Chapter 92

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I hugged him tightly before he moved to Colby and Brennen moved to me. Elton grabbed Colby in a bear hug. "I'm so proud of you nephew...but you know that I'm going to corrupt the shit out of this child, right?" Colby laughed. "Yeah, I know. You're gonna be Great Uncle Elton now." Elton jerked back from the hug. "Oh hell no, I'm not old enough for that!" I laughed as I let Brennen go. "Apparently you are!" Everyone else was sort of standing in line, waiting to hug us and give congratulations. By the time that everyone made their rounds, I felt like I had hugged each person at least 3 time, and I couldn't keep track of who said what. "We'll baby sit whenever you want. I can't wait!" Kat clapped her hands excitedly. Sam's head popped up." Who's we?" She laughed, and kissed his cheek. "You and me silly." "I mean...I don't know about whenever you want, but of course, we'll babysit sometimes." He stuttered out. Colby rolled his eyes at him. "Calm down Sam. It's not like I'm going to leave the kid with you for weeks at a time or anything....Not at first anyways." "Wait, what?" Sam exclaimed. Colby and I laughed. "You guys know that we're all going to help, right? This is literally going to be the most loved baby in the history of babies. It's not just you guys having the baby. It's all of us." Devyn replied softly. I wanted to jump across the room and hug her so tightly for that. The tears started stinging my eyes, and Colby cleared his throat. "Thank you for that Dev. It means a lot." Colby's voice was a little rough, like he was a little choked up himself. "She's right though brother. We're all going to be here for you. We got you, like always." Corey said, stepping up to Colby and placing his hand on his shoulder. "You guys aren't alone in this." Yep, there they go. The tears started streaming down my face, so I hid it in Colby's chest. He wrapped his arm around my neck, and kissed the top of my head. Everyone started chiming in about how he was right and they would always be here to help us. In this moment, I had never been happier than I was right then to have found such a wonderful friend group, my extended family. I placed my hand on my belly, silently telling my child how loved it was going to be. Then I remembered that there was something that I was going to ask Elton. "Hey Elton," I raised my head up from Colby's chest to look at him. He tilted his head quizzically. "Yeah?" "Can I talk to you for a minute, in private?" He shrugged but looked a little confused. I leaned up and kissed Colby. "I'll be right back okay?" He nodded, but I could tell that he wanted to know what was going on. I would tell him. I just wanted to ask Elton first. Elton followed me outside to the hallway and closed the door behind him. "What's up y/n? Is everything okay?" I smiled, knowing that he cared so much. "Everything is fine. I just wanted to ask if you would do something for me. You know the wedding is coming up and I..." I took a deep breath and met his gaze. "You know that my dad died when I was young, right?" He nodded, still looking worried. "Well, I need someone to walk me down the aisle, to give me away, I guess. I was wondering if you would do that for me?" Why did I have to feel so nervous about telling them, or asking them things? Jesus Christ. He smiled softly at me, an expression that you don't see too often on Elton's face. "I would be honored to walk you down the aisle honey. Thank you so much for asking me." He held his arms out to me and I went into them, letting him hold me while I cried yet again. This was getting ridiculous. He rubbed my back for a second and then leaned back. "I have to wear a tux, don't I?" He made a face. I laughed, wiping at my tears. "Yeah, or probably just a suit. I don't think we're going to do the tuxes since it's going to be on the beach. I still have to talk to Serena about so many things. She's helping me plan it." He nodded. "Okay, just let me know. Whatever you need, I'm here." I smiled, and gave him another quick hug. "Thank you Elton. You don't know how much this means to me." He didn't reply but he smiled as we walked back inside. I went straight to Colby and hugged him tightly. "Everything okay?" I smiled up at him. "Everything is perfect." I glanced over at Elton who had a proud look on his face. "Elton agreed to walk me down the aisle since my own father can't." Colby's eyes widened and he looked over at Elton with appreciation. "Of course he did. That's my uncle." He replied with a soft grin. "Guys!" Everyone looked over to Jake. "Let's celebrate! I can run to the store and grab some drinks. We can just chill here and party a little bit." He shook his head. "We won't be able to do it as much with you guys once the dumb little baby comes along." I let my shoulders drop, and rolled my eyes, grinning at him. "Really, Jake? Can you stop being a bully to my kid before it's even here?" He shrugged, smiling. "I make no promises on that, but I'll try." Jake and Tara left to go to the store, while I snagged Serena away from Brennen. "I'll bring her back in a few minutes." I said, pulling her hand. "What is it?" She asked, looking back at Brennen as he blew her a kiss. "Okay, you guys are just as sappy as we are." I replied, pulling her into the bedroom and closing the door. "I know." She said, looking bashful. I giggled and sat down. "Okay, I need to know if it's possible to move the wedding up at least a month." She looked a little stunned, but started thinking about it. 

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