens though, we have to tell the guys back home. 

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