Chapter 153

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Noah's gaze finally locked onto Colby's face. He squirmed in my arms a little and flayed his arms. Colby leaned over and pressed the most gentle of kisses against his little cheek, then pressed one against my temple. "Do you have any idea how happy you've made me?" He murmured against my skin. I turned my face to his, so that my lips could meet his. Tasting the tears on mine and his face, I sighed in contentment. "I love you Colby Brock." I replied, looking into his eyes. He grinned, a big beautiful grin. "Always, baby girl." After I fed Noah, the nurses took him so that he could get his shots and other things. The hospital eventually moved us to a regular room and I got a few hours sleep. I awoke to a cooing sound, so I opened my eyes to find the source. Colby was sitting in the recliner next to the bed, holding Noah in his arms. I wish I had my phone. The sight of him sitting there like that, holding our child, looking at him with his eyes filled with love and adoration...I could watch them all day. Noah grasped his father's finger again making noises, and Colby laughed quietly. "You're a strong little man, aren't you? Daddy loves you so much buddy." The nurse came in to see if we were ready for visitors and Colby noticed that I was awake. "Are you feeling up to it yet?" he asked me softly, a small grin on his lips. I nodded, pretty sure there was a big grin on my own face. "I'm excited for them to meet him." Of course, there were so many of them that they had to take turns. First came Sam and Kat. Colby had joined me on the bed now, passing Noah over to my arms. He was trying to sleep now, so I tried not to jostle him too much. I assumed he would be getting enough of that being passed around between our friends. Sam went straight to Colby and hugged him. Kat rushed over to the bed, leaning down over me to see the baby. "Oh my God...he's so adorable. Look at those cheeks! And how does he have so much hair already?! Oh, my heart!" She looked like she was about to cry, and I giggled softly, hearing Sam do the same thing. "Do you wanna hold him?" I asked. "Can I?" She replied, her eyes hopeful. I nodded, and held him away from me a little. Sam came and stood next to her. "My turn next." I smiled and nodded again. "Just support his head. Don't let it roll." Colby said, worriedly as Kat took the baby into her arms. Aw, he was worried. So cute. She cooed over him a bit, trailing her fingers over his own tiny ones, admiring his toes, and his little nose. "Ready, Uncle Sam?" She asked, turning and pressing Noah into Sam's arms. Sam took the baby, almost like a pro, and snuggled him against his chest. "Brother, there is no denying this little dude. He looks just like you." Sam said, looking down at Noah. Colby laughed. "I know brother." His voice was full of pride. All of our friends took their turns coming in to visit the baby. Sometimes not even greeting us but heading straight to Noah. Brennen and Serena were next, then Jake and Tara. I was honestly scared for Jake to hold Noah, but he did okay. Colby stood next to him and kept his hand out, just in case Jake forgot to support his head. "I guess I don't hate you." Jake said softly, looking down at Noah. "You seem pretty cool, for a baby." After them came Corey, Devyn, and Elton. They all greeted us, Elton coming to place a kiss on my forehead. "You did good kid. He's beautiful. Looks nothing like Colby." We all burst out laughing, knowing that was the biggest lie. I think I can see a little of me in Noah. In the tilt of his chin, the shape of his eyes...but he was mostly made up of Colby. I was completely okay with that. Next came Kevin, Mike, and Aryia, followed by Tori and Aaron, who had also shown up, then ending with Xeph and Griffin. Sam and Serena came back in one more time before they left, seeing if we needed anything. Sam was holding Noah, standing next to Colby. He was speaking to him in a baby tone and I swear it was the cutest thing ever. "When you get older, Unca Sam is gonna take you exploring. Yes I am. Would you like that? Wanna go exploring?" Noah had woken up again after all of the visitors and started cooing at Sam. "Do you want me to hang out brother? I can sit with y/n while you go get something to eat or take a walk." He asked Colby while Noah grasped his finger, holding tight. There would never be a time when I did not marvel at this incredible friendship that they shared. Colby shook his head, about to decline. "Baby," I said, leaning forwards in the bed. Noah was in Colby's arms now. He looked over to me. "I want Taco Bell. Can you and Sam maybe go get some for me?" I asked innocently, turning my head to the side, and trying to bat my lashes at him, jokingly. He grinned and bit his lip, before turning to Sam. "You down brother?" Sam laughed. "You are so whipped. Yeah, I'll drive." Colby placed Noah in my arms, kissed me, and they left. I did want Taco Bell but I wanted Colby to get a chance to take a break for a minute. He had been up all night with me, then stayed up with Noah, while I slept. This would also give him a chance to actually talk to Sam about how he felt and stuff, while I talked to Serena. "So how's it feel little Momma?" She asked me, grinning broadly. I lay back on the bed, holding Noah tightly against my chest and sighed. He snuggled against me and I smiled. "I'm so fucking happy S. I didn't know that I could be this happy. I feel like I say that every time something good happens, but it just keeps getting better. I love this little tiny baby so much."

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