Chapter 130

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She passed the box off to me and walked up beside Colby. "Piece of shit got his ass beat! What's up!" Jesus Christ she was extreme. Colby smiled at her fondly, and stepped back, sweeping his arm towards Randy like he was offering him to her. Kristie smiled back. "Don't mind if I do." She leaned over Randy, taking Colby's previous place, only she sat on his waist. "This is as close as you'll ever get to this ass, sweetie." Then she reared her fist back, and punched him square in the nose. I heard another crack. No was broke again. Blood started pouring out, but Randy seemed to have gotten a little bit of strength back because he shoved her off of him. "Bitch!" He yelled, trying to get up. Colby stepped forwards and kicked him in the head, successfully knocking him unconscious. "Come on, we're done here," He said, turning towards me. There was still anger and disgust in swimming in his eyes, but they softened when he met my gaze. He took the box from me, and grabbed my hand. "It's over. Let's go home." I smiled at him, and leaned into his side, walking with him out the door. The twins followed, leaving his door wide open. We gathered around Kristie's truck. "So...I would say that was a successful night." Chris said, grinning and striking a lighter to the end of the joint that he pulled from his pocket. "How you doing sis?" Kristie had tied the ends of her up so that it was kind of staying together but not much. The bruise on her side was shining through. She put her fingers to it, and hissed. "I think he actually broke a rib. Wanna take me to the ER?" Colby was looking at her, his eyebrows furrowed at little. "You're a bad ass, you know that?" She smirked at him. "Course I know that...but thanks." We laughed. "Kristie has always been a bad ass...and a hot head. That's why I worry about her so much." I leaned in to hug her gingerly, staying away from her bad side. "Aw sweetie, you worry about everything and everybody. How about using some of that worry on yourself, and taking care of that baby." She motioned towards Colby when we pulled back from the hug. "Actually, you probably need to worry about this one too. He seems pretty calm when you first meet but damn, don't piss him off! He's got fire inside of him!" She looked impressed. I leaned back into his side, and his arm came around me. "I know he does. I worry about him all the time..." I looked up and met his gaze. "I like his fire though." He grinned at me, a little blush creeping into his cheeks. The shyness never failed to amaze me with was just so damn cute. "So are we invited to the wedding or what?" I looked at Chris in shock. "Oh my God, of course! I'm sorry I didn't invite you! We haven't spoken in forever and I wasn't even thinking that you would want to come. I'm so sorry!" "Shut up y/n. It's fine babe." Kristie said, rolling her eyes. "It's in Cali though, right?" "Yeah, on the beach. El Matador to be exact. Serena is actually planning it for me." I replied. "Oh that bitch," Kristie grinned fondly. "I wish I could see her. It's been forever. I wish we could go but you know, bills and stuff. Can't afford a trip to LA." Colby shrugged. "I can fly you guys out. Not a problem. I know y/n would love to have you there, and I kind of like you guys too." He grinned. The twins eyes both grew wide at the same time. "You can fly us out? With no problem? What the fuck Brock, you loaded?" Chris said in astonishment. Colby's cheeks flamed up again. "I do alright. Enough to help out a couple of friends." Kristie's eyes were still wide as she shook her head and leaned in close to my ear. "Do NOT let this one get away...seriously. He literally has everything...does he have a friend I can get with?" I busted out laughing at her whispered statement. "Come to LA and find out." She raised her eyebrows, and clicked her tongue against her teeth. "I just might do that. When is it?" I looked at Colby. "I don't even know what today's date is. I have lost track of all time, with everything that his been going on." He smiled softly. "We have 5 weeks until the wedding babe." I gasped. "Seriously? Wow, okay." I looked back at Kristie, surprise still in my face. I hadn't realized that it was so close. "Well damn, pretty close then. When are you guys headed back out to LA?" "At the end of this week." Colby replied. "We're taking y/n's mom back with us. She's going to stay with us until the wedding." "Wait, what?" I asked, turning back to him again. "I thought we were putting her in a hotel." He shook his head grinning. "Nope. Figured that I would surprise you. I had Sam and Kat fix up the guest room for her. It'll be ready when we get there." So much action and shock in one night. I heard a door slam and looked towards the sound. Apparently, Randy had woken up and closed his door. He was smart enough not to say anything to us however. "I'm gonna take this girl to the ER before she changes her mind and doesn't wanna go. Y'all know she's stubborn." Chris spoke up, tossing his roach into the bushes. Kristie stuck her tongue out at him then held her arms out to me, then Colby, giving us each a soft hug. I hugged Chris, and Colby shook his hand. "We'll see you guys before we leave. Let me know what the doctor says. I love you guys!" "Love you too!" I heard them reply as Colby and I walked slowly back to the rental. "This has been an eventful night. How are you feeling?" He unlocked the car, and opened my door for me. 

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