Chapter 154

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                                                                                          5 Years Later                                                                                  I wiped the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand. My eyes were on Colby, the muscles in his back flexing from the strain of the heavy box that he was lifting from the moving van. He still didn't know how to keep a shirt on. The dark  in the middle of his back shifted with every movement and I can honestly say, I still really loved that tattoo. There were a few more scattered on his arms, and across his chest now. Noah's name in script was across from the Kingdom Hearts tattoo on the other side of his chest. I loved that one too. Colby and I had talked and argued about getting matching tattoos. He wanted them but I had been hesitant. "Do you think we aren't going to last?" He asked me angrily. I shook my head, my eyebrows going down. "Of course I think we're going to last. But that's just it! I THINK! How can you be positive?" He rolled his eyes at me. "Because I do KNOW. Even if something were to happen y/n, it's you. It's always you. ALWAYS." Needless to say, we went to the tattoo parlor that day and got them. I got mine on my wrist. An infinity symbol with the word Always in the design. I loved it. Colby got the same but right below his collar bone. A yell jerked my attention away from Colby's naked back and I looked over to see Noah running towards me from the yard. "Mooommmmmaaaa!" His little legs were carrying him as fast as he could go. I laughed, and kneel down, opening my arms to him. He slammed into me, my arms going around his little body, his hands locking around my neck. "What is it baby boy?" I asked, rubbing his back. He leaned away from me and pointed towards the back yard of our new home. "There's a slide back there Momma! and a swing! and a treehouse up in the trees! Come see!" His curly dark brown hair, so much like his father's bounced with the motion of his head. His blue eyes were shining with excitement as he grabbed my hand and pulled. "Woah, hold on baby. Momma has to finish helping Daddy." He dropped my hand and a cute little pout formed on his lips. "Can't Unca Sam help Daddy?" I laughed, and pointed towards the moving van. "He is sweetie. So are Uncle Jake, Uncle Corey, Uncle Elton, Uncle Brennen, Uncle Kevin, Uncle Mike, and Uncle Aaron. They still need me to tell them where to put the stuff inside the house. We'll look at the awesome stuff later, Okay? I promise." A familiar big, beautiful grin lit up his entire face, raising his cute, chubby cheeks. "Okay Momma, Looovee youuuuu!" He was already off and running again, back to the back yard. My heart swelled watching him. "Hey gorgeous." A deep, rough voice said from behind me. Those familiar ring clad hands wrapped around my waist, and I felt Colby's lips trail over my neck and shoulder. I placed my hands on top of his, on my belly. "How are you feeling?" He asked me. "No morning sickness or anything?" I smiled and shook my head. "No, I feel great." I was showing a little more than I was last time at 4 and 1/2 months but not too much. "How about you little Chloe? How's Daddy's little girl doing in there? Mommy's taking good care of you huh," Colby had moved around to kneel in front of me. He had spread his large hand on my stomach, murmuring to the baby girl inside. I looked down at him, feeling like I was in love for the first time. His eyes still made me melt, his voice still sent shivers down my body, his hands still made me feel magical things. He had finally let his facial hair grow, seeing as how we were almost 30. He said he didn't want to look like a kid forever. I was so glad. I loved the close cut goatee he had going on. Colby had let his natural brown hair grow back out, but he still dyed it blue occasionally. "Brother! You plan on coming back over to help any time soon?!" Sam was holding a big box, panting as he balanced it on his knee. Colby ran over to help him. The others were taking everything inside our new home, and placing it just inside the doorway until I got in there. Well, it was new to me. The rest of the guys new this place really well. "I still can't believe that you guys moved into the TrapHouse." Corey shook his head, as he threw his arm around Devyn's neck. "That blows my mind. Everything has went full circle." I laughed. "Can we not call it the TrapHouse? My son has to go to school and I really don't want him telling people that he lives in a drug den." They started laughing. "That is not what it means for us though!" Aaron cried out. "I know that but still. That's what people will think." I replied. Colby came and stood next to me. "How about we just call it home?" I smiled and leaned my head over on his shoulder. "Sounds good to me." Sam walked back up to us. "You all better be helping me and Kat next week, when we move." I glanced at the house next door. "You know I got you brother. Thanks for helping out. All of you. I love you guys." Colby said to the group. "Aww, aren't you just so fucking sweet." Brennen said, leaning his head on Colby's other shoulder. "That's why I love you boo." I rolled my eyes. "Where's Kat at, Sam? I thought she would be here by now." "She's on her way. She had to pick up Levi from day care when she got done at the studio." "Oh yay, Noah loves it when Levi comes over!"  was Sam and Kat's son and he was a year younger than Noah, but they were inseparable when they were together...which was very often. 

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