Chapter 115

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Did he have a death wish? Colby's nostrils flared, and his hand jerked against my thigh. His other hand was clenched into a fist on top of the table. "You should have listened a little better and we wouldn't have had to teach you how to behave." I almost flinched from the hate in his eyes, but I held his stare, trying to remain calm. I grabbed Colby's hand under the table, that was on my leg, but it didn't stop him from slamming his fist down on top of the table, and standing up abruptly. My hand yanked out of his when he did. Oh shit. Chris stood up too, but Kristie was so fast, I didn't even see her move. She shoved him away from Colby and the table, screaming at him. "Shut the fuck up, you stupid prick! She didn't deserve anything that you and your bitch ass friends did to her! You think that just because you're a cop, that you can do anything, say anything, and get away with it." Randy balled his fists up but looked around at the crowd gathering. Colby and Chris got directly beside Kristie, daring Randy to try anything. I would have been intimidated if their menacing stances were directed at me. I could see Randy's indecisiveness in his eyes. "Looks like someone needs to teach you how to act like a lady too, and shut the fuck up when men are talking." He glanced sideways at Colby, keeping an eye on both men to see if they would react. "Bitch, I'm more of a man that you will ever be!" Kristie lunged at him, and Chris grabbed her around the waist, catching her, just before her fist almost connected with his jaw. Before I knew what was happening, I was out of my chair, with Colby holding me back, an angry expression in his eyes. "Sit the fuck down now." His jaw was clenched and he was speaking to me through bared teeth. "You will not get involved. You are pregnant." I looked around, surprised that I was standing so close to the action, still confused as to how I got over here. I didn't remember moving. Apparently, I had just reacted without thinking. Colby pushed me back towards the table gently, before turning back to the scene. I stepped back a few feet, out of the mix. I knew that I didn't need to be involved, but damn it, I really hated Randy. Kristie was foaming at the mouth, almost literally, her legs kicking out towards him, while Chris held her around the waist. "Will you fucking chill?!" He yelled, the muscles in his arms straining. "I have things on you that will literally end you, you piece of UTTER SHIT! TRY ME! I DARE YOU!" She kicked out again, trying to aim at his groin. "Remember Stacey?" His eyes flashed a little. "Yeah, you remember her. The girl you gave a black eye, right here at this club, for me and a couple of others to witness. She didn't press charges because you threatened her. Guess what? I have it on video. He backed up a little, out of the way of her flaying feet. He narrowed his eyes, but I thought that I seen a little bit of worry in those devil eyes. "You don't have anything on me slut." Things happened so fast, my eyes couldn't keep up. When I was finally able to see what was happening, Randy was on the ground with Chris on top of him, punching him repetitively in the face, while Colby was grabbing Kristie off of him. He literally threw her back towards the table, then grabbed Chris and hoisted him back, Colby locking his arms under his. "You don't EVER call my sister a SLUT!" Chris was struggling against Colby's hold. Randy slowly crawled up off of the floor, his nose bleeding, and his lip split. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and sneered at Chris and Colby. "They're both little sluts that need to be taught a lesson." Jesus. He just didn't know when to shut up. Two of his friends had backed him up so he got some balls to keep running his mouth. Colby didn't hold back this time, even though I screamed his name. He jumped into the air, drawing his fist back, and slamming it into Randy's face, blood flying sideways along with his face from the force of the hit. Chris jumped one of the other guys that went after Colby, dragging him to the floor, where I couldn't tell who actually had the advantage. This was insane. Why couldn't we ever just something without all of this? Randy's other friend dragged Colby off of him, and held him while Randy started delivering blows to his stomach, and face. "COLBY!" I screamed and headed towards him out of instinct. Kristie blocked my way, pushing me back. "Don't take your pregnant ass over there!" Then she ran at the guy, kicking him in the small of the back, making his knees buckle, giving Colby a chance to break free from his grip. "Fucking cheaters, can't do anything without the help of your bitch ass friends!" Colby ducked Randy's next hit that aimed at his face, caught him around the waist, and slammed him to the floor, and punched him one more time, before security FINALLY showed up, separating everyone. "OUT. EVERYONE OUT." Randy started yelling, "I'm an officer of the law! You can't kick me out! They started this!" The big, burly guys didn't listen and continued to drag all of the guys out of the small building. "Tell it to someone who cares buddy." The one holding Randy replied, as he threw him out to land on the ground. The rest of the guys, including Colby and Chris, landed hard on the ground too, rolling off of the concrete walk up. Kristie, Abby, and I had followed them out. I rushed over to Colby to help him, as the bouncers stood there waiting for us all to leave. Randy got up, brushing his jeans off, and pointed at Colby. "This isn't over. I'll have you in jail so quick for this." 

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