Chapter 102

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He shook Colby's hand and then mine, while we introduced ourselves to him. He was probably in his 40's, a nice looking man, with a gentle smile. His perfectly coiffed blonde hair barely moved when he did, so he liked his styling products. I felt comfortable with him so far though. "Okay, we're just going to let your table back here." He felt around behind the exam table and it started lowering me into a lying position, my legs hanging uselessly. He then pulled the little extension part of the table out, so that I could rest my legs on that. I appreciated that. "Are you comfortable with," he looked over to Colby, "your boyfriend?" Colby nodded, while I said 'yes,' "being in the room while the exam is performed." I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine with that." I exclaimed, reaching my hand towards Colby, feeling more calm when I felt him take it in his own. The exam was uncomfortable but not painful. Just your typical PAP smear I guess. I still hate them. After a few minutes and some very awkwards small talk, the exam was over. "Okay, everything looks fine. We'll be doing that throughout your pregnancy, more often when you get closer to time to deliver," He explained. Great...cuz I really enjoy these exams. I sighed heavily, with my internal thinking. "Okay, I'm going to open your gown. Glad to see that you put it on this way. It'll make it easier, and you can still stay covered." He gave me blanket to spread across my waist, the moved my gown open so that he could have access to my stomach. "Do you want to move your chair closer?" He asked Colby, as he pulled the ultrasound machine closer. "Yeah, sure." Colby picked his chair up so that it wouldn't scrub on the floor. He knew how much I hated that sound. He placed it next to me, then locked his fingers with mine again, smiling at me. "You doing okay?" He asked softly. I looked up into his soft blue eyes, and immediately felt less nervous. "I am. M' Excited." I replied, squeezing his hand a little. "Me too." He brought my hand to his lips and softly kissed it. "Okay, this is going to be really cold at first, then I'm going to spread it around with this wand. Are you ready?" I nodded at the doctor, as he held a bottle of gel over my bare stomach. When it hit my skin, I gasped. He wasn't lying. That shit was freezing. He automatically started spreading it around my abdomen however, and it didn't take long to warm up. The doctor was smiling a little. "I told you that it was cold." I let out a shaky laugh. "Yeah, it was really cold." Colby didn't say anything, his eyes were on the monitor. I looked over to it myself but all I saw was a lot of grey blobs, and some movement. "Where's the baby?" I asked, wanting to know what I was looking at. "One second." The doctor replied, watching the screen as he pressed down a little harder on my stomach, his brows furrowing. My anxiety started clawing its way up and I squeezed Colby's hand, giving him a quick anxious look, before turning back to the screen. "Doctor?" I asked again. I was growing more worried by the second. Was something wrong? The doctor didn't reply, just kept his eyes glued to the screen, his tongue between his teeth, the wand pressing down on my stomach. "Is there something wr-" "There we go. Right there. Little bugger was trying to hide." My tense up body felt like it collapsed in on itself in relief, and I heard Colby's giant sigh beside me. On the screen, in the middle of all the original grey stuff, was an opening of nothing. Then in the middle of first, it just looked like another grey blob...but then it moved. "oh," I exclaimed, my free hand going to cover my mouth. "Is that it?" Colby asked, his voice a little rough. The doctor chuckled. "That is your baby. Looks like he or she is very active right now." He pointed to the screen. "See right here. That's the head. The baby is turned away from the screen, so apparently it's camera shy." I scoffed, my eyes watering up. "That won't last long. Not in this family." Colby grinned from ear to ear, and rolled his eyes at me, but then his eyes darted right back to the screen. It took me a second to look away from his face. It was full of awe and wonder, his blue eyes glassy, his lips stretched across his face in the most beautiful grin I had seen yet. "This is the baby's bottom." I snapped back to reality and looked back to the screen. "And these are the arms and legs." I leaned a little closer, trying not to disrupt the doctor. "They're moving so much." I whispered. The doc leaned over and pressed a button the display, then on the machine. "This...this is the heart beat. Don't worry, it's supposed to be really fast." A sound that was literally music to my ears came through the speakers. It was a steady strumming sound, that was almost as fast as a hummingbird's wings. The graph could barely keep up with the dips, for the minimal breaks in between beats. I felt Colby grab my one hand with both of his, holding it tightly. I looked over to him, and he had tears, actual tears coming down his cheeks. I placed my hand on his cheek, and he met my eyes, as I wiped his face with my thumb. He moved one of his hands to my face, and swiped his own thumb over my cheek. I felt the wetness moving when he did. I hadn't even realized that I was crying. Huh. We started smiling at each other, then he kissed me hard on the mouth. We broke apart quickly, still smiling, and then started laughing. I felt utter joy coursing throughout my body, and I knew he did too. 

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