Chapter 27

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After driving that long ways, then staying up all night, he must be exhausted. He pulled one arm up over his head, and started playing with his hair, letting his eyes drift shut. I smiled and replaced his hand with mine, playing with his hair. "I love you Y/N...always." He murmured out before his breathing got deep and I knew he was asleep. "Always Colby." I whispered back. I smiled to myself as I tangled my fingers in his hair and snuggled up to his side, drifting off to sleep myself. We all slept pretty late the next day, after staying up all night. Sam was the first to get up. "y/n," I heard, as if from a dream. Then I felt someone shaking my leg. "Whaaaat?" I groaned, turning towards the tent flap. Sam was there, with the tent unzipped with his finger to his lips. "Shhhhh" He replied quietly. "You'll wake Colby." I sat up and looked him in the eye, furrowing my brow. "No, I won't. He could sleep through a bulldozer. Why does it matter anyways?" I whispered back. He motioned me to come out of the tent. I sighed heavily, and slipped my shoes on, muttering to myself. I was still tired. I climbed out of the tent, taking one last long look at Colby still sleeping, his face tucked into his pillow. I smiled, and zipped up the tent. I walked over to Sam who was standing by the lake. "What is it Sam?" I asked, stretching. "What time is it?" He looked over to me, then pulled out his phone. "It's about 12 noon." I calculated the time that I had slept in my head. "So, I've had like 5 or 6 hours of sleep. Why did you wake me up again?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. He laughed, his blue eyes shining. Running a hand through his blonde hair, he let out a heavy breath. "Tonight's the night." I was drawing a blank. I looked at him, confused, and held out my hands. "What do you mean?" He rolled his eyes at me and smiled. "The cheating prank y/n. Remember?" I scrunched up my face. "Oh...right. I forgot. Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked, nervously. Sam shook his head. "Not at all but we're doing it." He put his hand on my arm. "Come on, it'll be fun. Plus, they kind of deserve it." "They?" I asked. He sighed again, like he was dealing with a three year old...or Jake. "Kat. Kat and Colby." He replied. "Okaaaay Samuel, I didn't know that you hadn't told Kat. You said that you weren't sure yet." He nodded. "Well, I'm sure. I figured if I'm getting Colby back, I have to get Kat back too. The cheating prank with Colby didn't work as well as I wanted it too." I shook my head. "Okay, that's going to have to be the first video I watch when I get back." I said. "I can't believe that you haven't seen it. It's one of my most watched videos on my personal channel." He looked a little embarrassed. "I don't know why everyone wants us to doesn't make sense." I laughed a little too loudly. "Okay..sure it doesn't. Hashtag Solby." He cut his eyes to me, smiling that cute little smile. "Shut it." I giggled. "Okay, for real though, we have to make it seem real tonight. So today will be a day full of little flirty comments, and occasional touches or hugs. Stuff like that." He said, looking me in the eyes. "Are you okay with that? We have to act like we are hiding it." I nodded slowly. "Yeah, I guess so. You better know what you are doing Sam. I can't have Colby hating me." He rolled his eyes again. "Did you not watch the prank wars videos either? He may even think it's a prank right away, I don't know." We heard a noise coming from the tents. "Someone's getting up, hurry, hug me!" He exclaimed. He wrapped his arms around my waist, while I wrapped mine around his neck, and buried my face in his neck. I had hugged Sam plenty of times, but knowing that this was supposed to look...well, like we were cheating, it felt wrong. "What are you guys doing? Are you okay?" We jerked away from each other, and looked over to Kat. "What?" Sam's voice got a little nervous. "Oh yeah, Y/n was just telling me about some stuff that had her a little upset. I was just comforting her." He shuffled his feet and looked down, with his face red. How does he blush on command? What the f**k was that? I looked Kat in the eyes, then guiltily looked off into the woods. "Yeah, I just got a little emotional." I replied, glancing back at Kat. She had a confused look on her face but she didn't seem suspicious...not yet anyways. "Do you need to talk about it?" She asked. I shook my head and smiled. "No, that's okay. I already talked about it with Sam. He helped me a lot." I reached over and rubbed his arm, smiling at him. He met my gaze and smiled back. "Thanks Sam. It really means a lot." He put his hand on top of mine. "Yeah, no problem y/n. You know I'm always here for you." We looked into each other's eyes for a moment before Kat spoke. "Okaaay...." We pretended to snap back to reality and I pulled my hand away quickly. I smiled brightly at Kat. "But thanks Kat, I really appreciate the offer!" I exclaimed, then headed over to the cooler to see what we had for breakfast. I couldn't really hear what was happening behind me, but the whispers seemed to get a little heated, before I got too far away to hear anything. Kat stalked over to where I was and started searching around in the other food bags. "You okay?" I asked her gently. She looked up at me, almost glaring but her expression changed almost right after she met my eyes. "Yeah...I'm just not feeling this anymore. I'll be glad when we get back home and everything feels normal again." She sighed deeply. Damn it...I didn't like hurting my friend.

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