Chapter 11

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 "Damn bro, you're a whore." I told him, laughing harder than I normally would have. "F*ck you b*tch. I used to be." He threw the shot back and motioned his hand towards Tara. "Procheed." I think we were all feeling pretty good by now, especially Brennen. "Okay, Okay, my turn!" She rubbed her hands together and looked around at the group. "Never have I ever drank legally." "Oooooh" "Oh, that's f*cked up!" "Little Tara playing dirty, huh?" "B*tch, that ain't even right!" Everyone was letting out their feelings about Tara's sentence. "F*ck it, I'm drinking. She's right. She's hasn't." I motioned to Y/N to grab me a shot and everyone else followed suit. "These are going down way too easy right now." I said, not sure if my words were slurring or not. "Jakey!" I yelled, laughing. "Your turn brotheeeeerr!" "Okay," He said, sitting forwards. "Never have I ever...watched porn in church." He sat back, looking proud of himself. "Uum...has anyone actually done that?" I asked, looking around. Corey was shaking his head. "No, brother, what the f*ck?" "Brennen?" I asked, looking at him. He shook his head. "Nah bro, not even me on this one. I watch my porn in private." We laughed. Y/N sat up in my lap. "Okay, I think we're done with this because I can't see shtraight." She was swaying a little and I put my hands on her waist to steady her. "You good babe?" I asked, laughing. She closed here eyes for a minute then opened them. "Do not close your makes it worse." She replied groaning. "You wanna go to bed or something?" "Nooo, I just want to chill here and watch Youtube or listen to music with my bestest friends, and my fiAnce!" She looked back at me smiling. "Aww, that's so cute! She called him her fiance!" Kat exclaimed, leaning across to hug Y/N. Kat was in Sam's lap and Y/N in mine and they were hugging. Sam and I just looked at each other and chuckled. "Thas what he is tho, Kat! He's my fiancaaaayy!" Y/N sang the last part. "I agree babe. You've definitely had enough." The girls pulled apart and I looked around the room. Everyone was still functional so I leaned up and grabbed the remote from the table. "Scary videos?" I asked, looking at Sam. He nodded. "Hells yes." "Ugh, no! I hate scary vids!" Devyn exclaimed. Corey wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer. "I got you babe." Tara snuggled into Jake. "I'm so ready." She said. Jake just smiled and put his arm around her. Kat situated herself on Sam's lap so that she could the tv better. Y/N did the same. Serena brought her legs up onto the couch, and laid her head on Brennen's shoulder. "Let's do this." Brennen said. "NOT the Ireland videos!" Y/N insisted. I agreed. I couldn't even help edit those videos. Sam had to do it by himself. "Of course not, babe. Not trying to relive that just yet." I said, tightening my arm around her waist. "Chills?" I asked, looking around the room for confirmation. "Yeah, that works!" Corey exclaimed. "Number 10, this video-" Corey started mimicking Chill's strange voice...and he was actually pretty good at it. The video started and we all settled in to watch. The situation wasn't really quite and we missed some of the videos owing to that fact that we were all pretty lit. We screamed and yelled over the scary parts, the girls, and sometimes us guys, hiding their faces with a jump scare. I saw Corey and Jake take another shot out of the corner of my eye. "Still going brother?' I asked, smiling at them when they toasted it over the girls. "Not quite." Jake replied. He tossed the shot back, dribbling a little on Tara as he did. "Babe! Really?" She pouted. "Now I'm gonna smell like liquor." Jake laughed hard. "Babe...Tara, you already smell like liquor. Liquor and flowers." He kissed her. "I like it." She blushed and smiled at him. "Aww, you're so sweet Jakey." "Yeah Jakey, you're so sweet!" Sam said, batting his eyelashes at Jake. Jake smiled, his dimple going deep. "I know brother. I try." I chuckled and turned my attention back to the screen. I noticed Y/N dozing off after a while, her head drooping on my chest. I glanced around again and saw that most of us were falling asleep. Sam was the only one still awake with me. Serena was passed out across Brennen's chest, with his arm thrown around her, his head lolled back on the couch. Kat was asleep with her head in the crook of Sam's neck, her legs pulled up into his lap. He literally couldn't move. Jake and Tara were asleep propping on each other, holding hands, and Devyn and Corey were tangled together at the foot of the couch. Corey had his mouth wide open. "You know," Sam whispered. "If we were still doing the prank wars, this would be the perfect opportunity." I gave a short quiet laugh. "Maybe we do it anyways." He nodded a little. "We totally should." "Put the girls to bed first?" I suggested. "Definitely. We got the guest room?" I nodded. "Yeah, we changed the sheets the other day. You're good to go." "Okay...Let's see if we can get up and get them to bed without waking them." He scooted forwards on the couch, holding Kat with one arm, then placed both arms under her, and stood up. She moved a little. Her eyelids fluttered, and she wrapped her arms around Sam's neck, but drifted back off to sleep. "That was easier than I thought." He said, looking surprised. I did the same, putting my arm under Y/N's legs and scooping her up. She barely moved at all, one arm hanging limply. We carried them to the separate rooms. I laid Y/N down gently and kissed her softly on the lips. 

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