Chapter 86

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We all started cheering as he came back up, using both hands to shove his hair back and wipe his eyes. "Dylan, you are deleting that." He demanded, pointing his finger at Dylan, who was still recording. "I'm 100 percent NOT doing that Brock. This will go down in history. The first one to take the leap, and complete the pact." Colby flipped him off. Dylan laughed and put his phone down, taking off his shirt. The rest of the guys started taking their clothes off too, all wearing swim shorts underneath. They were prepared for this, Sam included. "Are you getting in?" Sam asked me, folding his clothes and setting them under the tree. I nodded, watching Colby go under and come back up. "Yeah, but I'm not swinging on that!" I pointed at the rope as Dylan ran and grabbed it, jumping into the water. He literally came down right beside Colby and I gasped. "Bro, what the fuck?!" Colby exclaimed. "I almost died." Dylan laughed and splashed him. Colby splashed him back, and started to lay back to float. "Oh no, brother, hide that!" Sam yelled, covering his eyes. Colby was still naked, so when he laid back...."Oh yeah," he said, going back straight. "I forgot." "How do you forget that you're naked?" I asked, shaking my head, and undressing down to my suit. "Just did. Why do I still have to be naked?" He asked, looking around at the other guys. Sam was getting ready to take his turn at the rope. Dylan and Jackson were already in the water, and Derek and Rob were jumping in from the embankment. That's what I would be doing. I was going to scoot my butt off of the ground into the water. I know, I know, boring, right? I didn't want to do anything that might get me hurt, in turn hurting the life inside of me. "We didn't tell you to stay naked bro. That's your choice." Jackson laughed out. Colby cut his eyes to him, the rolled them. "I'm going to get my boxers so if you don't wanna see anything, I would suggest averting your eyes." He replied, swimming to the side and and lifting himself out. They had dropped his clothes next to the tree, so I picked up his boxers and held them out to him, smiling. "Looking for these?" I asked. He grinned and took them from my hands, sliding them on. He struggled a little, considering his body was wet. "I like the other look better, but I suppose this looks good too." I said, trailing my finger down his wet chest, following a drop of water. He reached up and grabbed my hand, stopping me. "Is that right?" he asked, his voice becoming deeper, more rough. The heat automatically started in my belly, and I swallowed hard. I didn't reply, just kept my gaze locked on his. He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, gently at first, before grabbing my lower back and crushing my body to his. "Actually? GahDanggit, here we go again." I heard Sam say. "I told you guys, didn't I? This is all the time. It's no surprise they're gonna have," Colby broke the kiss, snatching away from me. "Sam!" Sam's head shot towards Colby, his eyes wide. "Sorry," He mouthed silently. "It's no surprise they're what?" Dylan asked, holding up his hands against the water that Jackson splashed at him. Seems like he was the only only paying attention to what Sam was saying. "Nothing. I'll tell you later," Colby replied, glaring at Sam. Dylan shrugged. "Okay." he replied, splashing Jackson, then ducking Derek's head under the water. "Sam and his big fucking mouth." Colby said, taking my hand. "Technically, Sam wouldn't know yet, if it weren't for your big mouth." I joked, poking him the cheek. He bit the inside of his lip before smiling at me. "Shut up. I'm drunk..or I was. The cold water sobered me up a little. Come on." He pulled me to the edge, then jumped off into the water, turning to hold his arms out to me. I smiled and jumped down, letting him catch me. The water was cold, but I got used to it pretty quick. I watched the small current ripple around my body. It looked like black silk trailing around me, in the dark. The guys were horsing around, taking turns on the rope swing, ducking each other, and doing flips. I mainly stayed away from them, just watching and laughing. Colby would come back to check on me every few minutes though. He was like an overprotective mother, hovering over me. I was barely pregnant and he was already stressing this bad? This was going to be a long 9 months...or I guess 7 months now. That's insane. To think that in 7 short months, there would be an actual little person in my arms. I didn't want to think about how that little person was going to force themselves out of my body. I would worry about that later. We stayed in the water for a couple of hours, me relaxing and watching, while they acted like the overgrown children that they were. It was one of the best nights I've ever had. I crawled out after a while and got my phone, taking photos of everyone. I wanted to see the memories. I walked out to the car, and got our towels that I had stuffed in one of Colby's XPLR backpacks. The guys were climbing out of the water by the time I got back. "Where did you go?" Colby asked, as I walked up to him. I held the towel out to him. "The car." I said, like it should have been obvious. Everyone dried off and changed behind the barn, if they needed too. Colby just kept the towel around his waist, and pulled his shirt back on. I just kept the towel on. "Sam, are you sticking around for a few days?" Colby asked him, trying to fix his towel dried hair. 

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